Prozac for bullying


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Apr 4, 2006
Back in December I brought home a kitty from work (Patches O'Houlahan), because after months of trying to be adopted , no one wanted her.
She is a very sweet girl and I figured we would bring her home to a family that would love her.
Since then little Uno has taken to beating her up on a nightly basis-up to 7 or 8 times a night. I have tried locking him in a room, just so we can get some sleep. I do not want to give any of them up-but I understand the consequences of having too many in one area together. So I talked with my vet today and she said to put him on Prozac to take away any of the anxiety he may be having with the newest addition. I am going to give it a try and see what happens, in the meantime I am trying to figure out who to possible place with another family-Uno or Patches? Has anyone else had this problem or had experience with the prozac?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
I haven't tried the Prozac, but I have several places where I can keep my kits, so they can be separated. Sometimes the bully will start with one cat and then begin to bully the rest, creating chaos.
For the sake of all of you, I hope and pray that the Prozac works out! Please keep us posted - I know many cats have this going on!
P.S. You might buy a copy of Cat Confidential and get some other ideas on what might help - maybe creating a new play area for Uno to hang out in. Bless you for giving Patches a chance

white cat lover

TCS Member
Nov 17, 2005
I would give the Prozac a chance.....if it does not work & it comes down to re-homing....consider:

1) Who was there first?
2) Who is hardest to place?
3) Who will adjust most easily to a new home?
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Apr 4, 2006
I guess that Patches would be the one to go, but it just breaks my heart that she waits forever to find a family, then one takes her, but then cannot keep her. What rejection!!!!! Uno would be harder to place because he has as you can see 1 eye, food allergies and asthma! I am starting the Prozac on Wednesday and the vet said it would take 2 weeks before we would notice a difference. I am just keeping my fingers crossed that it works, because I hate to get rid of any of them. We have plenty of room in our house to keep them all, so I just don't understand the recent show of domination!! Thanks for all the good thoughts and crossed fingers

white cat lover

TCS Member
Nov 17, 2005
Do a forum search of Prozac....there was one member who is no longer posting anymore who said once I think it takes 4 weeks or more to get into their systems.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 9, 2005
SE Canada
It is a natural instinct for males to try to dominate females, not a reason to mess up his head with Prozac. If you can't keep them apart then do rehome one, but don't put him on meds that even people sometimes suicide on. Cats can't tell us when they suddenly feel confused, bad, etc. from drugs - and were you planning on keeping him on it forever? That's pretty awful I think.
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Apr 4, 2006
No I was not planning on keeping him on it forever, just until we can get things worked out or somebody rehomed. I am a little insulted that you think I am a bad person for putting him on meds til we can fix the problem. I have tried everything I can so far to make things work and we have now come to the reasoning that it is time to rehome one of them, but it is NEVER an easy decision to get rid of something that you love soo much. I am just trying to take everyone's feelings into consideration before we make drastic decisions. Our current plan is to keep him on it for 3 mos, and at that time, my vet said it has had enough time to change his behavior and we could wean him off of it, and be able to keep them both. If that does not work, and it may not then I will figure out who needs a new home.

Thanks I will look up the former post on Prozac and see what it says.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 2, 2007
Originally Posted by kittycorner

I have tried everything I can so far to make things work...I am just trying to take everyone's feelings into consideration before we make drastic decisions. .
I am sorry I have no advice on Prozac or the dynamics between kitties.

But I am interested in hearing what you have tried. In my time here I have learned so many techniques, from Feliway & the proper way to introduce cats and lots of other things and would be interested to hear what you have tried, and what obviously didn't work. It is unfortunate you are having to deal with this


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 5, 2008
DC area, USA
Originally Posted by Larke

It is a natural instinct for males to try to dominate females, not a reason to mess up his head with Prozac. If you can't keep them apart then do rehome one, but don't put him on meds that even people sometimes suicide on.
People also sometimes commit suicide while *not* on Prozac. I think it's important to be careful not to mischaracterize drugs, particularly psychiatric drugs. Your statement makes it sound like Prozac caused those suicides, and I do not believe (except in the case of teenagers on anti-depressants which is a different story altogether) that the statistics on that are anywhere near fully explanatory.

And although I do not know the specific mechanisms by which feline-Prozac works (is it just the same as in people?) -- it would be wrong to say that taking Prozac (or an equivalent) "messes up one's head". It alters brain chemistry, to be certain, but whether that altering can be considered "messing up" is a matter of opinion.

I'm sorry if this comes across too strong, but I feel rather strongly about the way psychiatric drugs are discussed and referred to in our society, in part from personal experience and in part from my academic background in psychology.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 1, 2005
On the west side of... of... somewhere.
Both of mine are on Prozac right now... and it's been a HUGE difference. both were very anxious, and Jack was having inappropriate peeing issues. I used Feliway plugins for months... and they're good for smaller issues... but the problems here had gotten so big and out of control... Jack was bullying JoJo... and they were brought home within two months of each other... he'd never really been that aggressive to her before, so this was new... and with the LB issues and all, it was tough. I found a vet who listened and they've been on it a few months... we're tapering off now... it was every day for about three months... now it's every other day... we're weaning them off of it. so far, no LB issues. Jack is back to his old psychotic (read: hyper, not aggressive) self. he's also much more lovey.... even to JoJo, whom he's begun grooming again... I hadn't seen that in nearly two years.

So, yes, Prozac works. It's usually considered a last resort, not the first thing the vet and owner run to. honestly, I would have tried feliway and other OTC stuff before the Prozac... but yes, you should see a difference within a few weeks... with my two it was within a month... the peeing tapered off... now it's been over a month, maybe two (time flies by for me, so how long it's been is fuzzy), since the peeing ceased.

In fact, Jack is begging me for scritches right now...



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 9, 2005
SE Canada
I'm sorry, maybe I spoke too soon (it was very late at night here). I never did say I thought you were a bad person, only that the idea of a cat being on Prozac indefinitely was not the best, but I guess on a temporary basis, with no other answers, it's better than just giving up (and believe me, I've lost cats in the past, and considered rehoming others (never have tho') and I do appreciate not wanting to do so. I hope the meds help.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 12, 2007
We have a similar situation with one cat bullying the other. He's three, she's two and we had him a few months before her. We have a small apartment and don't see an end to the fighting as long as we're in such a tight space. The older one (the bully) ends up in a room by himself about 50% of the time, which is when we're gone or sleeping. I feel this isn't the best situation for him, and put an ad on Craig's list. We met someone last night that can provide the perfect home for him, but now we're faltering on our decision. I just found out last night just how much my husband doesn't want to give Thomas away, and it crushed me. I don't know if I can do it now. The reason we first decided to find him a home and not her is that he loves people and even strangers. He could love someone new so much better than her. Anyway, if the Prozac doesn't work, there's a lot more to decide about adopting him out. Just make sure you thoroughly think through your options first to prevent being in the same dilemma I am in.

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Alpha Cat
Apr 4, 2006
well we just went and picked up the Prozac and I am planning on starting it tonight. I know that it can take several weeks before it starts to work or show signs of working so everyone keep your fingers crossed that this works, otherwise we have a very difficult decision to make.

Chelsea: I am very sorry that you have been put in that situation-I understand how hard it is to give a cat up. Have you thought about trying the Prozac? If they have only been together a few months it may be they just have not adjusted to each other yet and you need to give it more time. God luck with whatever decision you make.


TCS Member
Apr 26, 2001
Ingersoll, ON
I'm not a fan of humans being on Prozac so I definitely would not put a cat on it, but that's just me. I am against taking any meds as much as possible.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 5, 2006
In Ohio, with a houseful of Kitties
I am in the same situation with my kitties and in recent weeks, its gotten really awful really quick. All of my kitties were all shelter, thrown out, strays, abandoned, kitties at one time or another. they all have that survival mode that they learned outdoors. So, sometimes it could get a little hairy here. Three of my males (newest just neutered) decidied they would bully on my "Honey Kitty" she lived behind the couch and in my arms. I would carry her to litter box several times a day and handfeed her. Thats how bad it got. I would take turns putting either the boys or her in my room. That got old quick. I spent a fortune on feliway diffuser, spray, behavior modification, comfort zone diffuser, name it I tried it ...I got calming liquid to put in the boys water or food and it worked for two days then they got use to it. ..I thought about rehoming Honey for her own sake but my selfish heart said no. I had a brainstorm and finally figured out a solution and our house is different. I put Honey upstairs (house rule: no pets in kids sleeping area) well Honey is so special I bent that rule. I got her a new litter box, and dishes and took her up there...she ran back and forth between bedrooms for almost two hours with a little toy mouse in her mouth. She is purring, and kneading the blankets ( i think that means she is happy) the only thing is that she is meowing all the time. She was very vocal before the bullying. I think she is just excited to be free!! Her sister goes up and visits. As for the boys!! The have completly calmed there prey is gone!
but if another issue arises, I already consulted my vet and prozac will be next. There are to many kitties roaming the streets these days, we owe it to them to try anything. Something to calm them down is better than maybe one day eatingout of a garbage can.
I amnot a person that likes medication but if it helps and makes everyone content then whats the harm. I really hope u get a solution!! I hate to see kitties lose the home they know and love.
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Apr 4, 2006
Ok so everyone had told me that it can take up to three weeks to notice a diffence with the Prozac, it has been two days now and already we are seeing some improvment. Yest. I thought that it was either a coincidence or just wishful thinking, but last night he never went after any of them, especially Patches. I know that it is not working full effect and that it is not working this quickly, but to have to not wake up and break up a brawl several times a night was great!! I am hoping that this is a sign of good things to come, everyone keep your fingers crossed!!!!!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 5, 2008
DC area, USA
Prozac, if it works the same way in cats as people, can definitely start having an effect earlier than three weeks -- it just takes three weeks to reach full effectiveness and consistency.

So hopefully you're lucky and he's responding to it a bit early! It certainly sounds like he might be!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 17, 2010
DFW Metroplex, Texas
well we just went and picked up the Prozac and I am planning on starting it tonight. I know that it can take several weeks before it starts to work or show signs of working so everyone keep your fingers crossed that this works, otherwise we have a very difficult decision to make.
I'll be following this thread and hope you keep updating on your kitties' behavior.  I hope this makes a difference in their behavior. 

Our two oldest girls have recently (in the past two weeks) started spraying and fighting, even though the kitten we were fostering (the only change we could identify in the past few months) left a couple of weeks before that. I'm to the point that since neither have medical issues (been checked by the vet), and we have tried just about everything non-medication related, that it might be time to give a short course of medications a try.


TCS Member
May 5, 2012
Waldron, Arkansas
I'll be following this thread and hope you keep updating on your kitties' behavior.  I hope this makes a difference in their behavior. 

Our two oldest girls have recently (in the past two weeks) started spraying and fighting, even though the kitten we were fostering (the only change we could identify in the past few months) left a couple of weeks before that. I'm to the point that since neither have medical issues (been checked by the vet), and we have tried just about everything non-medication related, that it might be time to give a short course of medications a try.
The last post the OP made was 5 years ago, so I don't think there is much chance of getting an update. Why don't you start a new thread about your cat? You will get many more replies.