Problem with cat, need help


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 14, 2005
I got my cat about last year...hoping he would be a nice friendly cat who loved me, slept with me at night, played with me. But..he acts kind of weird.

he gets very hiper very fast. For example, he doesnt realy like to sleep with me, he runs away, and he usually bites me when I play with him..ALOT. What he does, is hes lazy and lies down sometimes, when I start petting him, his pupils dilate and he starts to jump at me, attack, bite. but he NEVER scratches, just bites and gnaws on your arm like its steak. He doesnt really like to follow me and play with me... He also once found out where I hid the catnip, spilled it all over the floor... I came, I found him licking a ton off the ground, he then started to roll on the floor on his stomach and back, and dragging himself on the carpet...he seemed very...*stoned* for a cat. He is really agressive, and bites alot when playing, and gets hyper. I just want him to like me alot and to think of me as his master..because he sure doesnt treat me like it. Like the kind of cat that would just, come to your lap while your watching TV and sit with you.

lemur 6

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 5, 2005
Is he neutered? Might be the source of his aggression. Usually when cats dilate their eyes it means they're going to pounce/attack.

Does he have any toys? Try shoving a stuffed animal in his face when he attacks you and shake it around so he attacks the toy instead of you. Try to get him to associate the toy with play and not your arm.

My cat used to do similar things too. I'd be sitting at the kitchen table eating, and I'll reach down to pet her, and then I'll stop because I see her ears flattening, and then out of the blue she'll jump up, grab my arm and bite me. Every time she bit me, I got up, and left, either went into my room and closed the door behind me so she couldn't follow, or left the apt. I started to play with her with a string and she attacks that zealously, and after she gets tired of chasing it around I'll sit down to pet her and she usually doesn't bite. I'd also feed her little bits of tuna (she loves tuna) and pet her while she's too busy gobbling. Sometimes she'll get mad at me and start lashing her tail and if I don't get it, she'll grab my arm and put her teeth on me, but won't bite anymore.

Now I harass her occasionally so she gets used to it. I'll push her over so she lays down and then roll her onto her belly and rub her belly (she actually seems to enjoy this now, before she'd get mad). Or I'll tug lightly on her paws while she's lying down (really helps with nail clipping, she's so used to me handling her paws that she doesn't even respond most of the time, and other times she'll just pull away). If she does end up biting me, then it's usually because I've gone too far and I deserve it, but she's getting better about it. She protests more vocally now and I'll stop when she does.

There's a product called feliway, it's pretty expensive, but I heard it could help with nervous cats.


TCS Member
Feb 19, 2001
That is part of the problem. The solution is to get him neutered quickly, or else you will live with a tomcat that will begin to spray your home, and become more and more aggressive.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 14, 2005
I really dont want to nuetuer my cat. I hear they become depressed and fat when you neuter them... and I dont want to do that to him


TCS Member
Feb 19, 2001
They only get fat if you let them. Intact your cat will fight with you, with other cats, and yes he will get outside especially during kitten season. You open him up to testicular cancers, and he will be just another problem cat in the neighborhood. Outside he is prone to be poisoned, run over by a car, or attacked by other tomcats. Why do you think so many rescue organizations are so adament about neutering tomcats? Why do they risk life and limb to trap aggressive males and then get them neutered to re-release them into the world?

You want your cat to not get fat? Then you play with him every day interactively with toys like Da Bird, and laser light- you provide him stimulation to encourage him to climb- cat condos and cat posts, cat ramps and cat shelves. You don't overfeed him, you keep him current with his vaccinations and he will live a long happy life with you. I have fourteen cats- with 9 being males, not one of my cats is lazy, or fat-


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
I have had a number of male cats and none of them got fat or depressed after neutering. Each cat has its own personality and some are more playful than others, but neutering does not change that. There is always a danger that indoor cats will get fat through lack of exercise, but it is up to the owners to provide lots of play and stimulation. Please do neuter him - he must be very unhappy, not able to express his natural instincts, which is why he is aggressive.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 14, 2005
well...he goes outside every day for 3 hours or so...god knows what he does out there
Most likely mates. But there have been cases where he keeps biting me..and doesnt let go...he does NOT let go. I take him off..and he...dont mean to sound nasty, has an erection


TCS Member
Mar 26, 2005
Get him neutered. Make the apt. tomorrow & do it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
London, uk
Originally Posted by Iron_samurai

well...he goes outside every day for 3 hours or so...god knows what he does out there
Most likely mates. But there have been cases where he keeps biting me..and doesnt let go...he does NOT let go. I take him off..and he...dont mean to sound nasty, has an erection
this should tell you more than anything that he needs to be done!

because cats are 'traditionally' done at 6months people have mistook the natural maturation and slowing down of a young adult cat to be a side effect of neutering.

you will seriously live to regret not neutering him if you dont do it soon. he will be mean and un-managable.

the traditional 'lap cats' or at least the ones i've known ahve all been neutered toms. this is because they no longer feel the need to dominate, mate and defend thier territory and can relax and enjoy the good things in life.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 9, 2005
I also don't like that it's necessary to neuter male cats. I hate it actually. But it REALLY IS NECESSARY. It will make an amazing difference in his behaviour and agressiveness. And as he gets older he's more susceptible to cancer and other health issues if he isn't "fixed".

He won't get fat or depressed as long as you keep him active and provide the food, toys, treats and sunshine he enjoys. He very probably has a sweet personality that will show up.

Rescue Remedy really works for some cats who are nervous.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 25, 2005
Canadian Maritimes
A neutered cat will not get fat nor depressed and in fact, will live a longer healthier life. There are many forumlas on the market for kitties who live indoors now and some good top grade quality cat foods available. Cats only become overweight if you feed them too much and if they do not get enough exercise - a prob that has nothing to do with whether a male cat is neutered or not.

Pls neuter him - he will be at less risk for disease and certain types of cancer.

lemur 6

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 5, 2005
The sooner the cat is neutered the less of an effect it'll have. Actually, from the sounds of it, it's a bit late. Neutering your cat now will throw him into hormonal instability, but after a bit it should settle down and he'll have mellowed out. My cousin adopted a male kitten about a year ago and he was never neutered. He was the most aggressive cat I've ever seen, and when he bit, he REALLY bit. After a year he ran out of the house one day when the door was open and he never came back.

Also, the type of food you feed to your cat has a huge effect on physique. Feeding cheap supermarket brands will make your cat fat, give him kidney and liver problems and shorten his lifespan. Good quality foods like Nutro will make him eat less, give him more energy even though he's eating less, and keep him healthier. If you're really worried about him getting fat, feed him on a schedule, and feed him the same amount everyday (i.e. a cup and a half of food everyday at 6pm), if he's getting fat, then just cut back on the amount you feed him just a tad bit.

I'm not saying it's too late to do anything. I'm just saying it's going to be rough times for a bit, but in the end it'll be worth it. You just have to be willing to put up with it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2005
You probably might think we're all sounding a bit like broken records, here, but for the sake of your cat's happiness it is very important to get him neutered. In fact, if you want to save your cat from becoming depressed neutering is probably a better option than not doing it! He is aggressive because his male hormones are really taking over his body and he has no other outlet.

If, as you say, you don't know what he does when he's outside for three hours each day, he is more than likely terrorising the neighbourhood cats - or however far he feels he wants to roam, being an un-neutered Tom. He will undoubtedly start to become a nuisance and as a result he is much more susceptible to be poisoned, killed or captured and taken to a shelter than if he was a happy neutered cat living indoors with you. Not to mention the number of litters he may have already helped to bring into the world - a world that does NOT need increases in it's number of unwanted kittens.

You must do the right thing by your cat and have him spayed as quickly as possible. The procedure is inexpensive and quick, he will recover well and you will both be much happier! There is a good chance that the affection you crave and do not get from him will replace the aggression he gives you now once his hormones calm down.

I have never come across a depressed or fat neutered male cat - in fact they are all the biggest, most affectionate softies ever! Much more so than the female cats I've had.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 20, 2005
South UK
I lived with an unneutered tom cat for a while (not my choice, not my cat) and he sprayed everywhere. It's not like normal cat pee, it's a lot stronger and it doesn't wash out easy. Beds, shoes, carpets, bags, clothes, against cupboards, walls and doors. He'd even do it when you were sat down watching tv, just walk up, spray your legs, and walk away again. I can't tell you how many wet patches I accidently sat in, or how much the entire house stank. It was truely awful.

As soon as he was fixed, he stopped, and he hasn't done it since. He also hasn't become depressed or fat.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 14, 2005
Man...Yesterday night I was playing with him, and he bit my like crazy, I got so pissed. I really want to neuter him now... I just want to play with him and have him like me. Heck I brought him here! Is it bad to feed him like canned tuna (The kind we eat) And some turkey slices from the deli (Not the proscessed kind, the fresh kind) he sometimes loves those, and I reward him with those things. anyone recommend a certain brand of food that I can find at a nearby petco or petsmart or whatever?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
London, uk
tuna can be bad as it has high salt content if in brine and also some cats can be addicted to it!

it also has very little nutritional value for them. theres another reason too but i forget which

its ok as a treat and in small doses. mine get tuna about every 10-14 days or when they are being good.


TCS Member
Apr 26, 2001
Ingersoll, ON
I cannot imagine why you would not want to neuter him. He's outside impregnating how many females (that other people don't want to neuter) and producing kittens that could possibly be feral and reproduce again and again and there will be many kittens as a result of this cat you don't want to neuter.

The only fat, lazy cats I've seen are indoor cats with lazy owners. If you say you want him to play with you and be your friend get him neutered and play with him and he WILL be your friend. Neutering calms their "roaming" instincts.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 9, 2005
Originally Posted by Yosemite

Neutering calms their "roaming" instincts.
Exactly! This is one of the important reasons to have him neutered. Without it, he will roam farther and farther looking for more/other cats to mate with. His chances of being hit by a car, stolen, picked up by animal control, or some other terrible thing are much greater the more and farther he roams. Having him fixed will greatly increase his chances of living longer for those reasons alone in addition to all the other benefits.