Please! Help Me Understand My New Kitten's Behavior!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 26, 2017
Hello everyone! I'm new here and I'm glad I found this fantastic website because I really need some help right now. (I'm not english so any corrections are appreciated!)

I've always loved cats and I've had them my entire life. My cats have always been very sweet and cuddly, but playful, and I love them just like that.
Recently me and my parents decided to adopt a new kitten because we missed having a cute baby. We were really excited, I was so happy.

Poppy was WAY too young to be separated from her mother, she was around 6 weeks, but we were ''forced'' to take her home even though she was so young, because the lady who was giving her had too many kittens and she couldn't take care of them all.

The kitty was very angry at first, kept hissing at me and my mom, but we knew it was normal and she would eventually settle.
Thing is, 1st day we took her home, she started playing with everything and seemed very content except she wouldn't let anyone near her. This was weird, if she was scared she wouldn't want to play, right? She didn't even try to run away or hide, she was just... mad at us.
Once again, we thought that this was normal, even though it never happened before with any of my cats.

2 weeks have passed since then, and Poppy is definitely the weirdest kitten I've ever had. She rarely sleeps during the day, is always jumping or running unsettlingly fast, playing with EVERYTHING, biting my hands and feet. She refuses to be pet or stroked and will get very angry if we put her in our lap/grab her. She pees everywhere (but somehow poops in her litterbox). she absolutely NEVER purrs or even looks at us with affection. But I know she trusts me, she isn't scared, just distant. But (almost forgot) like 5-6 times a day, she will try to nurse on me, and I hate it.

Is this behavior normal? It's disturbing how she spends 15 hours a day running and jumping around without ever stopping, and lacks any affection.

Any answers will be much appreciated!!

Alejandra Rico

TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 27, 2017
Asturias, Spain
Hi amd wellcome.
Though I am no expert, someone with a Castellón experience will sure show yo soon to help you.
Now, as far as I know, kittens learn their social skills from mother and siblings, so a cat younger than 10-12 weeks will not have finished that learning period and will, therefore, be more prone to problems in that field. So It is not so weird, I think, that your kitty is not behaving well, as manners have not Belén fully taught to him.
If there is any treat that your kitty likes especially, I would try socializing him through his stomach, so to say.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 16, 2016
She is treating you like a mom.
Kittens around 3 months old pounce on and bite their moms and siblings. They are really too playful. Mom usually grooms them to calm them, this the kitten usually fights, or mommy bites and hits.
You can try swaddling the kitten so it can't claw and petting it's face and head with firm short strokes, to feel like tongue grooming. Unfortunately this will encourage the baby to nurse, offer her a fuzzy blanket or stuffed animal with your scent on it.
The nursing habit could go on for years when she is stressed. It is normal behavior for kittens separated too early.
Bonding to the kitten should get her to stop being so angry.


TCS Member
Aug 25, 2017
Hello everyone! I'm new here and I'm glad I found this fantastic website because I really need some help right now. (I'm not english so any corrections are appreciated!)

I've always loved cats and I've had them my entire life. My cats have always been very sweet and cuddly, but playful, and I love them just like that.
Recently me and my parents decided to adopt a new kitten because we missed having a cute baby. We were really excited, I was so happy.

Poppy was WAY too young to be separated from her mother, she was around 6 weeks, but we were ''forced'' to take her home even though she was so young, because the lady who was giving her had too many kittens and she couldn't take care of them all.

The kitty was very angry at first, kept hissing at me and my mom, but we knew it was normal and she would eventually settle.
Thing is, 1st day we took her home, she started playing with everything and seemed very content except she wouldn't let anyone near her. This was weird, if she was scared she wouldn't want to play, right? She didn't even try to run away or hide, she was just... mad at us.
Once again, we thought that this was normal, even though it never happened before with any of my cats.

2 weeks have passed since then, and Poppy is definitely the weirdest kitten I've ever had. She rarely sleeps during the day, is always jumping or running unsettlingly fast, playing with EVERYTHING, biting my hands and feet. She refuses to be pet or stroked and will get very angry if we put her in our lap/grab her. She pees everywhere (but somehow poops in her litterbox). she absolutely NEVER purrs or even looks at us with affection. But I know she trusts me, she isn't scared, just distant. But (almost forgot) like 5-6 times a day, she will try to nurse on me, and I hate it.

Is this behavior normal? It's disturbing how she spends 15 hours a day running and jumping around without ever stopping, and lacks any affection.

Any answers will be much appreciated!!
Hello new mom!
I am new to this site as well, and loving it so far! Cat parents can definitely help each other with their individual personalities. Poppy is treating you like her mother, and will most likely continue to do that for a bit. She is definitely not mad, but she is trying to figure it all out on her own. Cats are known for their instincts and if you are the one she considers as a parent, she will behave in ways you described. You are so kind to have taken her in such a young age, and willing to be a responsible mom! :angel:
She may not be scared if she is playing, but she very well could be. Some cats try to growl, hiss and show other aggressive behavior to hide the fact they are scared. Peeing everywhere could be the reason of not being litter trained completely. I would try to start over with training pads. Also, it is completely understandable for her being too hyper and active all the time. She is a kitten and full of energy! :banana1:
What helped me with my first one to set the schedule with mine (Especially at night time) was training him to sleep while I am asleep. You can try to play and feed right before you go to bed. I was told it makes them tired and sleepy. This method worked wonders on Loki and when I got Lily, she just followed her brother's schedule. I would say for her behavior, maybe not force it for now. I know exactly how you feel. You want to pick her up, comfort her and put her to sleep purring on your lap. Picking her up or trying to pet her when she doesnt want to be petted might burn that bridge you are slowly building to earn her full trust. I know you mentioned your previous cats were sweet and all that, but not all cats are lap cats or affectionate. None of my babies are, and Loki definitely does not show affection. I just learned other ways he shows me that he loves me and I just let him be. You have a strong chance of turning Poppy into a sweet loving, purring and a lap cat because she knows you as her mother and she will grow with you. Be patient, fellow cat mommy and keep us posted! :alright:


TCS Member
Aug 16, 2017
She sounds like a normal kitten of that age to me, though quite possibly a stressed kitten given the toileting issues. She thinks you're her mum now so she will try to nurse, that's normal and it might actually be the best time to get her used to being handled and touched by you.

She isn't going to learn to show affection if she isn't taught it and she's lost some vital time with her mama and siblings to teach her those skills. She will have to learn them from you when she comes to nurse or knead (and these are great bonding times and can be a sign of affection).

You're the model for her behaviour, so just be patient with her. It's a bit like us expecting a kid to have perfect manners when they had to do it all on their own from being a toddler. She may never become loving in the way your other cats were (in my experience no cat shows you love in the same way as all the others), but it doesn't mean she's not feeling it. It's just about learning what's normal for her and reading her behaviour.

You're doing good. Just keep up the affection and try to let her pretend to nurse. :)