Pregnant young stray cat with ticks & fleas

Natalie Rose

TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 23, 2021
Last night , I came across a smaller cat that came up to me out of nowhere walking down the sidewalk in front of my house. It was raining and she looked so sad when she meowed at me.She approached me after I invited her to come closer. Within minutes I realized she was pregnant so I decided to feed her. She hasn't left me since. I'm afraid someone just dumped her on the street and left her there because I thought she would take off by now but hasn't. Seems to not know the neighborhood so well because she leaves but comes right back. Very clean and healthy looking cat but I ended up pulling about 8 ticks and about 4 fleas off her with tweezers. I'm going to give her tick bath tomorrow. I'm growing attached to this cat so I'm hoping I can help her along the way without giving her up to the shelter. She's not drinking water and she's been eating alot since I got her so that's good atleast. Should i bring her to the vet to see if she needs any help considering the ticks have bitten into her? I tried to get them all but she might have more and she won't recieve a bath until tomorrow when I get the tick & flea shampoo (hope she doesn't hate me lol) any help would be appreciated for this is my first time ever taking care of a pregnant cat..a young one at that. Thanks to everyone in advance and I will keep this updated 😊



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
:welcomesign:Welcome to TCS! It warms my heart to see a pregnant kitty contentedly resting in safe harbor. A vet visit is always a good suggestion if possible as she might need worming as well. Sadly, she was probably abandoned once she began showing her baby bump - it's not uncommon for a heartless parent to make an unspayed, pregnant kitty "run away" with the promise of a replacement kitten to comfort the kitty's grieving kids.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
:welcomesign:Welcome to TCS! It warms my heart to see a pregnant kitty contentedly resting in safe harbor. A vet visit is always a good suggestion if possible as she might need worming as well. Sadly, she was probably abandoned once she began showing her baby bump - it's not uncommon for a heartless parent to make an unspayed, pregnant kitty "run away" with the promise of a replacement kitten to comfort the kitty's grieving kids.
Yes. its the sad truth. To be fair, in some cultures its not uncommon they also throw out human teenage daughters whom become pregnant, directly on the street.

Its often even so, They dont teach them about anti conceptive techniques, its hush hush and young girls shouldnt know nothing about such; they may get ideas! But they wont either take responsibility for the fruits of this negligence...


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
catsknowme catsknowme I know this post is rather OT, and I may copy it into elsewhere Forum too. But immediately after writing this post above, an Insight did struck me, did come upon me. The Biblical tale about Adam and Eve in Paradise, and their consuming of the Apple of Knowledge, and being thrown out of Paradise because of this, is an exact precursor / parallell to this thread.

Look, they didnt got knowledge about, say, Astronomy or Philosophy, or the construction of speech. Nay, they discovered specifically they were naked, ie did discovered sex... And immediately got thrown out from their good home, out to fend for themselves on the streets, gather food as best they could, and when the time come, to deliver their babies in pains and medical risks.

Exact parallell to our teenage girls whom even didnt got no education, save the warning: beware!, and gets thrown out.
Or family girl cats whom gets abandoned if they become preg...

Further interpretations I leave be for the moment, I want just to say; already in Bible we see this behavior, this phenomen....


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Thank you for taking her in! Definitely get her treated at the vet for worms and parasites. The vet may want to apply a tube of Revolution Plus to the back of her neck for ticks and fleas.

She’s a lucky girl to have found you! She was clearly once someone’s pet. Do keep us posted!
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Natalie Rose

TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 23, 2021
Hello everyone and thanks for participating and giving feedback on little miss moody Judy lol. Well day 3...and she's got quite the appetite. She's not directly drinking water still but I've been adding it to her meals and with dry food so she keeps hydrated. I didn't do the bath but I did do the revolution plus application this morning. She's been affectionate but also distant. She took off this morning and was gone for 2 hours and i assumed maybe she went back home . Came right back. I've been trying to keep her inside but she's been kind of skiddish today. She growled , hissed at the door to which the other two cats we have were behind. Do you think she's nesting soon? I'm bringing her to the vet next week for I am low on funds atm 😔. I haven't noticed her babies moving yet and I can't feel them moving either. Her belly doesn't seem big enough ( not stiff) but then again she's a small cat. Best way to find out is to get her checked and I feel awful for not bringing her yet but she seems healthy. Nothing looks off with her stool and I've checked her ears and felt more of her body for ticks and found none. Is there anyway to possibly know if she has worms or parasites? There's a dewormer at petco should I try that for now? It's crazy how some of us have hearts and others don't. I know I'd be crazy if I didn't care about this cute little girl and shut my door on her like the owners. Thanks again and i will update again soon 😃


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Hello everyone and thanks for participating and giving feedback on little miss moody Judy lol. Well day 3...and she's got quite the appetite. She's not directly drinking water still but I've been adding it to her meals and with dry food so she keeps hydrated. I didn't do the bath but I did do the revolution plus application this morning. She's been affectionate but also distant. She took off this morning and was gone for 2 hours and i assumed maybe she went back home . Came right back. I've been trying to keep her inside but she's been kind of skiddish today. She growled , hissed at the door to which the other two cats we have were behind. Do you think she's nesting soon? I'm bringing her to the vet next week for I am low on funds atm 😔. I haven't noticed her babies moving yet and I can't feel them moving either. Her belly doesn't seem big enough ( not stiff) but then again she's a small cat. Best way to find out is to get her checked and I feel awful for not bringing her yet but she seems healthy. Nothing looks off with her stool and I've checked her ears and felt more of her body for ticks and found none. Is there anyway to possibly know if she has worms or parasites? There's a dewormer at petco should I try that for now? It's crazy how some of us have hearts and others don't. I know I'd be crazy if I didn't care about this cute little girl and shut my door on her like the owners. Thanks again and i will update again soon 😃
What is the dewormer name? Some OTC dewormers arent healthy. As she got Revolution it should be enough. But if she has fleas she may have got tapeworms.

If you are tight on budget a vet visit NOW doesnt need to be your highest priority. It depends in much on the vet. A knowleable vet whom does a thorough check up palpitating and listening, and not very costly, it is a good investment to be his paying client. (and thus, be able to phone and ask advices).

But a vet whom takes an X-ray and runs blood test, confirms what you already know she is healthy, and demands a fortune??

Nay. X ray in a case of complictions is good worth, but to pay perhaps 200 dollar for a routine check up, if you barely have these money.... Nay.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
ps. Most free living cats, alike with cats whom are free to go outside, count they do have worms. More or less, but they do have. A healthy cat usually manage a some amount.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
You can buy Bayer praziquantel tapeworm dewormer online at Walmart. It’s not too pricey. It will take care of any tapeworms.

I agree with StefanZ StefanZ , the vet can wait. Do try to keep her inside even if she stands at the door and hisses. She needs to learn to be comfortable in your home and we don’t want her having her kittens outside, even it’s 2-3 weeks away.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
In case you haven't seen this thread, it might have some useful suggestions for you:
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Natalie Rose

TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 23, 2021
So it's been about 3 weeks since she's found her way into my home ( hallway) I keep her away from the other cats because the vet said to. ( she's not so friendly with them so far)Wouldn't be able to get her looked at and give her shots ( and of couse) spay her until she's a month after giving birth. I don't let her outside anymore because she kept coming back and if I'm keeping her she is definitely going to be an inside cat lol. Just wanted to say thank you all for the help...I made her a nice cute bed out of cardboard and warm blankets. Just trying my best to keep her comfortable. She's been so mean lately and purrs the next second lol.she's getting bigger and I can feel babies move and I honestly think she'll give birth within the next two weeks. Hopefully on my birthday 🤗 .

