PLEASE HELP... My cat has gone berserk on me!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 22, 2013

I'm new here and signed up for advice. Short of calling the vet, I'm not sure who to ask. My cat has completely turned on me. It's really upsetting actually.

My cat just turned 3 a couple of months ago. People have said she looks like a blue linx-point Siamese or a tabby. Shes light grey with brownish/black stripes. She has bright blue eyes. I adopted her from a litter of stray kittens when she was about six months old. I heard she was sick when she was a kitten, but I immediately got her hooked up with a vet and she seemed healthy. I got her spayed at the appropriate age. She hasn't seen a vet in over a year though.

She's always been my little buddy. She follows me everywhere. Always at my side. We both love each other to death. I've had her since she was just a little teeny tiny thing.

The incident occurred because of this walk-in closet we have in our apartment. When we first moved in there, it was covered in animal hair. I vacuumed it thoroughly and there has never been a problem. She would lounge in there during warm weather. Now that it's cold out, we have to keep the door closed and I think this bothers her for some reason.

So it all started yesterday morning when I was late for work. I was running around the house. I had to get in the closet for some reason. She follows me in and weasels her way between some boxes. Shes stuck under a shelf in kind of an awkward position. Exasperated, I reach to pull her out of there, and that's when she changed.

She SCREAMED and slashed at me. Like an intense, ferocious, ear-splitting screech. My hand started bleeding and I yelled at her. I left the room and she followed me out, screeching and hissing. I went into the bathroom to put on ban-aids and she stands in the door and screams at me as I go to walk out. I just kind of stared at her in disbelief. I ended up leaving the house with her screaming at me with every move I make. Like truly terrified ... seeming almost feral.

(I've seen her get like this once before, when I had to stay with my parents. She accidentally met my mom's cat and she totally tweaked. But after a while hours alone, she calmed down and that was that.)

So while I was work I was hoping that by the time I got home, she'd have calmed down. My girlfriend got home before me, and apparently she was totally fine. I got home and she seemed ok! A little weird but I held her and fed her and stuff. But then I had to get into the closet to get something. I didn't let her in this time. When I came out, the switch went off again. She started screeching and hissing at my girlfriend and me. She even pooped and peed on the floor she was so terrified. She hid under the couch.

After a while my girlfriend and I just sat down and watched tv. Eventually she popped her head up and decided to join us. She crawled on me and sprawled out. But she was still slightly stressed, her eyes darting around the room.

When It was time for bed, I got up to brush my teeth and she followed me into the bathroom for a drink from the tub. When she was done, she left the room and sat there and watched me from the kitchen. When I walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen she flipped out again. Screeching incredibly loud, and hissing. She ran off to hide somewhere in the dark.

At some point in the night she joined us in bed, and in the morning she was really cuddly and purring. I thought "ok she has to be back to normal." She seemed pretty skittish when I got out of bed, but we played with her toy and I tried really hard to not startle her. When it was time to leave for work, I walked into the pantry to get a glass of water. When I turned back around, I wasn't the same person to her any more. The switch went off and she hated me again. So once again, I left the house with her hissing, growling and cowering in terror from me.

I'm writing this from work and i'm dreading going back to my own home. It's just so stressful. As if my day at work wasn't bad enough already. She apparently can't handle me walking into another room.

What can I do? does anyone have any input? I've heard that cats like her have bad eyesight.. could something be happening there? I've noticed shes usually most terrified in low light. Someone suggested she might be in heat... but she has been spayed. I just don't know what to do.

Did I permanently scar her? Feeling incredibly bummed.


TCS Member
Sep 21, 2013
Orange party
1) Get her to the vet ASAP. Such drastic change in behavior usually signals something wrong. Tell the vet everything you told us.

2) Can you think of what is in the closet that triggered her behavior?

3) Invest in some Feliway diffusers - these take up to a few weeks to work, although some cats calm down in a few days. Your mileage may vary.

4) Have you tried turning on all the lights in your house? Does she still screech at you? YOu seem to notice some correlation between low light and her behavior.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 22, 2013
Hi! Thanks for the reply!!

I'm going to call a vet tonight.. hopefully they are open.

The only thing I can think about the change in her behavior is maybe she was trying to investigate some smell in the closet.. maybe something left over from that other animal. Maybe me trying to grab her while she was in that mood + wedged behind a box awkwardly just set her into fight/flight mode...

OH! Another thing is that my boss brings dogs into work and sometimes they jump on me. I hadn't washed my work pants or shirt in a while and I thought maybe she smelled the dogs on ME as well. I've since washed them, but still, this morning I was wearing fresh clothes and she still tweaked after a while.

It does seem like shes calmer in brighter rooms...

Thanks for the tip on the feliway diffuser. I am going to put one in that closet!

She makes me nervous in this state.. I wonder if she can sense that on me and is reacting to my nervousness..


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 19, 2013
get her to the vet she could be in distress,after you take her to the vet and find out what is wrong
, {this is totally up to  you} you can let her in the closet  but with the door open. if you don't want her in your closet you can always put a baby gate up. that is if she is not a jumper like my kitten, i have had this problem before with my 1 year old cat meeting my 7 month old cat. my older cat would hiss like CRAZY and she slapped her so much that we had to SEPARATE them.


TCS Member
Sep 21, 2013
Orange party
I forgot to suggest that if it is possible, let her explore the closet on her own - leave it open. How cold does it get if you leave it open?

Cats associate things that we may never quite figure out, most of the time we know by process of elimination. Something about that closet triggered bad memories for her. Does she show an interest in it when the door is closed? It seems that this all started when you closed the closet door, so start from there.

A Feliway spray (there's a diffuser and a spray) is for more immediate effect; if the closet is small enough, you can spray the corners of the closet and let it sit for 20 minutes. Many of us use the spray when we want to take kitty to the vet - spraying the inside of the carrier beforehand seems to calm them down.

How is she around other pets? Do you know? Some cats just go berserk with other animals - they have to be a one-cat household all their lives. Your cat may have an extreme reaction to the scent of other animals. Again, Feliway usually helps.
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  • #6


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 22, 2013
Hey thanks for keeping this in mind! i booked an appointment for the vet.

Yes, she's definitely interested in the closet when the door is closed. She used to cry at the door begging me to open it and let her in. Sometimes I would oblige her. But you know how cats are. She hates closed doors. If she sees a closed door, she wants me to open it for her. I didn't really think much of it.

I'm home from work now and here's what happened. She came up to the door and chirped at me, her signature adorable sound. I walked in and picked her up and she made a weird "i'm annoyed" meow. but i gave her the old ear rubs and she got into the zone. but then, as soon as I put her down, she let out a little hiss at me. My girlfriend noticed that when i did put her down, i had my hand near her belly, or back-side kind of. (her backside has always been a sensitive spot for her, but she used to like it when i rubbed near her tail.) i wonder if something in that area is physically bothering her, or if she's just being really sensitive.

but than after than she jumped up on the couch and wrestled with me for like 5 minutes straight. that's when i noticed her smell. she kind of smells bad.. weird... like stinky feet. the smell was faint on her a few days ago and i just wiped her down with a towel, but now it's more pungent than ever. what could that mean?

but so far that's all thats happened. We are thinking about opening that closet door and letting her explore maybe tomorrow. right now i'm honestly nervous about going into any other room in the house and freaking her out. so we are sitting in the well-lit living room together. she seems a little nervous, but ok with me as long as i'm sitting on the couch.

also, shes horrible around other pets. she's always been so nice towards me but a little bit of a spaz. she loves ana, my girlfriend, but can be pretty weird towards friends if i have them over. if it's another cat, forget it. it's hell mode.

so far i havent seen hell mode tonight though. but i guess we shall see what happens when i have to go into the bathroom. thanks for responding guys. i'd love to hear more opinions..

three cat night

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 6, 2012
I agree that you need to see a vet ASAP , if they rule out a physical problem, then I would start with "cat behavior" specialty people for advice. There are lots of good choices on this site, and the posters are very helpful....... I'm sure someone out there has had similar situations. Good luck!
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Nov 22, 2013
Yeah so last night was fine. I pretty much sat with her on the couch all night. I got up to brush my teeth and do all that stuff and she was totally fine! She hopped into bed with us. Cuddled with me in the morning. Chirped when i gave her treats. Followed me into the bathroom to shower.

When I got out of the shower though, she didn't trust me. She let out a weird moan, hissed a little, waved her tail and kind of circled around me. She still followed me around the house... she followed me into the bedroom and watched me get dressed. We kind of played with her stick toy on the bed for a minute.

But then when I went into the living room and put my shoes on, she flipped again, as soon as she heard my feet on the hard floor. She got low to the ground and hissed and screamed. The annoying thing is that she ran into the bathroom to hide. I still had to go in and brush my teeth, but I didn't want her to think I was coming after her, so I didn't even go in there, I just left.

So it has something to do with the way I sound when I walk around with shoes on. She doesn't mind my girlfriend at all. She just hates me... when I walk around the house.

I can't spend my days confined to one room just to please her weird little instinctual brain. It sucks to be hated when you get home from work after a stressful-enough day.

But yeah, it really seems like it's me personally, and after 2 days, it's not going away.

I made a vet appointment, but I'm afraid grabbing her and putting her in the cat carrier is going to be absolutely detrimental to our relationship.



The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
Sounds really stressful and horrid for all of you.  It could be she is unwell or could be whatever is or has been in this closet has totally freaked her out and any unfamiliar scents and noises are putting her on edge, and as you were in the closet when this was triggered you have been associated.

With your cat's smell, it could be illness but the other thing tha comes to my mind is if there's anything she could be accessing to cover herself in a different smell. I had a cat once that whenever she got out of the apartment the first thing she'd do was literally roll in every strong scent she could find: rancid dirt, dog and cat pee markings.  After the first couple of times I realized she was going in to predator mode and masking her own scent.  She was a fluffy furball 99.9% of the time but had some very funny basic instincts! To her, stinking os something alien was a way to hide herself.  I don't think she was afraid of anything except vets and she was petrified of the (and them of her).

I really hope you are seeing the vet soon and they can find out what is happening for you.  

three cat night

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 6, 2012
Joebot, you need to get to the vet, get a full work up like blood panel , urine, take a poo sample if you can ( just a small bit and it's okay if covered in litter ) just try and think of it as a almond rocca, I usually get a sample the night before and put it in a baggie and put it in the fridge till the appointment. Have Ana put her in the carrier and don't worry ALL cats raise hell about going to the vet, they moan in the car hiss etc.. I was thinking maybe because she follows you everywhere even when she is freaking out that she still loves you and you are still her chosen human maybe she is trying to get your attention and wants you to fix something? If she is truly afraid of you she wouldn't come near you at all. Good Luck and keep us posted.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Joebot, this might not have anything to do with your cats behaviour but about two years ago one of my female cats started doing the same thing. Suddenly growling and hissing, lunging at me and her brother for no reason, then going back to her usual sweet self. She was about 7 months old at the time so I thought she might have been because she was on heat and it was time to get her spayed. However, she had a weird smell about her too. When I took her to the vet we found that she had an abscess forming under one of her front teeth and the pain was making her attack whatever was nearest to her.

Sudden mood swings like that could be because she is in pain. I'd get her to the vet and have her checked over over soon if I were you.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
I'm going to guess that bacause of the smell and the seeming sensitivity around the back end, she has an infected/impacted anal gland. Let us know what the vet said!

If nothing physical is found, see if the vet will give her an anti-anxiety medication for a couple of weeks. Sometimes cats can just get freaked out and get a little stuck in the freak-out, and need a little help getting out of it.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 22, 2013
Hi guys! Thanks so much for your concern and keeping up with this.

First off, I want to say that after a few days, shes almost totally back to her normal, chirpy self.

I brought her to the vet on sunday, and that morning she was doing much better. Very cuddly. She was rather upset about going to the vets, but she did ok until they started trying to poke her butt. She got really aggravated and started growling and hissing. So they didn't take her temperature or really find out anything about her rear end. :(

You guys have posted some interesting theories... impacted anal gland and abscess under the tooth are both troublesome. I felt like my experience at banfield pet hospital was extremely unsatisfying. They couldn't look at her teeth because she kept hissing at the doctor and she was scared of her... (like, duh. of course shes hissing at you.) They didn't look at her eyes or butt for the same reason. She also has some snots, and the vet said there was nothing they could do about that either. ***?

So they basically told me they would take blood work and see how that goes..

The good news is that she has been doing MUCH MUCH better since the vets. She still seems a little jumpy and still lets out little hisses if things startle her. But for the most part, she seems to be doing really well. I also want to add that the feliway worked MICARLES around the house. Ive been getting a little on my hands and I put a diffuser in the kitchen. Hopefully her mood is improving regardless, but the feliway definitely helps. I've also been doing everything I can to be as loving and gentle as possible, and give her space when she wants it.

I also tried opening up the closet door a little bit, and she looked at it, but decided she wasn't interested in checking it out. I need to use that space, so we shall see how that goes tonight.

Thanks everyone for being so thoughtful and concerned so far. Hopefully things are ok.


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
Not impressed if that was a veterinary hospital and not just a little vet practice. 
  Did they take the bloods or do you need to take her back?  I thought Willowy's thoughts on anal gland were very interesting, I've not experienced a cat who's had that but it immediately made sense in a lot of ways.  Is there another vet you could take her to see?  I don't know if you have any choice in your area, or if the place you went has the best reputation normally.  It's good she seems calmer with the Feliway but if she's still sensitive about being touched I'd feel worried about her.  If she's a bit more relaxed are you able to take a closer look at her yourself or is she still a bit unpredictable and nervy with you to try that? 
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