Please I’m So Worried


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jan 28, 2019
hello, I take care of an outside cat who is my neighbors he comes here to eat sometimes, he recently has had a upper respiratory infection he was staying on my porch after a couple days when I realized he was sick I took him to his owner they took him to the vet and let him back out. I have an indoor cat. My cat has never made direct contact with this cat nor has my cat even been near this sick cat and I washed my hands every time I fed him. But I do walk on the porch where I lay out food which means the sick cat that was eating the food was getting his saliva on the porch where I was walking I’m worried that my cat could catch it from me walking on the porch and not cleaning of my shoes is it possible even though my cat wasn’t in contact with this other cat and not in contact with my shoes that me walking on my carpet and my cat walking and laying on the carpet he could catch the sickness?? What are the chances of that ? I now keep the sick cat away from my door and wash my shoes off when I come inside. But my cat just sneezed (only once) and I’m super paranoid because he’s never been sick before and rarely sneezes what are the chances me walking outside where the cat eats and not wiping my shoes that my cat could have caught it? Again there was no direct contact or them even being near each other just the shoe thing freaks me out sometimes I’d open the door and the cat would be at my door and my cat would be by me but I’d immediately push my cat back away from the door. Am I overreacting and the chances of just catching it from my shoes are very slim over that ? The cat didn’t drool a puddle of drool but he ate off the porch where I walk. Sorry I’m so worried I love my cat and don’t wanna see him sick


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
The sneeze could have been from anything, even possibly dustier than usual litter. Unless you start seeing runny eyes, more sneezing, coughing, or unusual activity (either less or more) in or around the litter box, although I'm not a vet I feel that you have taken a lot of precautions and that your baby will probably be ok.

In addition, I am giving you BIG thank yous for having taking extra care of the other kitty and ensuring the owners took him to the vet.

Your cat (and the other kitty too) is fortunate to have you :)!
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TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. You are so sweet to watch out for your neighbor's cat!! I am so glad you are there to help watch over this cat!!

I agree with the others, I doubt you have anything to worry about. Hand washing is good - and, you could even use disinfectant wipes on the soles of your shoes.

Just keep an eye on your baby - as it would seem you already do - for any additional signs of a URI. But, I think you are OK!

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
You are a hero to this other cat. Thank you for your beautiful heart.
Don't worry too much. I am sure that in case your cat catches something he will just be fine in your hands. I am also quite sure that your cat is up to date with his vaccines and shots, given the amount of love and attention you give to him.