Post-introductions, Resident Cat Standoffish


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 27, 2014
I recently added a new kitten to the household and generally it has been going pretty smoothly. I used the crate method so the kitten would be safe and confined but the resident cat wouldn’t lose access to any of his territory, and they had their first meeting with the door open about a week ago. The two started cautiously playing together within days, and I’ve observed fairly regular social greeting behavior, especially as initiated by Ciaran (resident cat).
But there’s two persistent changes in Ciaran’s behavior around interactions with me. He’s usually a determined lap cat, but since mid-last week, he’s been staying at more of a distance. He’s happy to receive pets, but not really seeking out physical contact or affection in the same way. The other change is the bed-Ciaran usually spends at least part of every day sleeping on the bed independent of whether I’m there. Currently, he’s been avoiding the bed, except for a brief period in the middle of the night. I would consider this a normal rotation of preferred resting spots, except I frequently find him sleeping on the floor right next to the bed.
I’m interpreting these behaviors as some evidence of anxiety or feeling vulnerable in those situations. I’ve tried putting Kismet back in the crate for a few hours at a time to let Ciaran have some alone-time with his territory, but all this seems to achieve is upsetting the kitten.

Compared to the drama some cats go through on introduction, this seems quite minor, but I thought I would see if there were any other ideas to help boost Ciaran’s confidence.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
He may just be feeling a little displaced by the newcomer and withdrawing. When you have cuddle time with Ciaran or he is relaxed, try rubbing your forehead against his which is cat language for “you are mine” and letting him know he is still top cat. It has definitely helped when I had a cat with hurt feelings because of a new resident.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Compared to some of the posts from members introducing cats, it does seem like yours is going pretty well. But at the same time, Ciaran’s change in behaviour does make it sound like he's not totally pleased with things.

I agree with susanm9006 susanm9006 to give Ciaran lots of attention to let him know he's not being replaced.

You've probably already read these, but I'll post the links just in case you want a refresher:

How To Successfully Introduce Cats: The Ultimate Guide
Introducing Cats To Cats
How To Fix An Unsuccessful Cat Introduction
The Multi-cat Household

Is Your Cat Stressed Out?
You, Your Cat And Stress
Potential Stressors In Cats - The Ultimate Checklist
Six Surefire Strategies To Reduce Stress In Cats