Problem Child?


A cat's best friend
Super Cat
Jun 2, 2018
OK so a plastic carrier would be better for him. You can buy two carriers, then put them on the back seat facing each other so all Jupiter can see is Watson.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I ended up buying a big hardsided carrier that comes apart, he's large enough he'd completely grown out of the soft one that came with him.
I did the same thing, a piece of carpet with a strip of double sided tape underneath to keep it from slipping, but still removable in case of accidents.
My story :)
Speaking of accidents, the other reason I went with this big carrier; He'd had a long day at the vet and was too stressed to pee. He tried so hard to tell me when I picked him up, but not only did I not really understand, I had no way to let him out anywhere (no harness/leash at that time).
In the car and off we go, and the poor guy simply couldn't hold it any longer. That softsided carrier did nothing to contain anything, and I said never again. The hard carrier's bottom half will keep liquid inside and the piece of carpet will soak it up at least somewhat so he's not sloshing around in it....
But that's me LOL
The only thing about a big carrier is that, as someone mentioned, --I think it was here, they're a bit challenging to carry due to the bulkiness. I figure he's worth it, due to his size he really needs a big one. But in your case Daisy s idea of two slightly smaller ones might work better.
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  • #23


A cat is a lion in a jungle of small bushes
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 18, 2018
OK so a plastic carrier would be better for him. You can buy two carriers, then put them on the back seat facing each other so all Jupiter can see is Watson.
Yes, I'll try that. Is this better than using a large carrier where both can be together? At 5'2" the small carriers work better for me haha but I'm sure can manage a big one if need be. Thanks!
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  • #24


A cat is a lion in a jungle of small bushes
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 18, 2018
I ended up buying a big hardsided carrier that comes apart, he's large enough he'd completely grown out of the soft one that came with him.
I did the same thing, a piece of carpet with a strip of double sided tape underneath to keep it from slipping, but still removable in case of accidents.
My story :)
Speaking of accidents, the other reason I went with this big carrier; He'd had a long day at the vet and was too stressed to pee. He tried so hard to tell me when I picked him up, but not only did I not really understand, I had no way to let him out anywhere (no harness/leash at that time).
In the car and off we go, and the poor guy simply couldn't hold it any longer. That softsided carrier did nothing to contain anything, and I said never again. The hard carrier's bottom half will keep liquid inside and the piece of carpet will soak it up at least somewhat so he's not sloshing around in it....
But that's me LOL
The only thing about a big carrier is that, as someone mentioned, --I think it was here, they're a bit challenging to carry due to the bulkiness. I figure he's worth it, due to his size he really needs a big one. But in your case Daisy s idea of two slightly smaller ones might work better.
Oh no, poor guy. I can totally see him being exhausted after a stressful day at the vet. At least he has a roomy carrier now cuz his mommy loves him! :)


A cat's best friend
Super Cat
Jun 2, 2018
Yes, I'll try that. Is this better than using a large carrier where both can be together? At 5'2" the small carriers work better for me haha but I'm sure can manage a big one if need be. Thanks!
When the kittens are full-grown they will only fit together in a big dog carrier. So it would be a waste of money at this point. At 5-3 I can't lift 20 pounds with one hand.
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  • #27


A cat is a lion in a jungle of small bushes
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 18, 2018
When the kittens are full-grown they will only fit together in a big dog carrier. So it would be a waste of money at this point. At 5-3 I can't lift 20 pounds with one hand.
Good thinking ahead!! Yeah, two carriers it is! :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2006
Chicago area
Thank you for suggesting feliway, I haven't tried it yet! Just like Starbuck, Jupiter must have had a bad experience with car drives before I got him. I'm pretty sure he was on a long drive as a kitten because his initial medical records are not from near the rescue shelter or foster home. Also, is it a good idea to take Watson in the same carrier as they're good friends and may help him feel safer? Watson is a lot calmer on rides.

Jupiter usually takes his time eating and takes breaks in between as well. He is eating a little more now. We're collecting his stool and vomit samples. But if blood tests are required, at least I can try the feliway wipes to ease his visit.
I never tried taking one of my other cats to the vet with Starbuck. I never even thought about that. I would try the Feliway first and maybe try doing shorter car rides around the neighborhood with Jupiter to see if the Feliway helps. By doing this it takes away the added stress of the vet appointment for you to see if the Feliway helps. If the Feliway does not work for Jupiter then I would try the same thing with the two carriers so Jupiter can see Watson in the car to see if Watson's presence makes Jupiter feel safer.
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  • #29


A cat is a lion in a jungle of small bushes
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 18, 2018
I never tried taking one of my other cats to the vet with Starbuck. I never even thought about that. I would try the Feliway first and maybe try doing shorter car rides around the neighborhood with Jupiter to see if the Feliway helps. By doing this it takes away the added stress of the vet appointment for you to see if the Feliway helps. If the Feliway does not work for Jupiter then I would try the same thing with the two carriers so Jupiter can see Watson in the car to see if Watson's presence makes Jupiter feel safer.
If the feliway works, I won't take Watson along. I'm also thinking I'll use the feliway in the carrier and leave it open in the room so he gets comfortable with it. Unfortunately, he doesn't like treats or I'd have used that to get him into the carrier just to familiarize.
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  • #30


A cat is a lion in a jungle of small bushes
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 18, 2018
We dropped off his stool sample at the vet hospital for them to run tests.

I've started him on the probiotics. He seems to have a good appetite and hasn't vomited since morning :) though he still has diarrhea.

His URI and conjunctivitis have made a come back since he got so weak :(

He mostly just watches Watson play but joins in now and then. He seems to be more forgiving of us now than before for giving him medicines o_O

Thank you all so much for your support and encouragement. We're making progress (I hope) and we'll know more tomorrow night.



Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US

:alright: I don't think I mentioned this, Do you have a way to put him in the bathorrom and run a steamy shower a couple times a day for the URI? Or if you have a small humidifier, if you can find a tarp and make a tent for him.
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  • #32


A cat is a lion in a jungle of small bushes
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 18, 2018
Thanks, I'll try the shower for the URI. They like the guest bathroom (because they're not allowed there??:wink:), so I can get them in there easily. Watson has been sneezing and worrying his eye too, so they can both benefit from it. :greenpaw::greenpaw:
I've just recently discovered these emojis and can't stop! Lol


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2006
Chicago area
I agree about doing steam treatments as mentioned above. When I did steam treatments I sat in the steamy bathroom with my cats 15-20 minutes 2x-3x a day. Also have you let the vet know about Watson sneezing and what is going on with his eye? If Watson's eye discharge is greenish or yellowish in color that could be a sign of an eye infection and would need medicine from the vet. I would let your vet know what is going on with Watson. Also keep an eye on their food habits, water intake and elimination. If you notice they are starting to eat less then it means they are having a hard time smelling their food. This is a sign of a URI that requires medicine from the vet. Unfortunately URI's are contagious so the symptoms need to be monitored. I have 4 cats and it is very common for URI's to end up being shared. My Casey shared his URI with the rest of my cats because he did not really have symptoms for the first week he was adopted other than a couple sneezes. Everyone recovered and only two of my 4 cats required vet treatments. The other two I was able to use steam treatments and the URI went away on it's own.
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  • #35


A cat is a lion in a jungle of small bushes
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 18, 2018
I agree about doing steam treatments as mentioned above. When I did steam treatments I sat in the steamy bathroom with my cats 15-20 minutes 2x-3x a day. Also have you let the vet know about Watson sneezing and what is going on with his eye? If Watson's eye discharge is greenish or yellowish in color that could be a sign of an eye infection and would need medicine from the vet. I would let your vet know what is going on with Watson. Also keep an eye on their food habits, water intake and elimination. If you notice they are starting to eat less then it means they are having a hard time smelling their food. This is a sign of a URI that requires medicine from the vet. Unfortunately URI's are contagious so the symptoms need to be monitored. I have 4 cats and it is very common for URI's to end up being shared. My Casey shared his URI with the rest of my cats because he did not really have symptoms for the first week he was adopted other than a couple sneezes. Everyone recovered and only two of my 4 cats required vet treatments. The other two I was able to use steam treatments and the URI went away on it's own.
Jupiter and Watson are eating well now though they have the occasional sneeze. The vet advised us to use the same eye ointment on both of them if there is discharge and to continue for a couple of days after it stops. I got them in thr bathroom yesterday and let them explore and get comfortable before I do the steam treatment but their URI seems better now. Should I still do it just to be sure?
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  • #36


A cat is a lion in a jungle of small bushes
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 18, 2018
Jupiter is doing well on the probiotics and plenty of his favorite kitten food. He even pinned down Watson in play, we've been waiting for him to recover and teach him some manners haha
Jupes still has diarrhea but I'm hoping that the probiotics, food and respite from antibiotics is strengthening his stomach. We're expecting the fecal test results to come through any day now and will soon be prescribed some antibiotic I'm sure. Just hoping that he's strong enough by then for the medicine.

I have also done some research on carriers and ordered Mr.Peanuts soft side carrier which had good reviews and the zips look strong and can be locked. I'll see if he feels safer in this with the help of feliway. Maybe even a test drive if he's up for it. If he takes to it, it'll make all our lives easier!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 18, 2009
Hollywood, FL, USA
Totally adorable! Is Watson's left pupil always larger than the right or is it just the photo? If it's always like that and his eyes check out normal (or even if they don't), I would make sure that goes on his chart (and you should keep a record of it, too) so no one freaks out and decides he has a serious brain injury after an accident.
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  • #40


A cat is a lion in a jungle of small bushes
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 18, 2018
Totally adorable! Is Watson's left pupil always larger than the right or is it just the photo? If it's always like that and his eyes check out normal (or even if they don't), I would make sure that goes on his chart (and you should keep a record of it, too) so no one freaks out and decides he has a serious brain injury after an accident.
With Watson, I can't tell. His eyes are dark are he's constantly moving! But from the photos, they look ok. I'll check again tonight.
I have noticed that Jupiter's pupils are not identical though. I've attached pictures. Do you notice his right pupil (left in the picture) not necessarily being round?

