Question of the Day: Sunday, December 18


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
While I'm not panicking, I'm not amused. I thought I was pretty much done with cookies. I have to bake extra cookies on Wednesday because Rick's bowling league is doing a cookie/snack type of thing on Wednesday night. Rick's mom wants more macadamia nut cookies.

The kids were coming up next Friday (before New Year) for our Christmas because they were sick. Seems like they got the all-clear from their doctors and they want to come up next Tuesday now instead. Which means cooking Saturday for Sunday, cooking Sunday, and then cooking Monday for Tuesday and then again on Tuesday. Somewhere in there, I have to do a bit of cleaning, too.

Rick was going to make that cheesecake for their Christmas dessert. He said earlier today that, since I'm going to be in the kitchen anyway, I might as well just make the thing. And I could do it a lot faster than he can. The look I gave him was not pretty. He's making the bloody cheesecake or he's not having it.

And then do it again the following weekend: New Year's Eve movie night, New Year's Day pork and sauerkraut, and then friends are coming for the PennState football and dinner the following Monday night.

Bad weather coming Thursday into Friday. I have an eye appt on Thursday, then we going to Rick's mom afterward. Stopping up at Rick's sister and brother to give them a loaf of bread and more cookies. I have to bake bread at some point. Saturday will be for baking sticky buns.

We are very food-oriented around here! And I'm the one making it all!