Question of the Day - Monday, December 21, 2020


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Sorry guys. The day got away from me again. I guess its still Monday somewhere... :paperbag: We are busy prepping for Christmas here. The kids are on winter break and I don't know who is happier about that; me or them! :lol: I was up till 4 am finishing my Christmas cards so I slept in a bit. Then I looked up where the mailboxes around town are so I could find one close to Dunkin! I normally would leave them in my own mailbox for our mail lady to pick up; but since they are so busy right now and I figured she'd appreciate not having a huge stack of cards to put in her truck. I was happy to see there is a mailbox almost in the same shopping center from the Dunkin I normally use. So we stopped there first... but the door on it wasn't working! It only opened a small amount so we started putting cards in. Then I tried to close it before adding more... And it wouldn't reopen! I just pray my cards made it into the collection part! I even banged on it a few times! Maybe it was full? We ended up at the one in front of a post office; after I got my coffee!

Do you send paper cards for holidays and birthdays?

I always go overboard with cards for Christmas but it's so fun to get them! There are so many pretty ones. Any photo cards or pictures from inside cards go on the side of my fridge. I swap them out if I get a new one. My Aunt gave me a wall hanging that holds the cards we get. As a kid my Mom and I often taped the cards we got around a doorway in the house. They become their own decoration. Mom has also strung a long string to make a garland with them. That was pretty cute too. So I like Christmas cards.

This year I found neat 3D popup cards to send to my Grandma and Grandpa for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Grandpa is almost 99 and lives in an assisted living place. He's got a great wide window in his apartment where he can set cards like that. Right now they are being very cautious at his home so he can't even leave his rooms. Fortunately his apartment is not just one room. But sending him mail helps him feel less isolated. My Grandma is 102 and lives with family; but she doesn't really need anything at this point. So a neat card to look at and some pictures drawn by the great-grands; and she's happy.

I am really good about remembering to BUY cards. And all to often I don't get them sent in time! DH says I need to shop from my stash at home first. :paperbag: We still enjoy getting cards; so I figure other people enjoy it too. I don't do it for everyone. But you know it takes more time and effort to send a paper card. So in a way; it's a way to show someone they are special to you.

I have saved cards from my Grandparents and Great-Aunts who have passed away. Having those cards to go through is really nice now. I've seen jewelry made by copying the signature and closing off a card. I'd love one from how my Grandma always signed cards; "All My Love, Gram" :redheartpump: Someday!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 12, 2013
Germany, NRW
My mother used to send cards on all occasions to her friends, six children, their families and even their ex-wives and ex-husbands! She even kept in touch that way with some of my ex-boyfriends. She died at the age of 98 but right until her death she tried to remember birthdays and anniversaries though she often phoned me to say she'd lost her birthday book and to ask me if I had the address of a neighbor, music teacher or whoever.
Being the eldest of the 6 children, I should perhaps have continued this tradition but .......My first excuse is that in Germany far fewer cards are sent anyway. There are no card shops as such and very little choice in the other stores. Each year I am sending fewer Christmas cards and only to the dwindling number of school friends and older relations. It's rather sad but when postage is almost as expensive as a medium-priced card then it is hardly surprising that the younger generation prefer sending messages from their phones.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
but the door on it wasn't working! It only opened a small amount so we started putting cards in. Then I tried to close it before adding more... And it wouldn't reopen! I just pray my cards made it into the collection part! I even banged on it a few times! Maybe it was full? We ended up at the one in front of a post office; after I got my coffee!

The USPS has modified some mail boxes to prevent mail theft. The door barely opens or is just a slot now. W Willowy can explain more.

I do send cards but they're usually included with a box of other stuff I'm sending with tracking so they don't go missing in first class mail, which has happened.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
I ordered Christmas cards from Shutterfly this year that just arrived yesterday, so will be late.

We always gave each other cards growing up for birthdays and the like in my family, but as cards got more expensive and I had trouble finding ones I liked, I haven't done that as much.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
I always send birthday cards to close friends & family because birthdays are special to me. But awhile ago I stopped sending out holiday cards to everyone, instead I only send them to people out of town.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I send paper B-day, anniversary, Christmas and sympathy cards every year, that way I can add a personal written note on it my husband and I both despise those computer written notes that are sent out now about EVERY SINGLE THING THEY HAVE DONE ALL YEAR, come on, who really cares?! Unless it is really exciting like a new baby, pet, etc, I really don't want to read a three page letter of every vacation, every purchase and what they do day by day. We usually throw them away after scanning them.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
W Willowy can explain more
Haha, I can't actually; it's the first I've heard of the new boxes. It does say they're only in the NE area of the country so far. There's not a lot of mail theft around here but I assume we'll get the new boxes eventually. Maybe after I retire, lol, but eventually.

With the internet, it's probable that someone out there is selling keys that open mailboxes. So I don't even know if a fishing-proof slot will work. Maybe we need randomized-code electronic locks, not that they'd be kept in working order :/.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
I send paper B-day, anniversary, Christmas and sympathy cards every year, that way I can add a personal written note on it my husband and I both despise those computer written notes that are sent out now about EVERY SINGLE THING THEY HAVE DONE ALL YEAR, come on, who really cares?! Unless it is really exciting like a new baby, pet, etc, I really don't want to read a three page letter of every vacation, every purchase and what they do day by day. We usually throw them away after scanning them.
I can't stand those. My DH's cousin used to send those. They are so obnoxious. She would also forward him a video of her family standing around a piano singing religious songs. :rolleyes3:


Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
I am losing interest in paper cards, I will be giving them out less and less in the future. Instead, I will opt to give e-cards (if possible). I feel that they are next level as far as expressing sentiments.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 28, 2017
London, England
We send paper cards to our closest family and friends, but have also resorted to e-cards over the past couple of years.