Poor Little Kitty


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 8, 2002
Hello Everyone,
I am new to the board and find it quite informative. We added a kitten to our family in november that we purchased from our local pet store and I am sad to say the pet store sold us a sick kitten. Within a month of getting our precious kitten, Sebastain, I discovered he had ringworm, intestinal parasites as well as severe earmites. Unfortunately, me and my children got ringworm before we discovered the kitten had it. Our Sebastain has been secluded ever since. I had to clean and wash everything in bleach. I need to apply cream to me and the kids three times a day for 6 to 8 weeks, and need to give Sebastain a bath every other day and leave the shampoo on for ten minutes. Sebastain is also being treated orally, and has had shots of resolution to rid him of the parasites as well as the earmites which the vet has already cleaned out herself three times. This is so much for such a small kitten. He was born 8-17-01. It is so hard not to touch him because he is so affectionate and cute. I hope all this medication and bathing doesn't affect his disposition. The kids can't wait to play with him again. I allowed them to pat him but only with rubber gloves on. I have been told that ringworm is very contagious and can stay in the environment for up to a year. I am taking no chances. Sebastain goes every two weeks for a recheck, it is clearing but very very slowly. I just feel really bad having to keep him secluded. He is so precious to us. I wonder if all this is to much for such a small kitten's immune system? Poor Little Kitty

krazy kat2

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 14, 2001
Somewhere in Georgia
Poor baby! I hope he is ok. It is so good of you to take the time to see that he gets well and to still let the kids have contact with him. Sorry I have no advice to offer, but I just wanted to that. Welcome to TCS!


TCS Member
May 21, 2001
Leicester, UK
Hi there, I'm sure he will be just fine, lots of kittens sadly have this kind of thing, and most pull through just fine!! As long as he is getting the proper treatment from the vet - which it looks like he is, he'll be fine. Once the worms have cleared up you will have to continue treating him with "de-wormer" every 6 weeks or so(depending on the product you use) - but this is normal, all cats need to be wormed regularly. As for petting him, I would continue to use the gloves, try not to kiss him etc..(I know its hard!!
) and you should be ok. Hopefully it won't last much longer, just be patient and make sure he has lots of toys to play with and treats to keep him happy!! Hope this helps somewhat!! Let us know!!

PS - Where are my manners??!!
I forgot to welcome you to the site!!! ha ha ha ha....You can introduce yourself properly if you like in the "New Cats on the Block" forum!


TCS Member
Feb 19, 2001
If you keep kitty's stress level down to a minimum, for example, put kitty in quiet dark room, use a night light instead of bright overhead lights to visit him, play soft music for him and keep other rambunctious beings away, kitty will be fine. I had a small kitten that had ringworm and used to bump our chins, so of course we both got ringworm and had a long battle of clearing it up, but it did eventually go away. Kitty is now 2 years old and doing great, and I have a few extra tubes left in case another rescue comes here that has ringworm as well. I bought a big plastic comb and would comb Shredder then put the comb away in a sealed baggie. Once the ringworm vanished, I burned the comb and I also wore gloves and washed my hands afterward in bleach and water. Good luck


TCS Member
Nov 29, 2000
Don't worry too much. I had the same thing happen a few years ago. I actually had 3 of them with it and they had to be in seclusion for 2 months. All three are healthy, happy and well adjusted now. Yes, it can stay in the enviroment, but I never had any problems once the whole thing was over with. It's now been about 2 years.
One thing that most people don't realize about pet stores is that 90% of the animals come from puppy mills cat mills. They are shipped on trucks for who knows how many days. Then they are put into these stores with other sick animals. Even the domestics that some take in don't get proper care and then eventually get sick. Every animal I have seen come from a pet store is sick in some way or another. I have even gotten to the point that I will not even shop in a store that sells cats or dogs.


TCS Member
May 21, 2001
Leicester, UK
Thankfully, it is illegal to sell cats and dogs in shops in England, so you kinda HAVE to go to a rescue centre or buy a pedigree from a breeder (of course you still get kittens and puppies advertised in the newspaper too)Im sooo glad its illegal here or I would be buying them all and trying to make them better!! ha ah ha


TCS Member
Sep 18, 2001
Duncan, BC, Canada
Hi there, we had ringworm in our house with our 2 year old cat Tabatha, our new kitten Mr. Socks and my husband. The cats were put on PROGRAM suspension and my husband got a cream from the dr called Lamisil Creme 1%. The older cat was the carrier and took 2 doses every 2 weeks and the kitten 1 dose every 2 weeks. It took about 3 months all together, but now we are all ringworm free. The vet also told me I didn't need to shampoo or isolate the cats, but did say to vacuum and clean the house more often and especially anywhere the cats slept (that's pretty much where ever they want). We have been ringworm free now for 3 months and all healthy.

Maybe ask your vet about Program and see if it's available in your area?? It was the cure for my house.

Good luck,



TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 30, 2001
cheshire, england
Originally posted by Sebastain
Hello Everyone,
I am new to the board and find it quite informative. We added a kitten to our family in november that we purchased from our local pet store and I am sad to say the pet store sold us a sick kitten. Within a month of getting our precious kitten, Sebastain, I discovered he had ringworm, intestinal parasites as well as severe earmites. Unfortunately, me and my children got ringworm before we discovered the kitten had it. Our Sebastain has been secluded ever since. I had to clean and wash everything in bleach. I need to apply cream to me and the kids three times a day for 6 to 8 weeks, and need to give Sebastain a bath every other day and leave the shampoo on for ten minutes. Sebastain is also being treated orally, and has had shots of resolution to rid him of the parasites as well as the earmites which the vet has already cleaned out herself three times. This is so much for such a small kitten. He was born 8-17-01. It is so hard not to touch him because he is so affectionate and cute. I hope all this medication and bathing doesn't affect his disposition. The kids can't wait to play with him again. I allowed them to pat him but only with rubber gloves on. I have been told that ringworm is very contagious and can stay in the environment for up to a year. I am taking no chances. Sebastain goes every two weeks for a recheck, it is clearing but very very slowly. I just feel really bad having to keep him secluded. He is so precious to us. I wonder if all this is to much for such a small kitten's immune system? Poor Little Kitty
it must be SO hard not being able to pet him and cuddle him like you do with little kittys. Its so nice that you are one of lifes 'nice' people and are prepared to persevere with him....he will love you dearly for it!
Keep going and let us all know how he gets on!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 23, 2001
Washington State
I just wanted to add, I used program and did the vaccinations for ringworm when my persian got it and it's all gone and nobody else got it, not the other 2 cats or the 3 humans, thank goodness. The only thing I noticed about her disposition after all the bathing, combing, medicating, etc was that she is MUCH more affectionate in the bedroom than in the living room (where I did the nasty deeds) and she won't let me pick her up when I have things in my hand. She is still a sweetie, though. Her nose is way too small and she is flat faced so I am always picking her nose, cleaning her eyes, brushing her, clipping the hair from her rear...etc. Kinda feel sorry for her sometimes!