question abuot bite control


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 5, 2013
i have yet another question cat Wobbles that cant walk correctly who by the way is doing pretty darned well getting around..walking alot just wobbly about it, runs chases kittens plays with kittens bathing himself drinks water eats very well constantly begs for goodies everytime i step into the kitchen...i stopped the cans food and now his stool is normal, no more wet  messes but he is still having a bake sale to raise find to take him and my senior to the vet and buy him diapers but ok so my question is, he doesn't seem to have that natural instinct of bite control, he has played with other cats and kittens his whole life but last night he was playing with my hand and kept seriously biting almost chewing, ive had other cats do this when they are annoyed but he was actively seeking cuddles and play was purring away and happy as  a lark but didnt seem to understand the value of my very loud "ouch!" which has always worked with my other cats...any ideas why he hasn't learned?

Ms. Freya

Sep 19, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Hi Georgiesmommy,

    It could be a couple of things - if he's becoming overstimulated, it's his way of telling you to stop, so no correction will really work. In this case, the best thing to do is to learn his behaviors right before he chomps on you and stopping touching him before that.

You do mention playing with your hands. I know it's tempting, but cats and kittens really shouldn't be encouraged to play with hands and feet - they do chomp in things when they play. You may want to try playing with a wand or feather toy instead...then he can bite it to his hearts content and you don't have to worry about getting chomped on.

I'm sure others will be along soon with more ideas, but I hope that helps.

Good luck!