Question for Those Who Are Divorced, No Kids


TCS Member
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Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
A little background.

I've been married twice.  The first ex, was someone who I have no desire to ever see again.  Luckily once he and I were history, other than him once trying to friend me on Facebook (last year, after like 20 years, I have no idea what possessed him since he treated me like crap. I blocked him). I did find out he lives somewhat close to me, but far enough away that I've never been worried about running into him anywhere.

The second, I've been divorced from for 6 years now, away from him for 7 years.  He's essentially a nice person, but had some issues which he refused to acknowledge or work on, and I eventually felt leaving was the healthiest thing for me.  I have heard info about him periodically because we use the same hairdresser,  I never solicited the info, in fact, I'd ask her not to tell me anything unless we had appointments near each other LOL.

Anyway, this past Saturday, I went to have my hair done and come to find #2 has, after several years now of renting, purchased another new home.  That's great, happy to hear he's moving on but get this.  He bought, in MY town.  

Why?  There are a ton of other places he could have bought a house.  Where I live is a relative small city - you can drive from one end to the other in about 5 minutes, in any direction.  This makes me feel uncomfortable.  It's too close, 

I could understand if kids were involved, but we had none.  He has never found anyone else, while I moved on fairly quickly and am in a serious, long term relationship.  In fact, my understanding of things was he didn't even work for several years (financially, probably wasn't too much of a problem due to selling our home, savings and other money he had access to).  I stayed friendly with one person who has known him for many years and she had told me that she doesn't have much to do with him; that he'd gotten strange and even more reclusive and unreachable emotionally after we divorced.  

Anyway, I'm curious if anyone else would find this unusual if it happened to them, or am I concerning myself needlessly.  Overall, the odds are still low we'd run into each other since he doesn't commute on the train like I do, and the town itself has very few amenities to make shopping in it appealing. But, there are other places we might - town events my BF and I frequent, etc.  Plus, the thought of him driving by my house, knowing what it looks like, etc. bothers me. I've enjoyed many years of total privacy from both of these people, and really am not thrilled that it's partially ending.

Comments? Advice? 


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Maybe the same things that attracted you to that town have attracted him and he hasn't given a thought to you living there. We live in a small town (population just over 9,000) and it's surprising how seldom I run into many, many people despite actually walking from one end of town to the other (a 25-30 minute walk) twice a day. People out walking their dogs or children at the same time every day are the big exception. If he has neither, you'll probably only see him once in a blue moon.
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TCS Member
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Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
Well, it's something I hadn't considered, however, the town I live in isn't exactly the most desirable in the county.  I wasn't even sure I wanted to live her, but it turned out to be the most convenient for various reasons and, most economical for housing.

He purchased a town home him and I had looked at all those years ago  Way more room than he needs, and on the "bad" side of town for that matter (one of the reasons we decided not to live there initially).  He certainly could have found just as nice elsewhere, in better areas - money isn't exactly an issue for him.

But yes, I probably won't run into him.  He isn't a pet owner, doesn't like them much so he won't be heading out on walks/parks either.  I can't even imagine running into him at a supermarket since there isn't one in our town - and plenty to choose from nearby.  

Yea, I'm going to have to just get over it.  It isn't like I have anxiety over it - I could be pleasant to him.  Maybe I can take it as an opportunity to get some of my stuff back that he kept ROFL.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 30, 2006
Tall Trees & Cold Seas Vancouver Island
Unless you feel unsafe around him, I wouldn't give it another thought. I know it feels weird, but it's pretty common to live in the same town as an ex. He could have driven by your house any time, even when he didn't live in your town. He can also do Google street view to see what your house looks like, at any time.

It's amazing how exes can stress us out. I was divorced, single, with no kids for 10 years. My first husband remarried about a year after he abandoned me and his cat, and ditched our marriage vows. He came by my office one day to tell me he had remarried (why? we don't know). The freaky thing was his wedding ring was EXACTLY like when he was married to me. It was a little shinier, so I don't know if he bought a new one or if he had ours polished. I still shake my head over that one.

Try to forget he's there, he's not in your life any more. If you encounter him, say hello and move away. He can move / live wherever he wants, you can't control that, but you do have control over whether or not it bothers you. 
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TCS Member
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Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
Unless you feel unsafe around him, I wouldn't give it another thought. I know it feels weird, but it's pretty common to live in the same town as an ex. He could have driven by your house any time, even when he didn't live in your town. He can also do Google street view to see what your house looks like, at any time.

It's amazing how exes can stress us out. I was divorced, single, with no kids for 10 years. My first husband remarried about a year after he abandoned me and his cat, and ditched our marriage vows. He came by my office one day to tell me he had remarried (why? we don't know). The freaky thing was his wedding ring was EXACTLY like when he was married to me. It was a little shinier, so I don't know if he bought a new one or if he had ours polished. I still shake my head over that one.

Try to forget he's there, he's not in your life any more. If you encounter him, say hello and move away. He can move / live wherever he wants, you can't control that, but you have control over whether or not you let it bother you. 
No, so NOT unsafe!  He's a very calm guy. It took a lot to rattle him. 

I'm nearly always with my BF when I'm out and around town anyway.  We even commute together mornings.  I'd imagine if he saw us, he'd just move on.  

tara g

TCS Member
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Jul 16, 2007
On the farm
Divorced, no kids. We don't live in the same town anymore (one of the reasons I left was because he wanted to spend the rest of his life living in a house behind his parent's house, and I felt 24 was too young to be "stuck" in one location that I wasn't happy living in forever, and he knew I didn't want to live there forever from the get-go), but we still live in the same "metro". I have to drive by his businesses sometimes depending on my route leaving work. The only reason I still have him on my FB is to keep tabs on Hoshi Kitty.... And maybe to let him see how fine I'm doing these days, since at our divorce hearing, he said how I was a "broke b..." and a bunch of other childish nonsense loudly to his lawyer so I'd overhear :D

I've never randomly run into him while out - I live on the complete opposite side of the Charleston area now, but even when the current BF and I lived much closer in our old apartment, we never crossed paths with him. I've seen him once while out, actually next to me in traffic on the interstate, in the last 3+ years.

I know I obviously have more space to separate us than you and your ex (I tell everyone down here that some towns in NJ are so much smaller than here lol, drive 5 minutes and you're in another town), but I wouldn't worry too much about it. If he's been a calm guy, and never given off any vibes to make you worry about his intentions, maybe he just found that location of town to be affordable for him, and/or close to the area he knows. Sounds like you won't cross paths randomly, but if you do, you can be cordial and continue on your way. :nod:
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TCS Member
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Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
Thanks to everyone!  I appreciate all of your perspectives! 