Please Help! Sudden ‘scaredy Cat’


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 26, 2018
Hi everyone! New to this site - just registered a few min ago. I’m having a problem with my cat and need help!

So, let me start by saying my cat, Bandit, is the most loving angel in the world. She’s about 2, a little tortie. Ever since the day we brought her home she’s been loving and wonderful and carefree. She sleeps under my chin every night, she kisses and licks me all day and sits on my lap to the point where I have to move her multiple times a day when I’m trying to work. She literally never wants to stop cuddling, playing and getting attention. So, the other day we got a new bedspread that’s black (ours have been white in the past). I only mention this because I’m trying to think of anything that could’ve set her off? But Bandit was totally fine with it, rolling around, kissing, licking, sleeping as usual. She even played hide and seek in it as we put it on, as she always does when we change the duvet cover or the sheets. Anyway, on Sunday late afternoon (a few days after changing the bedspread), I was playing a video game and she was sitting with me and my partner on the bed as usual. We also have a surge protector with the phone cable and computer chargers on the bed nearby. I get up to go to the bathroom and suddenly hear something drop and Bandit is in front of me. My boyfriend said she just out of the blue jumped up and ran and knocked all the cables over. We assumed she freaked herself out by touching something, or maybe even got a little shock somehow? Either way, since then (it’s now Tuesday night), we haven’t been able to get her on the bed. She’s terrified. She’s crouching, walking with her tail between her legs trying to investigate it. We have tried to tempt her over with treats and toys but nothing. We finally put her on the bed, but on the other side of where she was scared and pet her to show her nothing was there, but she just stared at the one spot freaking out jumping backwards. We removed all the cables because it seemed they were what was scaring but her - still nothing. She’s just either sitting by the foot of the bed staring up at us and taking little steps toward it then jumping back, or sitting upstairs and staring at the bed. She has not spent even one night not under my chin or on my legs since the day we brought her home and now she’s been sleeping upstairs the last two nights. She is still eating, drinking, grooming, sleeping. But she’s scared and we can’t get her to come back to the bed. Now I’m scared she’s going to be like this forever and will never go back to being my loving, carefree little angel. So, needless to say - I’m sad and concerned, and she seems so sad that she can’t come lay and play with us like she always does. Of course I’ve gone to her to pet her and comfort her, but she’s fixated on staring at the bed.

Sorry for the super long first post but... any suggestions? What can I do to make her feel comfortable again? I just want my baby back☹


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
Something for sure scared her. Maybe she did get a shock. For now, I would take the black bedspread off and put the white one back on. Then slowly, reintroduce the black spread. Fold it up and put it at the foot of the bed, and if she accepts that, unfold it a little more, and so on. It can take a long time for a cat to get used to something like that, so be patient. Good luck!


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
That's a great idea, maybe even shift the physical position of the bed.
Also try a calming diffuser in there, feliway, thunderease, sentry, there's one called Calm-o-mile, one called Composure, etc.
Don't force her at all, and try playing classical harp music, or get the app relax my cat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
Have you thoroughly checked her for anything like insect bites or marks of any kind? A sting, bite or even a flea can send them off and they don’t trust that spot again. You only mention was seems like fear. I assume she is eating, drinking and going potty as usual. I have a kitty who got a spider bite once. She acted scared of the rug she had been sitting on. It took me a while to figure out she had been bitten. I finally discovered a small lump on her hindquarters and took her to the vet. She was okay but she never did trust that rug again. I think she thought the rug bit her. I would check her out and follow the advice given to you by the other catsite members about the bedspread and calming influences. Let us know how things go.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
I don't have anything to add to the suggestions already posted. Hopefully things will be back to normal soon. :crossfingers: Bandit sounds like a sweetie pie. :catlove:
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  • #6


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 26, 2018
Thank you everyone for your suggestions! I’m going to take the black bedspread off now and see what happens. I haven’t checked her for bites, but will do that now too. But yeah, she is eating, grooming, sleeping, using the litter box as normal. And she’s still wanting to be pet and held by me but only when I’m nowhere near the bed.

Ugh, I just want this to go away. I miss my little love bug and it’s breaking my heart seeing her like this.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Jun 26, 2018
So just an update: I took away the black duvet cover and played with her upstairs to try and get her happy hormones flowing. She played upstairs just fine and was having lots of fun, rolling around as usual. While we did that, my partner took the duvet cover off. So it’s the white one now. She came downstairs with me but still just sat at the end of the bed scared. I mean, the fact she came down without hesitation seems like a good sign and that she was a bit less scared. But after a few minutes, she sprinted back up. Going to check her for bites now but I’m not sure what else to do. Will get the relax my cat app and run out to grab the calming remedies you guys graciously mentioned. But I wish there was just an easy cure for this. I’m scared she’ll never want to come back down and lay with me again like she always does


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I’m scared she’ll never want to come back down and lay with me again like she always does
She will, there's already been forward progress from what you've described. It'll just take time and the calming things (for you as well ;) ).
If you can lower your stress about it, as I mentioned don't force her cuz that could backfire and send things into a negative zone, and actually ignore her a little bit where it comes to the bed, which is to say don't focus on her or anything about her situation, you'll find that things will be back to where they were before the event, not to worry. :thumbsup:
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Jun 26, 2018
She will, there's already been forward progress from what you've described. It'll just take time and the calming things (for you as well ;) ).
If you can lower your stress about it, as I mentioned don't force her cuz that could backfire and send things into a negative zone, and actually ignore her a little bit where it comes to the bed, which is to say don't focus on her or anything about her situation, you'll find that things will be back to where they were before the event, not to worry. :thumbsup:
Thank you I’m trying to ignore it but it’s hard! Your reassurance that everything will go back to normal helps though. Thank you! This site is a lifesaver.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 25, 2018
Is the bedspread the only thing that's new in the room? Some cats are very sensitive to noises, and we can't always hear the ones that are bothering them. If you've started, for example, turning on the a/c or a fan that's been off throughout the spring, or gotten a new electronic gadget that might emit a high-pitched whine of some sort, that could also be scaring her. Just one more possible explanation to consider.
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Jun 26, 2018
Is the bedspread the only thing that's new in the room?
Yes, only the bedspread. So, we’ve taken it off and she seems to have made at least a tinyyyy bit of progress. I’ve taken Furballsmom’s advice and basically ignored the whole thing, and she’s come downstairs a few times on her own and walked up to the foot of the bed and sniffed around. She even put her head underneath the bottom of the comforter to investigate but then ran away. She also let me play with her downstairs, but only in the kitchen not near the bed. But since Sunday she’s barely been downstairs at all, so it seems to be a bit of progress.

Just wish she’d go back to normal. I hate seeing her nervous and you can tell she’s missing us (not as much as I’m missing her though!) but doesn’t know what to do because she doesn’t want to come on the bed. The whole thing is just so weird because she’s so carefree. She literally had no problem adjusting when we moved apartments - it was like nothing happened - and every time she spooks herself (or gets spooked by something), even badly, she gets over it within an hour or two. I mean, she hurt herself really badly when she was younger fooling around on this spot on our staircase we always tried to keep her off of, fell off and seriously hurt her little leg. She would wail and cry but every 20 or so minutes she’d get back up and want to run around again. Even though she terrified herself and got hurt, by the next day, even though she would yelp in pain when walking, she’d try to run to the spot where she hurt herself. So this whole thing, where there’s literally nothing on the bed, is so strange and confusing. I wish I could just show her and tell her that there’s nothing to be afraid of.

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
So just an update: I took away the black duvet cover and played with her upstairs to try and get her happy hormones flowing. She played upstairs just fine and was having lots of fun, rolling around as usual. While we did that, my partner took the duvet cover off. So it’s the white one now. She came downstairs with me but still just sat at the end of the bed scared. I mean, the fact she came down without hesitation seems like a good sign and that she was a bit less scared. But after a few minutes, she sprinted back up. Going to check her for bites now but I’m not sure what else to do. Will get the relax my cat app and run out to grab the calming remedies you guys graciously mentioned. But I wish there was just an easy cure for this. I’m scared she’ll never want to come back down and lay with me again like she always does
If you're anxiously coaxing her in, changing this, changing that, moving stuff around, hovering anxiously around or freezing and holding your breath in anticipation when she walks in the room....stop doing all that =) I'm not saying you are, but if you find yourself freezing, holding your breath, staring at her in hopes she'll approach, she's probably thinking YOU'RE kind of freaked out about whatever happened and is thinking "Yup, I was right. Even humans are scared of that thing!"
She probably got a scare, and maybe (like you said) even a little shock. I would make things normal again, ignore her fears, and if she comes in give her a quick hello and return to what you were doing. Cats don't like flooding and lots of change. Letting her explore on her own and on her own time will more than likely produce the results you're hoping for =)
I say this as an owner with an extremely cuddly one that sleeps up against me, nose to tail. It's like they can NOT get close enough, and I love it, and if they were frightened and didn't do that, I would miss it dearly. But just keep stuff normal, treat her as if she's not fearful at all and let her natural curiosity take over =)
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  • #15


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 26, 2018
HUGE Update! It’s bed time and my boyfriend was petting Bandit for about 10 minutes near the living room and she was fine and happy. Then he turned off the light to walk to the room and get in bed and she ran in front of him and jumped on the bed as she usually does! It’s almost like she forgot she was scared. So she landed on the bed then looked up and remembered like “Oh wait I’m scared,” and stepped back. But she stayed on the bed and spent about 5 minutes hesitantly walking around and investigating. She even sat down and licked herself for a second. She’s still super nervous, twitching and jumping back but she came up here all by herself and when she jumped off, it wasn’t like a freaked out run away. She just hopped down.

So, yay! This is huge. I just gave her a treat and praised her and am now going back to my snack and getting in bed.

Now that she’s made this step, do I just keep doing the same thing? When she was on the bed I tried to act normal and not watch all of her moves, etc. like 1 bruce 1 said. But it’s hard! She’s already on such high alert, I don’t want to do anything to alarm her.

For now, I’m hoping this is a great sign and that by the end of the week she’ll be curling up in bed as usual.

Thanks everyone for your help thus far! Will keep you posted and of course, any suggestions or anything are always welcome! Once this Bandit fiasco is over, I’ll have plenty to chat about in regard to my other cat, Scout.

Goodnight all! Fingers crossed Bandit continues and jumps back up again!


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
This is AWESOME!!
Wow, whatever it was really got to her, poor baby, but she's recovering fast.
Yes, just keep being normal, calm and unconcerned, you're doing great!!
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  • #17


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 26, 2018
This is AWESOME!!
Wow, whatever it was really got to her, poor baby, but she's recovering fast.
Yes, just keep being normal, calm and unconcerned, you're doing great!!
She jumped up again! This time for 10 minutes and even sat down and cleaned herself! Now she’s sitting on the AC above the bed watching it but it’s right above the bed so she’s close by at least! Praying this progress continues and she’s back to her happy go lucky self. Whatever it was gave her a real scare!

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
HUGE Update! It’s bed time and my boyfriend was petting Bandit for about 10 minutes near the living room and she was fine and happy. Then he turned off the light to walk to the room and get in bed and she ran in front of him and jumped on the bed as she usually does! It’s almost like she forgot she was scared. So she landed on the bed then looked up and remembered like “Oh wait I’m scared,” and stepped back. But she stayed on the bed and spent about 5 minutes hesitantly walking around and investigating. She even sat down and licked herself for a second. She’s still super nervous, twitching and jumping back but she came up here all by herself and when she jumped off, it wasn’t like a freaked out run away. She just hopped down.

So, yay! This is huge. I just gave her a treat and praised her and am now going back to my snack and getting in bed.

Now that she’s made this step, do I just keep doing the same thing? When she was on the bed I tried to act normal and not watch all of her moves, etc. like 1 bruce 1 said. But it’s hard! She’s already on such high alert, I don’t want to do anything to alarm her.

For now, I’m hoping this is a great sign and that by the end of the week she’ll be curling up in bed as usual.

Thanks everyone for your help thus far! Will keep you posted and of course, any suggestions or anything are always welcome! Once this Bandit fiasco is over, I’ll have plenty to chat about in regard to my other cat, Scout.

Goodnight all! Fingers crossed Bandit continues and jumps back up again!
This is super awesome news!!!
I would say Hi, ask how she is, pet her, do your normal routine but don't hover and don't obsess over every little move.
One day I threw a balled up sock from my foot (I'm a total slob) onto the floor. One of my cats came into the room, saw the sock, poofed up and was doing the egg-shell walk to it. I sneezed. The cat went 6 feet into the air when I did so, and I busted up laughing which created more jumpy behavior. Coughing, sneezing, turning a page from the book I was reading, blinking, etc, caused this cat to jump dramatically. Sometimes they just do this stuff we have no idea why!!
I'm glad she's exploring!!!! Let that curiosity take over!!!

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
A side note...
at some point you probably WILL do something to alarm her, but she won't necessarily connect this with you. If you get up from bed, or cough, sneeze, move quickly or turn over or whatever she'll probably startle. If you just act natural, odds are IME that she'll spook, get past it, and investigate.
Cats are no idiots. When something is startling, they run off but don't stay gone long because they know they can kick most things butts in the end =D
They're also no idiots because when something startles them, they don't act like idiots and rush in to see what that thing was...they high tail it, think it over, then investigate. It's what makes a cat a cat, and what makes cats hyper intelligent and really cool to have around and share our lives with.