Please help!!!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 28, 2014
Please help!!!
Our two and half year old female cat is normally the picture of perfection. She purrs, lays on our laps watching tv, and cuddles in bed all night long. Three nights ago she was investigating the plastic grocery bags we'd just brought home when she seemingly got the bag stuck on her leg and took off down the hall. My girlfriend checked on her only a few seconds later but the bag was already off. It was not wrapped around her neck or anywhere else. She immediately seemed different and ran in the closet. She then began growling loudly, hissing, and shrieking (very, very loudly). This persisted for several hours until I got home. When I did get home, she was doing the same and then began urinating and defecating all over the apartment while running around. She has never had problems going outside of her litter box before. Her behavior was so distressing to us that we felt we had to take her to the vet ER (it was one in the morning). It was traumatic for both she and I getting her in the carrier. After I finally got her out from behind the washing machine where she was hiding, I had to wear leather gloves and throw a towel over her to keep from getting hurt. Still, she bit me hard several times on the hands which she has NEVER done before. The vet ER said her physical exam was normal, did blood work/urine that was also normal, and kept her overnight. They gave her a pain med and anxiety med but she never calmed down. I picked her up the next day in the same state, but she then seemed fine in the carrier on the way home, letting me pet her and rubbing against my hand. When we entered the apartment the hissing and shrieking began again. The vet thought she was frightened from the bag incident (though I have doubts about this because it was such a minor event) and suggested putting her in a room by herself to calm down for a day or two. She's been locked in my office for over 24 hours with no change. When I just checked on her and gave her more water she growled, hissed multiple times, started shrieking and urinated all over my desk. I apologize for such a lengthy post, but I don't know what to do!!! She is normally an angel and I'm very distressed and worried about her!!! If anyone has any suggestions/thoughts please help.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 18, 2013
Queens, NYC
Please help!!!
Our two and half year old female cat is normally the picture of perfection. She purrs, lays on our laps watching tv, and cuddles in bed all night long. Three nights ago she was investigating the plastic grocery bags we'd just brought home when she seemingly got the bag stuck on her leg and took off down the hall. My girlfriend checked on her only a few seconds later but the bag was already off. It was not wrapped around her neck or anywhere else. She immediately seemed different and ran in the closet. She then began growling loudly, hissing, and shrieking (very, very loudly). This persisted for several hours until I got home. When I did get home, she was doing the same and then began urinating and defecating all over the apartment while running around. She has never had problems going outside of her litter box before. Her behavior was so distressing to us that we felt we had to take her to the vet ER (it was one in the morning). It was traumatic for both she and I getting her in the carrier. After I finally got her out from behind the washing machine where she was hiding, I had to wear leather gloves and throw a towel over her to keep from getting hurt. Still, she bit me hard several times on the hands which she has NEVER done before. The vet ER said her physical exam was normal, did blood work/urine that was also normal, and kept her overnight. They gave her a pain med and anxiety med but she never calmed down. I picked her up the next day in the same state, but she then seemed fine in the carrier on the way home, letting me pet her and rubbing against my hand. When we entered the apartment the hissing and shrieking began again. The vet thought she was frightened from the bag incident (though I have doubts about this because it was such a minor event) and suggested putting her in a room by herself to calm down for a day or two. She's been locked in my office for over 24 hours with no change. When I just checked on her and gave her more water she growled, hissed multiple times, started shrieking and urinated all over my desk. I apologize for such a lengthy post, but I don't know what to do!!! She is normally an angel and I'm very distressed and worried about her!!! If anyone has any suggestions/thoughts please help.

something freaked her out real bad.

you sure your gf didn't do anything to her? the bag thing does seem minor to me too. Maybe the gf spooked your cat out more when/if she tried to get the bag off of her???

you need to calm her down ASAP

if you have feliway plug ins, please utilize in your office. put a litter box in there with cat attract litter. try to stay out of her sight for now. get some calmin/melatonin cat treats (found at petco or petsmart) chop it up into tiny pieces and give it in her food, so she eats them. that should calm her down..because in addition to her stressing you out and being in a state of fear, your kitty is SUPER stressed out too. she needs to calm down...and try to relax...

leave some clothes or towels with your and only your scent on it in your office so she can get used to your scent again...and just be patient with kitty. she needs her space.

the calming/melatonin treats will help her to calm down and even sleep.
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  • #3


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 28, 2014
The bag was already off her when my gf got to her and she didn't even touch her afterwards. I've already had the feliway plug in going for a day to no avail. I'll try the melatonin snacks. Is this a really bad reaction and just how worried should I be? Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 18, 2013
Queens, NYC
here is something to consider:

 is this the first time kitty has gotten a plastic bag caught on her?

if it is, then for your cat, this might be normal behavior. she did NOT like having that thing stuck on her. she needs some time and space atm. not only did she have this weird crinkly thing stuck to her leg that she could not get off and probably to her was REALLY loud, she was taken to the vet right away...

both instances can be stressors. 

the plug in takes a few days to kick in. or so i'm told or have read. i don't use them (never needed to), so don't give up on the feliway....

the calming treat, melatonin treat is something that could provide immediate relief for kitty. relief in the sense that she will be a bit calm, and won't be at a constant level of stress. she wont go back to being her old self just yet. but you do want to reduce her stress levels. you can also try a calming collar, if you're able to get it on her, that way where ever she is, she's got something with her. 

just imagine what stress does to us? 

-lack of sleep 

-too much sleep

-increased heart rate

-chest pains

-lack of appetite

-too much appetite

the list goes on...

if this persists, past a few days or a week, and you haven't seen ANY improvements, i would take her to the regular vet, instead of an ER one...

take to her regular vet so she can try to get to the bottom of why she is so stressed out, and what really brought it on.
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  • #5


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 28, 2014
Thanks so much for your advice!

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
It's going to take days if not a week for her to calm down, this was VERY traumatic to her. Cats will urinate and defecate when they are stressed, this is normal and she'll stop once she is calm again.Be calm, talk and try to stroke her softly, and try to get some calming treats right away.that would help. Keeping her in a smaller area will help her too. Please be patient with her, she WILL come around.

furmonster mom

Lap #2
Top Cat
Jun 14, 2013
Mohave Desert
Only other thing I can add is to try and keep YOURSELF calm as well.

Cats can be very sensitive to their owner's moods, so if you're stressed, she will feed off of it.

Take a deep breath, and act as if nothing is wrong at all.  All is good, all is fine, the world is still twirling 'round.

Keep your breathing slow and easy when you are in the room with her.  Give her "soft eyes", blink slowly at her. 

Center your calm, and she will follow in time.
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  • #9


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 28, 2014
I think that's going to be the hardest thing to do... Thank you very much for the help.
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  • #10


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 28, 2014
Just wanted to post an update. We had left her in solitary for about a day when we noticed she had slid one of her toy mice under the door (this has always been one of her favorite games, even running from side to side around the door to chase it). We slid it back under and then it came under again a few hours later. We continued this for the night and soon she was at the door reaching under to play with the mouse/us!!! We continued this for about a day and she seemed to be improving. We were finally able to go in the room and sit with her for a short period of time on day three and let her out briefly the next day. Last night we let her out (hopefully permanently) with only an occasional hiss or growl and she seems to be doing pretty well with only a few minor setbacks. I just wanted to thank everyone for their help and advice in our time of crisis, it truly helped us to deal with what was happening and helped our furry friend get back to normal. Thank you all!!!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 18, 2013
Queens, NYC
I'm glad your girl is started to feel like herself again :) that's great news! I hope she continues to improve.