Pumpkin's vet visit


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Alpha Cat
Mar 4, 2013
Some of you may have seen a thread where I was concerned about making arrangements for the care of my cat should something happen to me. I'm not in the best of health and was worried sick about this issue after my brother went back on our agreement re. Pumpkin because I'm vaccinated.

I was able to make arrangements for this so we're all set but there's something else I'm concerned about. I took Pumpkin to his first checkup since the pandemic began (this was yesterday). It was a basic checkup, plus his rabies booster shot plus blood work and they checked his stool sample. The blood work cost a great deal but it was worth it because it's been so long since I last had this done and he's getting older.

His tests came back normal but the vet did say the lipase was a "touch high" because it wasn't a fasting test. Of course, being the worrywart I am, I'm a nervous wreck. I just can't have one more thing go wrong in my life or his.

I took Pumpkin to his very first checkup about 8 years ago after having adopted him from the streets of Pulaski NY (Oswego County). His age is estimated to be around 11 or 12. His highest weight, if memory serves, was around 11 pounds or so. When I took him to the vet yesterday he weighed in a 9.8 pounds. The vet said she was happy with Pumpkin's weight but I am concerned.

I'll call back with more questions when they open tomorrow morning but am worried about what's causing his weight loss and could the lipase be connected to it? He's eating and drinking good and using his litter box. Pumpkin's chronic tummy issues (constipation) are finally under control with medication.

But it really gets me that he's 9.8 pounds. I'd prefer he be at least 10.5 pounds. I don't know why he lost weight, maybe because of his age? The rest of his bloodwork was normal.

Maybe I'm just worried too much because of everything that's going on, but I really could use some input as to how to cope with this. I love Pumpkin to pieces and don't want anything to happen to him.

Again, in the vet's message she said his lipase was a "touch" high because it wasn't a fasting test.

Should I be concerned?

I've got too much going on. Tbh, I'm overwhelmed. Thanks


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
So glad you have set up arrangements for Pumpkin should something happen to you - a big weight off your mind!!

I don't think you have much to worry about, tbh. The lipase can vary from test to test - slightly high probably doesn't mean much. As far as Pumpkin's weight, 9.8 isn't bad at all. What did the vet say when you mentioned how much he weighed before? Age could be playing a role in the weight change - after all it's been 8 years between his weight being checked, yes? And, he has has some issues in between now and then that could have played a role in that.

Have you checked his size/body shape to any kind of chart to give you a clue if there were an issue with his weight? If not, try taking a look at the chart below and see what you think. Know that most cats have a primordial pouch (low hanging belly right before the hind legs) that unfortunately none of these charts ever mention/depict.


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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 4, 2013
So glad you have set up arrangements for Pumpkin should something happen to you - a big weight off your mind!!

I don't think you have much to worry about, tbh. The lipase can vary from test to test - slightly high probably doesn't mean much. As far as Pumpkin's weight, 9.8 isn't bad at all. What did the vet say when you mentioned how much he weighed before? Age could be playing a role in the weight change - after all it's been 8 years between his weight being checked, yes? And, he has has some issues in between now and then that could have played a role in that.

Have you checked his size/body shape to any kind of chart to give you a clue if there were an issue with his weight? If not, try taking a look at the chart below and see what you think. Know that most cats have a primordial pouch (low hanging belly right before the hind legs) that unfortunately none of these charts ever mention/depict.
I think that, according to this chart, Pumpkin is #5. The vet was happy about his weight and wasn't concerned about his weight change. I ordered the blood test anyway because it's been over a year since he was last checked out.

I can't remember what he weighed when I first got him, I think he was almost 11 pounds or a little over. It's dropped slightly over the past 8 years. Tbh, I'd prefer that he weigh at least 10.5-11 pounds.

He eats good and drinks good. His chronic tummy issues are under control with his medicine (Laxatone, antacid and Miralax). He just went on Glucosamine (not sure if I spelled that right) because he's getting older.

Pumpkin's been going to the same veterinary clinic since I adopted him over eight years ago, so they know about his weight from back then.

I'm still worried. It's been a tough year and a half. The pandemic has me worn thin but I know that I'm not alone.

Thank you!



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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
You are most certainly not alone!! A #5 based on that chart is ideal!!! If you want him to weigh a bit more, just add a tad bit more to his food. Not much more, and don't get upset if he doesn't eat the extra amount. As long as it won't mess with his digestive tract, find some treats that he might like, just to add some extra calories.
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 4, 2013
I spoke with one of the vets at Pumpkin's clinic but not the one who saw him the other day. She won't be back in the office until Monday. The vet I spoke with today told me the lipase was nothing to worry about.

But what he was concerned about was Pumpkin's weight. I could have sworn he weighed no more than 11 pounds or so when I adopted him over eight years ago. My memory was wrong. He was just a touch over 14 pounds. He was overweight at the time.

This week he weighed 9.8 pounds. The last time he was weighed prior to this week's visit - which was about 2 years ago because of the pandemic - Pumpkin weighed 11.6 pounds.

So I am worried. The vet talked about how comprehensive the blood work was. They would have to dig further to find if there was a cause but at the moment they have nothing to go on.

Pumpkin eats better than he used to. He poops better than he used to. I don't know what else to do.

I've been under a ton of stress since the pandemic began and am wondering if that has anything to do with Pumpkin's weight. I hope not.

What else can I do? Is there food I can give him to make Pumpkin gain weight?

Now I'm worried all over again but this time it's about his weight. I feel like crying. Again.

Btw, I just ordered a scale and will keep track of his weight that way w/o having to take him to the vet's. But I am SO worried. I've got too much going on.


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Check to see if the vet tested Pumpkin's thyroid (T4 count) for hyperthyroidism. Feeby weighed almost 18.0 pounds back in early 2019, and had dropped to around 13 pounds as of last October. As it turns out, she tested positive for hyperthyroidism at that time and was put on medication for it. She has still lost some weight since then - she is now at 11.9 - but it seems like it might be stabilizing, although I am trying to get her to eat more calories in a day.

I mix in some bone broth to Feeby's food on many occasions to get her to eat more of it - not every time, but when I see she is slowing down with finishing her food. I sometimes crunch up Party Mix treats and mix those with her food - 15-20 pieces of Party Mix can add 20+ calories. So, there might be a way to get Pumpkin to eat more food by adding bone broth or any kind of toppers you want to try to his current food - maybe even add a little bit of extra food. And, you can try some different treats to give him just to increase his daily caloric intake.

Feeby is also currently getting about a jar of baby food meat a day (Gerber Stage 2) which adds around 80 calories. The baby food meat was started because she was going too long overnight without eating (her own choice) and would throw up some bile before her breakfast, so now she gets baby food meat a few hours before her breakfast and it has stopped her from vomiting. I finish off the jar later in the day when I give her meds and Glyco Flex Plus for her arthritis.

Neither the treats or the baby food meat is nutritionally complete for a cat, but as long as she eats her regular food the rest of the day, I am not worried about adding some extra calories in this manner.

Btw, I weight Feeby once a week with a scale too!!!
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 4, 2013
Check to see if the vet tested Pumpkin's thyroid (T4 count) for hyperthyroidism. Feeby weighed almost 18.0 pounds back in early 2019, and had dropped to around 13 pounds as of last October. As it turns out, she tested positive for hyperthyroidism at that time and was put on medication for it. She has still lost some weight since then - she is now at 11.9 - but it seems like it might be stabilizing, although I am trying to get her to eat more calories in a day.

I mix in some bone broth to Feeby's food on many occasions to get her to eat more of it - not every time, but when I see she is slowing down with finishing her food. I sometimes crunch up Party Mix treats and mix those with her food - 15-20 pieces of Party Mix can add 20+ calories. So, there might be a way to get Pumpkin to eat more food by adding bone broth or any kind of toppers you want to try to his current food - maybe even add a little bit of extra food. And, you can try some different treats to give him just to increase his daily caloric intake.

Feeby is also currently getting about a jar of baby food meat a day (Gerber Stage 2) which adds around 80 calories. The baby food meat was started because she was going too long overnight without eating (her own choice) and would throw up some bile before her breakfast, so now she gets baby food meat a few hours before her breakfast and it has stopped her from vomiting. I finish off the jar later in the day when I give her meds and Glyco Flex Plus for her arthritis.

Neither the treats or the baby food meat is nutritionally complete for a cat, but as long as she eats her regular food the rest of the day, I am not worried about adding some extra calories in this manner.

Btw, I weight Feeby once a week with a scale too!!!
His thyroid was checked, among other things. The list was comprehensive, can't remember all of them but I do recall that his thyroid checked out ok, his kidneys, etc etc. The vet Pumpkin saw the other day wasn't concerned about the weight but her colleague is. Not sure why their opinions seem different so I'll call their office back on Monday when she returns.

In the meantime I'm waiting to hear back from today's vet to see if there are other things I can do. It's taking awhile, so in addition to the scale that I ordered, I sent for kitten food (wet and dry) and had it express delivered from our local Walmart. I ordered an appetite stimulant gel from Chewy (Tomlyn Nutri-cal) and hopefully he will like it. It appears to be similar to Laxatone. I'll try to find something else to add to his food to stimulate his appetite like those toppers and baby food meat.

Pumpkin's appetite isn't too bad, but I want it to improve. I just hope nothing serious is going on. Maybe my stress is rubbing off on him? I hope not because it would kill me if what I'm going through is having that much of an impact on him that he'd be losing weight.

Hopefully moving from here will help solve some of these issues. It's not safe.

One thing I forgot to mention to his vet is that Pumpkin's sleeping more. Not a whole lot, but there are times when I can get through my cat chores and he sleeps right through them. Sometimes when I'm vacuuming.

The scale, etc that I ordered this morning should arrive within a couple of days. How often should I weigh him - once a week?

Thank you!


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Age can affect weight too - specifically muscle mass loss. I think you are wise to wait before you worry too much and talk with the vet again and see if she can explain the difference between her and her colleague's opinion about Pumpkin's weight.

Pumpkin's is younger than Feeby (16+ yo), but Feeby sleeps a lot more than she used to. And, she can actually sleep through me vacuuming even when relatively close to her. She also isn't as bothered by thunder, so I think she has just 'chilled out' a bit with age. One could tell me that her hearing is impacted, and while it probably is to some degree, she can most definitely hear me from another room when I am preparing her food/treats in the kitchen!

Aging causes changes in cats just like humans - based on the vet check up, I think you are safe for now to contribute some things he is going through to be part of aging.

I weigh Feeby once a week on the same day, around the same time.