Please HELP, my Bengal is up Meowing ALL night


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 11, 2006
Originally Posted by Leslie301

Upset? Yes.... But let's not forget who they should be upset with. If I were the breeder, I too would be VERY unhappy. But our friend here isn't at fault. The breeder should be (and probably is) furious with the seller. The breeder should not be upset with Cheetara. She walked into their mess blindly.....

(By the way, I keep assuming that you are a "she", Cheetara. Please correct me if I'm wrong!
I DID say they should NOT have been rude to her. At no point did I state that this situation was the OP's fault. In fact, I stated that I was sorry that she is having to go through this.

Should I be attacked for stating that if I were the breeder I'd be upset, too?

C'mon now.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 26, 2007
You're right, I was reading too quickly. I meant no offense.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 17, 2007
Houston, Tx
Originally Posted by Cheetara

OMG what a mess, I am sooooo lost at what to do morally, as silly as it sounds I do NOT want another kitten (Nor do I even think the cattery would offer that in return for Chee) but we LOVE this cat, she has such a sweet spirit about her and she is sooo good natured. I know maybe I am "suppose" to give his Cat back but I feel as though I haven't do anything wrong, I didn't sell her against a contract I just bought her off of someone kwim? Were do my responsibilities lay other then to take care of and love this kitty with all our hearts? I know some say I should return her but I don't want to. Man I don't know what to do.
My 2 cents: GET HER SPAYED ASAP!!!! Then the cattery won't want her.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 11, 2006
Originally Posted by Leslie301

You're right, I was reading too quickly. I meant no offense.
It's all good.

Originally Posted by mschauer

My 2 cents: GET HER SPAYED ASAP!!!! Then the cattery won't want her.

I actually completely agree with this. I think it is your best bet, as long as you understand that she may never act like a "regular" cat due to her lineage.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 26, 2006
yeah. i think spaying her is for her best interest and yours. it's obviously not in the 'cattery's' best interest......but isn't it all about the cat anyway


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 30, 2006
I don't know how these kind of breeding contracts work, but it's possible that the people you bought her from didn't even own her outright. The cattery owners shouldn't have been rude to you, but it sounds like they are just upset and angry at the way this has turned out. You haven't done anything wrong, but the description of your cat as "stolen goods" could be very accurate if the people who sold her to you didn't have the right to sell her. I don't know how it is where you are, but over here cats are considered property so owning a cat that the seller didn't have the right to sell could but you in a tricky situation. You might find yourself in the middle of a nasty dispute over ownership. I know you're attached to the cat - it's easy to get attached - but given that you've only had her for a matter of weeks I would return the cat to the cattery unless you have reason to believe they are not good breeders and do not have her best interests at heart.

kai bengals

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 5, 2005
North Carolina
Wow, what a bizarre situation.

I'm a bengal breeder and I can say, I'd never enter into an agreement as is described here. There's no control and no benefit to the breed. Just the originating cattery, trying to make money in a franchise type situation. Totally unethical behavior, especially dealing with a foundation bengal. These F1 through F3 cats are very sensitive and bond very closely to their people. They do not do well being shuffled around.

My advice to you, in light of what has been revealed is to spay this girl and keep her as your own. You purchased her in good faith and as was pointed out, she will be worthless to the cattery if she is spayed.

The cattery's beef is with the 2nd owner. It does not, nor should it concern you. Let them hash it out. You now have possession of the cat and she belongs to you. Get her spayed and give her a nice solid home. She's a F2, she needs stability and love.

Spaying her will rid your home of much of the night-time yowling.

Enjoy that early generation bengal! She will be one of the best pets you've ever been owned by.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 10, 2005
Originally Posted by Cheetara

OMG what a mess, I am sooooo lost at what to do morally, as silly as it sounds I do NOT want another kitten (Nor do I even think the cattery would offer that in return for Chee) but we LOVE this cat, she has such a sweet spirit about her and she is sooo good natured. I know maybe I am "suppose" to give his Cat back but I feel as though I haven't do anything wrong, I didn't sell her against a contract I just bought her off of someone kwim? Were do my responsibilities lay other then to take care of and love this kitty with all our hearts? I know some say I should return her but I don't want to. Man I don't know what to do.
Hi, I've been reading this whole thread so far and I think you should keep the cat. She has become your friend and as it seems that you did nothing illegal, you should not have to give her up. If someone told me that one of my cats was illegally sold to me and they wanted her or him back, I'd tell them where to stick it. I would never part with my cats willingly so I know how you must feel. I wish you all the best of luck with this!


TCS Member
Jun 16, 2006
I just want to add the below post is from an extremely reputable breeder that takes great care in his Bengal lines .......... I would totally without any hesitation listen to exactly the advice he just gave you.

Originally Posted by Kai Bengals

Wow, what a bizarre situation.

I'm a bengal breeder and I can say, I'd never enter into an agreement as is described here. There's no control and no benefit to the breed. Just the originating cattery, trying to make money in a franchise type situation. Totally unethical behavior, especially dealing with a foundation bengal. These F1 through F3 cats are very sensitive and bond very closely to their people. They do not do well being shuffled around.

My advice to you, in light of what has been revealed is to spay this girl and keep her as your own. You purchased her in good faith and as was pointed out, she will be worthless to the cattery if she is spayed.

The cattery's beef is with the 2nd owner. It does not, nor should it concern you. Let them hash it out. You now have possession of the cat and she belongs to you. Get her spayed and give her a nice solid home. She's a F2, she needs stability and love.

Spaying her will rid your home of much of the night-time yowling.

Enjoy that early generation bengal! She will be one of the best pets you've ever been owned by.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2015
I'm curious as to the end result of this ordeal, I live in Ontario Canada, my girlfriend and I went to several breeders when looking for our beautiful white f4 neutered male Tybalt, and at least one cattery I was disgusted by, they even had an ALC pelt hanging on the wall in plain view when you first walk in. Their kittens were unsocialized and scared and the father and daughter were kind of creepy, strange bates motel vibe but with kittens everywhere in glass enclosures.

In Canada we have the benefit of many activist and lobbyist groups willing to put negative press and attention to disreputable cat mill breeders and of course we have very clear harassment laws, make it clear to breeder that they need to take it up with previous owner, not to contact you again.
I feel like you were really sitting on the fence with what to do, and in the end the animals wellbeing and your family's are what are of primary concern. Breeder politics on an online forum aside just do what's right by your children and the animal who is suffering through repeated heats and who needs a stable home environment.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
I'm curious as to the end result of this ordeal, I live in Ontario Canada, my girlfriend and I went to several breeders when looking for our beautiful white f4 neutered male Tybalt, and at least one cattery I was disgusted by, they even had an ALC pelt hanging on the wall in plain view when you first walk in. Their kittens were unsocialized and scared and the father and daughter were kind of creepy, strange bates motel vibe but with kittens everywhere in glass enclosures.

In Canada we have the benefit of many activist and lobbyist groups willing to put negative press and attention to disreputable cat mill breeders and of course we have very clear harassment laws, make it clear to breeder that they need to take it up with previous owner, not to contact you again.
I feel like you were really sitting on the fence with what to do, and in the end the animals wellbeing and your family's are what are of primary concern. Breeder politics on an online forum aside just do what's right by your children and the animal who is suffering through repeated heats and who needs a stable home environment.
Wow. Hope you reported those breeders!