Pooping Right Beside The Litter Box - What's The Message?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Oct 4, 2017
Hello Everyone.

Jake is 2 year old, he's a very loving and social cat. In the pass couple weeks he's been pooping, but never urinating, in the area right beside his litter box.

During this period of time I have changed to a new job, which I am away at work for 8-10 hours a day. Before this I was working from home most of the time.

He does this consistently every evening when I come home. I work in a dusty environment with construction material such as mineral fiber and polystyrene. When I come home, I would go straight to my room and into the shower for both his and my health. He greets me enthusiastically, and I don't want him to rub on my dusty work clothes so I try to avoid him touching me before I can clean myself. I can usually hear him meowing loudly while I'm in the shower. Soon as I come out of my room I would see a pile of poop beside his litter box, and he would be rubbing me and rolling over affectionately.

During the same period, I have changed the litter from Swheat Scoop to World's Best Cat Litter.

Jake still uses the litter box daily, and I find normal amount of both urine and feces in the litter box.

Beside this behavioral change, he is very active, eating, drinking, and excreting normally. I had a vet check-up with him 2 months ago (prior to the my work changes and litter change) and he was doing fine.

His excrement looks/smells normal.

I will be switching back to the old litter tomorrow as a first step. If that doesn't work at least I would have eliminated that possible cause.

I'd love do know what you think! Any advise is greatly appreciated.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 24, 2017
Probably stress from the change in your routine. Other times cats are dissatisfied if their box isn't cleaned often as they want.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
So the the poop beside the litter box appears while you're in the shower? If so, along with hearing him meowing, it's seems like maybe he's trying to get your attention. Which I'm sure the poop does.

Wonder if you could switch up your routine, and throw some treats down for him as soon as you come home, so even though you're not letting him rub up against you till after you shower, he gets something yummy while waiting for you.


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Is it possible to at least clean your hands and change your shirt so you can briefly pet him and give him a treat or two before you get into the shower?

Also, don't know how you feel about it, but maybe let him into the bathroom while you are showering? We just leave the bathroom door slightly open; she comes in and hops up on the toilet which is right next to the shower stall. We can talk to her during the shower, which she seems to think is great. She even cleans herself; apparently, she must think she should be cleaning along with whoever is taking a shower.

One of our previous cats did the same thing, except she came to expect us to open the shower door slightly and stick out a wet hand so she could lap up drips of water.