Possibly More Knee Surgery In The Future - Venting


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Jan 11, 2015
Western Massachusetts, USA
A couple of years ago I had surgery on my right knee to repair a torn meniscus. I was less than thrilled with the result since I still have some pain and swelling. The only solution was to be offered a cortisone shot - which is only temporary. I am now having issues with my other knee! It started Palm Sunday week and has gotten progressively worse. I was trying to get through the busy season at work(end of June) before going to the doctor but given how things are going, I am making the appointment tomorrow. I am on my feet 8 hours a day, moving heavy product, pulling U-boats loaded with product. I don't just play with flowers all day. I am a floral sales manager. I don't know when the injury occurred since I didn't feel it, but have been having increasing trouble since Palm Sunday week. I have trouble getting up, and walking. If the doctor pulls me out for surgery (a possibility) that is going to cause MAJOR trouble at work. We have Prom in 3 weeks, graduations and recitals following. I lost my valuable part timer since the company wouldn't give her full time employment and an increase in pay to another better job. So I am the only one left trained to do the things that are required for the celebrations. I have been telling the powers that be that they needed to have me train someone else for a very long time but have been ignored. I will feel like a slacker if this happens, but I can't take the pain any longer or the fact that when I get home from work all i can do is sit with my leg up. I need to vacuum and mop - neither of which I have done this week. I haven't even been cooking except on my days off- we eat take out or left overs other days. Just whining - sorry.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Whine away but please take care of yourself. :hugs: It's understandable that you feel guilty about leaving work given losing your best part-timer but you need to think about your own health and make that your priority. When I was working full-time I also was on my feet a lot and running after students sometimes. I started having problems with the tendon and ligaments in one of my feet. Like you I tried to ignore it until it became so unbearable that I had to leave work in the middle of the day and go straight to the doctor. Sending special thoughts your way and hope you can get some relief soon. :vibes:


TCS Member
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Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
sending you positive vibes that the doctor can help fix the issue..and yes it's common for us to feel guilty to be out of work but the reality is there may be more damage if you don't attend to it soon.

Keeping weight off the foot is a good start-hoping they can figure how to fix it without too much time passed, seems doctors force us to suffer for months on end before doing anything to fix it-then time passes, muscles get weaker which makes recovery harder down the road.

I do understand your frustration! HUGS! And Please don't feel guilty about taking care of you first!! They aren't going to magically heal your leg right!? So it's smart to attend to it now before too much happens!
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TCS Member
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Jan 11, 2015
Western Massachusetts, USA
I am frustrated because there are things that I need to do that aren’t being done. Even the smallest thing like taking laundry upstairs is a pain. I am not the greatest housekeeper (hate housework) but I don’t like letting things go when they need to be done. I also have an all day meeting Tuesday with a hour and a half ride to a suppliers nursery for a field trip. Walking isn’t going to be fun- place is HUGE! Have to go though.


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Sep 3, 2006
Chicago area
Sometimes when you are dealing with pain issues at work you have to find a way to take care of you. It is too bad that your bosses refuse to cross-train anyone to back you up on any of your duties. If you do have to take time off to have surgery for a problem that is going to keep getting worse then please take care of yourself. Your work will have to find away to get by if you need time off. It stinks that your bosses are not willing to train someone to share the workload. I work retail to but I am lucky that I have a good boss. I got a nasty migraine at work and I had stuff I was working on that my co-worker would not have been able to handle. I let my boss know what was going on. His reply was himself or the other manager on duty would back up the cashier and get floor calls so I could get through what I needed to get done faster because I was getting light-headed. When I start getting light-headed from a migraine it gets really hard to read the locations for the add tags. My boss and I decided that we should let me just get through the add tags as quickly as possible before my migraine got any worse. Once I finished what I really needed to get done my boss let me stay up at the register for the rest of the day and found other stuff for the cashier to do. He was glad I came in and got all the add tags put up for the entire store. There was other work I could have been doing but my boss told me not to deal with it today. I could have been lugging totes and putting up cosmetics products but my boss told me not to because he understands that all the running around I would have been doing would have just made my migraine worse.
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TCS Member
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Jan 11, 2015
Western Massachusetts, USA
Good grief! I just got an appointment for my knee - in 3 weeks! I have to work like this for 3 more weeks. I am tempted to go to the ER except my insurance coverage for that isn’t good. I honestly don’t know how I am going to make it that long.


TCS Member
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Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
what about an urgent center? That's what I did last year in June when those bone spurs hindered my walking a few steps...they may give you a script for stronger meds than whats over the counter..they gave me something that's a step up from Aleve and it worked. but only available via script.


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Young Cat
Apr 3, 2018
Look after yourself! Your health should always come first before anything else. I can't imagine what you're going through right now, but we're here to listen and give you support. :hugs:

If things are getting worse, you should really go to the ER so they can do an MRI. Maybe there's a possibility to try and get in with another doctor?

A while ago, my aunt was dealing with a partial meniscus tear in her right knee. It wasn't severe enough for surgery, but she was having issues with pain. I bought her these wraps and they've helped her tremendously.

Just remember to breathe. Things are going to be alright.
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TCS Member
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Jan 11, 2015
Western Massachusetts, USA
Just to update: My husband got me an appointment for this coming Monday with his doctor. I just want to stop hurting. I finally managed to mop my kitchen and downstairs bath yesterday. I was hurting when I finished but it made me feel good to have it done.


TCS Member
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Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Just to update: My husband got me an appointment for this coming Monday with his doctor. I just want to stop hurting. I finally managed to mop my kitchen and downstairs bath yesterday. I was hurting when I finished but it made me feel good to have it done.
That's great that you are getting looked at! I hear you about getting things done-sometimes we just muster along to keep things caught up! Good luck monday with the doctor! Hope they can help you!
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TCS Member
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Jan 11, 2015
Western Massachusetts, USA
Cortisone shot to get me thru until I retire. He said that both my knees are bad, but will not be as painful once I am not on my feet 8 hours a day. I have torn meniscus and arthritis. Fun getting old!

tara g

TCS Member
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Jul 16, 2007
On the farm
I hope your appointment at the doctor went well. Having pain and hurting to do daily things is never enjoyable and can be a definite downer.

My knees have bothered me for years, and my grandmother had to have a knee replaced, then refused to have the other done because she said it was worse than giving birth 3x over. I worry about ever needing a knee surgery of any kind ... and knees freak me out thinking of them being injured, and even knee caps moving around make me cringe.