Please help! Urinary problems!!


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 4, 2016
My cat, Mr. Bear is having one hell of a time! Three months ago He had a growth on his face, I brought him into the vet, the cauterized it. 3 days later He yowled and cried in the litter box. I took him to an emergency vet. They found white blood cells, blood and inflammation but no crystals and no bacteria at that point. Gave him an anti-spasmodic and a pain med. things did not improve for one week so I brought him into my regular vet. The did a urinalysis. Very concentrated and he said a LOT of bacteria. Started him on Orbax. Seemed to work. Growth on face returned. Brought him back to the vet. They did another urinalysis. No blood, no crystals, no nothing. They surgically removed the growth. Benign. Now he is struggling to pee. He never did the normal thing of peeing small amounts! He holds it for up to 24 freaking hours!!! It's freaking me out! Then when he finally pees he sits for a good 35-40 seconds after. Just squatting. Doesn't look in pain. Just squats there. He's so constipated. Hasn't gone in 4 days. This as been constant too! After switching to all wet food he never poops. I already tried pumpkin, I tried Laxatone, and now I just put miralax in his food. *crossing fingers* oh and sometimes there is pee EVERYWHERE in the litter pan. On the walls, the sides. Sometimes right outside like he can't control it. Help! Does he still have an infection maybe? If it's just cystitis I don't want to stress him out at the vet. I'm ordering d-mannose and I'm going to start him on 1g 4 times a day for 1 day. And then a maintenance dose. Has anybody else tried d-mannose? I heard it can cause kidney damage in overdose and I'm scared to use it!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
Honestly I have no experience with D-Mannose, but am interested, as my girl also suffers.

With that said, did you run this by your vet?  

I wish Mr. Bear well.  
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  • #3


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 4, 2016
Yes! She says its proven to be very beneficial for the urinary tract but was not sure about dosage. Said it was harmless if given too much because body just filters it out but I'm u sure because I read something online about it damaging kidneys. One lone article, one sentence on webmd "may damage kidneys" and now I'm all out of sorts about it. Even though my vet said it was safe.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
This only thing I know is cats have extremely sensitive kidney's.  I"m now finding this out with my girl Chestnut.

I'm hoping one of the more experienced members can chime in and give advice.

Best to you and Mr. Bear.
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 4, 2016
So I gave Bear the 1g mannose 4 times every hour last night and he had still yet to pee. I'm placing him in litter boxes trying to get him to go but he just scratches for a long time squats for one second and then gets up and walks away!! I'm so scared. He's done this before and hen peed successfully later but my heart stops every time!!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
Besides Bear not peeing, when was his last bowel movement?

I know you don't want to stress him out by going back to the vet, but this isn't good in anyway and is probably causing more stress on him then a trip to the vet.

And if you are scared for your wee one then you know he's not in a good situation.

Personally, I would call the vet and express this concern and latest development and lack of progress.

It sounds as if your baby is in great pain.

I'm thinking you and bear.  Please keep us posted.  Best of luck.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Hi, I just saw this thread. You have been going through a tuff time with Bear.. and Bear has been having it rough also.

I am not familiar with d-mannosse. My guy had bladder issues also, it was from stress. This happened a couple of times, where he could not pee. He would go into the box, try digging, or just stare at the box. 

He was diagnosed with iFLUTD which is, from my memory: idiopathic feline urinary tract disease. It is a form of cystitis which humans get. It means there is an inflammation of the bladder. Can be caused by many things, one is stress another is infection. The sphincter, or the valve which allows the urine to come out, kind of clamps shut from spasm. It is very painful.  

In other words, he is blocked and cannot pee...imagine how that feels.

My guy was given an antispasmodic, in addition to pain meds, and an antibiotic. I know you have been this route, but perhaps it is back? Or he could have a stone in his bladder? Did they do an ultrasound of his bladder? or the infection can be back, never having been complexity cleared up.. that would explain the pee all over the house..

I know you do not want to stress your cat out anymore than he already is, but Bear really needs to see the Vet again. He needs to be re-evaluated. 

I re-read your original post. I do think he needs to see the doctor again. Perhaps the antibiotic is constipating him also.. and he is all backed up.. 

Stress can do a number of things to a cat.. and Bear has been through so much of it. 


I hope this helped a bit.. if not, I am so sorry - the vet is the best answer for you.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 13, 2016
Please get him back to the vet (maybe a different one) and don't give him any of that snake oil.    Did they do xrays?   Could be stones, inflammation, a mucus plug,    Did you complete the antibiotic regimen they had given you?    Something is definitely wrong down there - please get him back stat.   It sounds like they did not attempt to run a catheter through him to see if there is any resistance or blockage?    He needs to have a cath run.  


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 13, 2016
I forgot to mention, some antibiotics need to be refrigerated!   
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 4, 2016
Hello everybody! Thanks for all your responses!! D-mannose was recommended by the vet. He finally peed! Twice in an 8 hour time period!! That is huge! He was even "excited" to go when my husband was scooping the litter pan. He jumped right in and peed right there in front of him. A normal cat-sized pee. One in the morning and one around 1pm. I've taken him back to the vet! On 4 different occasions. I go to a group practice and the one vet was very concerned and the other one was just "oh, it's just cystitis". I got stuck repeatedly with the one that said it was just cystitis, Dr. Laura. The other one was away on conferences. :( Dr. Laura took 4 different samples. One she had me collect. The others were taken by sterile syringe. She never offered me a culture and I hadn't done any research at that time so I didn't know to ask. Bacteria was found in one needle syringe test and in one free catch test. She discounted both of them!! She said that the one was probably a false negative and the other was probably not sterile enough even though I caught it in the sterile cup! She only gave me antibiotics because I repeatedly asked for them. Needless to say, even though she did an excellent job getting rid of his growth/tumor and she called to check up on him from that. She continually discounts my legitimate concerns. She says only if he howls again or starts peeing on carpets should I bring him back in. And then she will do a culture if I really want it.

I did research on d-mannose and it has been used in dairy cows for a long time and in horses. It connects to e.coli bacteria and carries it out the bladder. It brings the Bactria out of hiding apparently by giving the bacteria something to connect to other than the bladder. I'm very optimistic about this because he is already responding so well (it may just be a fluke?) but he is really acting like his old self again. So I don't know? Do you guys really think I should take him back if he is responding so well? I've lost faith in this vet clinic for this particular disease. If I do bring him somewhere I think I will choose a different office or at least request the other veterinarian. Oh, and Bear has been releasing stool now! The miralax really did the trick. I think the antibiotics really screwed up his digestive system. He had a BM (bowel movement) yesterday and one of the BMs I saw today may or may not have been his - I have four cats. Thank you everybody!!! Thanks for being here for me in my time of need!!!!!
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 4, 2016
Please get him back to the vet (maybe a different one) and don't give him any of that snake oil.    Did they do xrays?   Could be stones, inflammation, a mucus plug,    Did you complete the antibiotic regimen they had given you?    Something is definitely wrong down there - please get him back stat.   It sounds like they did not attempt to run a catheter through him to see if there is any resistance or blockage?    He needs to have a cath run.  
Yes. They did an x-Ray. Nothing suspicious! Looks great. No ultrasound. I was thinking a bladder stone too. But Bear seems to be responding to the d-mannose which was recommended by the vet. She didn't recommend any of those uti things that you can buy. the d-mannose hasn't been used in clinical studies of cats but it has in other animals including dogs, horses, cows, and humans. So I don't think it's "snake oil" so to speak. She just doesn't seem concerned for him. Says this thing is just common and hard to diagnose. She gave me dry food science diet even though there weren't any crystals? I just don't know anymore. He's peed now normal strong stream of urine twice today. Which is so much better than his 12 to 24 hour pee strikes.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
I'm so glad Bear is doing better.  I would however think twice about going to the one vet who said,   "oh, it's just cystitis". - cystitis had my boy in the hospital for 11 days, and my sweet girl on deaths door this past January.  It's nothing to brush off.  I'm surprised the vet was calm.

In any case, it all worked out.  I'm so glad that he's able to urinate, nice going.  Go Bear!

Do you have any pictures of Bear you can share.

I'm please with this news. Be well.  Keep us posted.
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 4, 2016
I'm so glad Bear is doing better.  I would however think twice about going to the one vet who said,  "oh, it's just cystitis". - cystitis had my boy in the hospital for 11 days, and my sweet girl on deaths door this past January.  It's nothing to brush off.  I'm surprised the vet was calm.

In any case, it all worked out.  I'm so glad that he's able to urinate, nice going.  Go Bear!

Do you have any pictures of Bear you can share.

I'm please with this news. Be well.  Keep us posted.

My Bear! I definitely will. I'm crossing my fingers!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
He's darling.  What a cute boy you have.  That sweet face is making my heart melt.

I'm so glad he's doing better.  There's nothing worse than seeing our furry wee ones in pain.

I look forward to hearing more about him.

Have you introduced him to TCS in the New Cats On The Block section.  

Be well.  Best to you and Bear.
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 4, 2016
He's darling.  What a cute boy you have.  That sweet face is making my heart melt.

I'm so glad he's doing better.  There's nothing worse than seeing our furry wee ones in pain.

I look forward to hearing more about him.

Have you introduced him to TCS in the New Cats On The Block section.  

Be well.  Best to you and Bear.

No, what's that? How do I even do that? I'm pretty new to this site and use the mobile version. Update; never mind! I found it! Thank you so much for encoraging and caring for
me and Bear! I feel like we are new friends. Haha. It feels so good to have somebody to "vent" to and bounce ideas off of. I feel like we are new friends. How are your little ones? Do you have pictures of them somewhere?
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
You'll be surprised at the bond you will create with the other cat folks on this site.  They saved me when my sweet Simon was dying and I had him in a hospice situation.

You can go to my profile and look at the different threads and started.  This was the thread which started it all for me.

Tumor  / SCC: Defying the Odds with Hospice Care - Living with a Terminally Ill Loved One, I share

Lots of pictures there.

New Cats on the Block is under the Forums - click on Forums and it will bring up many subjects from Health, Behavior, Nutrition, Grooming etc and then down further there are Crossing the Bridge, New Cats...  and some fun off cat topic - Cat Lounge.  there are name games.

I promise you once you start browsing, you won't stop. LOL  I found this because my girl had issues but then didn't stop reading until hours later. LOL

I can't wait to see more pictures of Bear.
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 4, 2016
Is it normal for cats to dry heave when they are hungry? Bear drive heaved right before supper was served. He's now eating and seems content. Also two confirmed pees already today! He was only urinating once in a 24 hour period if we were lucky!! So I'm continuing the D-mannose and have high hopes for him! The only strange thing he does is run around and finds the "perfect" litter box. (We have 5, which is why I think he never urinated outside the litter box - he had too many options to associate one litter pan with his pain).


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
Hold on, you have 5 litter boxes for just Bear.   How are his bowels?  Normal?  My boy used to get dry heaves when he was constipated.  I don't like the sound of dry heaves.  Did you run this by your vet.

Poor Bear.  I really hope he feels better soon.
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  • #20


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 4, 2016
Hold on, you have 5 litter boxes for just Bear.   How are his bowels?  Normal?  My boy used to get dry heaves when he was constipated.  I don't like the sound of dry heaves.  Did you run this by your vet.

Poor Bear.  I really hope he feels better soon.
No! Haha! I have 4 cats! I'm pretty sure my vet would tell me I'm over reacting. Smh. I really need to find a new vet. I just wondered if it was a natural thing. Bear has been slightly constipated for a while so that makes sense. I've been giving him pumpkin per doctors orders, Laxatone, and miralax (not all at once). I start with the pumpkin, then if that doesn't work I use the Laxatone, and when that doesn't work I use the miralax.