Possible savannah/Maine coon?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 20, 2016
I was recently surprised with a kitten, the parents and lineage completely unknown ( I do know he came from a household that is rather wealthy). When I first brought him home I couldn't help but think he wasn't a regular tabby. He has gorgeous spots on his belly, and a rather thick coat. Also, I've had him for about a month and he was very very young I believe. I got almost no info on him so age is unknown too. I'd love your opinion on my Boba (yes, Boba Fett from star wars ^^). I couldn't help but notice his odd behaviors he wags constantly, follows my every step, hisses in a very strange playful way. He also has a huge jump span already. So what do you think about his lineage and possible age? Thanks so much!

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Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
He looks like a lovely tabby to me. I know there is a specific wording for the type of tabby but tabbies aren't my strong point; hopefully someone else can say which he is. 

I noticed the dog in the last picture; so his behavior could be from mimicking the dog especially with how young he is. Or it could be he just is that way. Link (yes, from Zelda, nerds unite!) likes to carry around a fuzzy caterpillar toy (it used to be something else but I was evil and washed it) and does this muffled meow around the toy. When he finds someone he will drop the toy, you throw it and he bats it around and sometimes brings it back to go again. Or it could be his young age and he is following you like he would his Mom. 

I would say a hard no to the Savannah idea. Sorry, but that breed is highly highly regulated and controlled by the breeders for multiple generations. Finding an accidental Savannah mix would be very unlikely unless someone go careless in your area but breeders typically don't let pet quality go without altering them and show quality would be monitored to ensure proper breeding. They also tend to be very distinctive looking and Boba doesn't seem leggy enough or the right coloring. That isn't to say he isn't a lovely kitten just not likely from that line. 

Some Maine Coon would be more likely but I am not seeing the tufts or fluff I would expect from a kitten close to Maine Coon. But it's hard to tell at this age and size.

As you can tell in just the first two pictures cats can go through a lot of change in the first year. Some breeds are harder to pinpoint when they are younger because their characteristics and body shape aren't solid until they hit a year. I'd try asking again in a few months when he is a little older. In the first picture I would guess age in the 6-8 week range; no lower than 5 weeks though. The second photo he looks close to 3 months if not a smidgen older. Cats breed more freely than dogs do. So most cats out there, excluding breeders, are mixes of whatever was in the area. We can make guesses as to ancestry but all they will ever be is guesses. I have two lovely pointed cats but neither are a specific breed. I can guess Link is close to Siamese because of his distinctive body shape; but its just a guess. Rocket is a pure mutt of a cat with lucky genetic heritage. 

Boba sounds like a wonderful personality and looks like he will be a beautiful adult cat. But the truth of the matter is he is probably many generations from anything purebred and got lucky on the genetic roulette wheel. 