Please Help Me!! My Cat Is Extremely Aggressive And Attacks Me Multiple Times A Day


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 15, 2017
Hi y’all. I am seriously considering giving my cat away. I really don’t know what to do anymore. Please help me. I love him and I would do anything for him but I just feel like I have no other choice right now. What can I do to stop his aggression?

Some background on him. He is a little over 1 year old right now. I found him as a stray feral kitten. I had him neutered pretty early on. He has always been bitey, ever since he was little. At first it was play biting. I never encouraged him and would either redirect him to a toy or stop playing with him. For a while, he got A LOT better. Basically zero biting or aggression for a few months. He seemed really happy, and we were really close. He slept in my bed every night, followed me every where, loved being petted. He was never super cuddly but he liked being near me, and would fall asleep in my lap sometimes.

But these past few months I don’t know what has happened to him. It’s honestly been like a nightmare. I’ll just be walking by or standing there doing nothing or sitting on the couch watching TV, and he’ll attack me. He will sometimes hide and wait for me pass before he pounces or he will just run up to me. He either latches onto my ankles or my arms/wrists with his claws and bites me as hard as he can. Like this is not play aggression. All of his attacks draw blood. A few days ago he attacked my foot so badly it was dripping blood into my sock. I can feel him just biting me with as much force as he can possibly muster. I can’t even describe to you how badly this hurts. He doesn’t care if I scream or cry, it even seems to encourage him. If i try to run away, he’ll chase me and attack any part of me even as I’m running. If there was a blanket or jacket near me I would wrap my arms in it, grab him and put him in the bathroom for like 30 minutes as a timeout. This used to work, he would be a lot calmer after being let out but after a while he stopped caring. I heard that spraying water was bad so next I tried to use a bell to make a loud noise to scare him into stopping. This worked for a while too but now he just braces himself against the noise and keeps going. If i try to block him by shielding myself with a blanket or pillow he will circle me trying to find an unprotected spot to attack me. He used to sleep in my room but now I’m scared to let him in. He will meow and meow and meow for literally an hour straight until i let him in, and then he just attacks me. I grab him with a blanket, put him outside, and he just keeps meowing and meowing, and I soon as I step outside my room he is there waiting and attacks me again. I have never hit him or hurt him in any way but I am so scared I will snap one day. This has been going on for months. My arms and legs are covered in scars and fresh cuts and scratches. Someone at work noticed and worriedly asked me if I was self-harming and if I needed help. I am so desperate at this point. I feel so defenseless.

I am worried about him but I’ve taken him to the vet and they can’t find anything wrong with him. The vet told me to spray him with water if he bites me. He eats and drinks and goes to the bathroom regularly and normally. He sleeps normally as well. I have a big cat tree for him that I put next to a big window and it has different levels and hiding spots. I have a pretty big house so he has plenty of room to explore and run. He has plenty of high places and hiding spots to escape to. He also has tons of windows to look out into the backyard, and I leave them open so he can smell and hear the noises. He has a lot of different toys, and I play with him for at least 30 min-1 hour every day. I try to make the toys move as realistically as possible, and he goes crazy when he plays, doing flips and leaping through the air. I try to tire him out but it seems like he never runs out of energy. I can’t think of a single thing I’m not providing for him.

It’s like he hates me or something. This isn’t fear based aggression. It is like this is really fun for him. It’s like he’s hunting me. I love him but at the same time I almost hate him now. I feel like such a horrible person for feeling this way towards him. Please help me. I want to fix things but I have no idea what to do.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 15, 2017
I'm so sorry you are going through all this. I admire that you've stuck it out this long and are so dedicated to your furbaby.

I'm surprised your vet didn't have more advice than just to use a spray bottle. Have you tried calming pheremone spray or collars like Feliway? Some cats really respond to it. There are also medications the vet can prescribe for super aggressive cats (kitty prozac, basically).

We went through a similar situation earlier this spring with a 1.5yr old cat we adopted from a shelter. He had been a stray before someone found him and brought him to the shelter, but he was extremely friendly and they thought he'd make a great per for kids (we have three young ones). The cat was great for the first few days, but then he started attacking and drawing blood from our kids with no provocation (a lot like your kitty- my son would be just sitting on thr floor and the cat


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 15, 2017
Sorry, posted that before I was done writing! Anyhow, the cat would attack out of the blue and nothing we tried (more playtime, different toys, going outside on harness, etc.) seemed to help. The shelter suggested we try putting him on Prozac, building him an outdoor enclosure (catio), hiring a cat behaviorist, or rehoming him to a family without small kids. After he seriously clawed up my daughter's head (while I was supervising!!), we ended up rehoming him. He's apparently doing fine now in his new home without kids. If we hadn't had kids, I probably would have waited it out longer, to see if he mellowed with age. But it sounds like your situation is pretty intolerable!

I'm sorry my story didn't have a better outcome, but I thought you might be interested in some of the tips the shelter offered us. I hope others will have more ideas.

Good luck!!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 15, 2017
Oh, and one other idea- could you get him a kitty friend? Maybe he needs another young cat to wrestle with, so he will leave you alone? I know kittens learn how to be gentle by playing with each other, and it sounds like your cat may not have had siblings to play with to teach him those important socialization skills. Of course, you can never predict how two cats will respond to each other, but adding the right second cat might help.


Dexter, the cat with a storm in his eyes
Young Cat
Nov 12, 2017
Maybe you could use Ragdollbabies Ragdollbabies 's suggestion : Feliway or any other pheromone spray.
If your cat is anxious, he might be attacking you because he feels scared.
Try putting him inside a room sprayed with feliway that you don't use a lot with food, water and his litterbox for 24 hours or until he calms down.
If you see no improvement, then you'll have to see your vet : first to find further solutions, secondly to reeeeaaally check that the only thing wrong with him is something behavioral.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 30, 2017
I had a cat like this when I was in college. It was such a nightmare and made me start to hate all cats—which is crazy because I’m a dedicated cat person. I didn’t feel mentally okay or even safe until she was out of my life. Sometimes you have to decide to move forward and that’s okay. If you feel motivated to, just bring him to a no-kill shelter and both of you can move on. My cat went with a friend and apparently was quite gentle by age 10...but I never saw her again


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I'm so sorry you are going through this. I feel like he must be sick in some way. My two former ferals don't get aggressive unless I'm picking them up or making them do something they don't want to do. But if he's just attacking you when you aren't even touching him, there must be something wrong.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
Reading your post very carefully, *everything* except the sheer violence of the incidents points to play. You mention that it is like he is "hunting you" and its "fun for him" that he will "hide" so he can "pounce" you. You never mention him hissing, growling or swatting at you, or showing any signs of stress. I can't be sure, but I think he is just playing -- much more violently than normal, but playing. If I'm right, the suggestions of Fellaway won't do anything at all.

Please consider my post and provide some more details -- does he growl or hiss at you? Does he show any signs of anxiety at all?

If we can get to the bottom of this, perhaps we have a shot at crafting a solution that will work. I'm not exactly sure what the solution is -- the level of violence sounds quite serious -- but if he is trying to play, then clearly we are going to need a different approach than if its anxiety. And maybe your prospects of success will be better?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 2, 2017
I agree that it is rough playing. My kitten needs playtime for at least 2 -3 hours a night because I’m not home during the day. I’m gone from 6 am- 6:30 p.m. so when I get home he attacks and acts similar to what you mentioned unless I give him my full attention for a long play session. If I stop and look at computer he grabs my ankles with claws and bites hard until I start playing again. Since I started these long play sessions first thing when I get home he has been better. If you have the one try playing for a long session. Let me know if it works or not.

Good luck !
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 15, 2017
Oh, and one other idea- could you get him a kitty friend? Maybe he needs another young cat to wrestle with, so he will leave you alone? I know kittens learn how to be gentle by playing with each other, and it sounds like your cat may not have had siblings to play with to teach him those important socialization skills. Of course, you can never predict how two cats will respond to each other, but adding the right second cat might help.
Thank you so much for your advice! I just ordered some Feliway so I'll update if that ends up working! Hopefully that might help him. I've actually been wanting to get him a friend for the longest time and I definitely think he was under socialized as a kitten. Unfortunately the other members of my family are against it, so I'll have to keep trying to convince them :(
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 15, 2017
I'm so sorry you are going through this. I feel like he must be sick in some way. My two former ferals don't get aggressive unless I'm picking them up or making them do something they don't want to do. But if he's just attacking you when you aren't even touching him, there must be something wrong.
Weirdly enough, he doesn't mind being picked up or touched at all. He just kinda goes limp and lets me hold him and looks around. I think he likes being high up haha. He has never once bitten me or even reacted aggressively when I pick him up, and if he is tired of being petted the most he's done is given me a gentle love bite. It is so strange because its ONLY when I'm minding my own business he goes from being the sweetest thing ever to this crazy possessed bitey guy
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 15, 2017
Reading your post very carefully, *everything* except the sheer violence of the incidents points to play. You mention that it is like he is "hunting you" and its "fun for him" that he will "hide" so he can "pounce" you. You never mention him hissing, growling or swatting at you, or showing any signs of stress. I can't be sure, but I think he is just playing -- much more violently than normal, but playing. If I'm right, the suggestions of Fellaway won't do anything at all.

Please consider my post and provide some more details -- does he growl or hiss at you? Does he show any signs of anxiety at all?

If we can get to the bottom of this, perhaps we have a shot at crafting a solution that will work. I'm not exactly sure what the solution is -- the level of violence sounds quite serious -- but if he is trying to play, then clearly we are going to need a different approach than if its anxiety. And maybe your prospects of success will be better?
Thanks for your reply! You're right, he doesn't growl, hiss or swat. In fact, I don't think I have ever heard him growl or hiss in his entire life. I think you might be right that he is playing but doesn't understand how to play appropriately. He gets so worked up when we're playing with toys. He'll literally leap and flip like 5 feet into the air chasing the wand toy and he's always panting at the end of a session. He's really not an anxious cat. He's really outgoing, he LOVES to play and explore and investigate. He might even be too nosy or curious lol he is constantly getting himself stuck in things or knocking things down and making a mess. And he warms up to new people pretty quickly. Are there other signs of stress/anxiety I should be on the look out for that maybe I'm not noticing?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 15, 2017
I had a cat like this when I was in college. It was such a nightmare and made me start to hate all cats—which is crazy because I’m a dedicated cat person. I didn’t feel mentally okay or even safe until she was out of my life. Sometimes you have to decide to move forward and that’s okay. If you feel motivated to, just bring him to a no-kill shelter and both of you can move on. My cat went with a friend and apparently was quite gentle by age 10...but I never saw her again
Sorry it didn't end up working for you and your cat but I'm glad everything turned out ok for her. It's just crazy to me because he hasn't always been this way. I've had him since he was a baby and he used to be the sweetest thing ever and I feel like that part of him is still inside him. Even now when he's calm or sleepy he is so nice and snuggly but its like he'll just do a complete 180 out of nowhere. Of course there's absolutely nothing wrong with deciding to rehome but I just feel so guilty at the thought of "giving up" on him and I'm worried no one will want to adopt an aggressive cat :((


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 11, 2017
North Carolina
I know spraying water on them is suppose to be taboo and all but, I would still give it a try. It's just water. It's not going to kill them. I used it on my Maine Coon as a kitten when he scratched the furniture. I think I sprayed him 3 times. After that all I had to do was pick up the bottle and he would stop in his tracks and guess what! He stopped scratching the furniture. After a few weeks I put the bottle away. It's worth a try. There's no way I would let a cat attack me like that and just passively let it go. I would never hit them with my hand but a rolled up news paper is a different story. I would only do it in an extreme when your out of options. When kittens play together and one gets rough the other one gets rough back. They both learn that IT HURTS. I know that some won't like what I'm saying and that's ok. I'm in no way condoning beating an animal at all. I encourage you to play with him and try all the suggestions above but before I would put a cat on Prozac I think I would try a pop on the butt with a rolled up news paper or a spray bottle first just to see if MAYBE it might work in an extreme case like your describing. It's not going to kill them or even bruise them for that matter. I don't see him being any different with anyone else so your options are to put him back in the system and hope he gets and stays adopted and doesn't get put to sleep. Just something to think about.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Well, if you're sure he's not sick, then I guess it must be play aggression. What do you have for toys? Maybe you can teach him that we attack toys, not people. Do you have any wand toys?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Oh, I see in your other post that you do have wand toys. Does playing with the wand toy help to calm him down at all?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
Ok, we established he is playing I think. Good! So we can ignore the suggestions for Fellaway and the like -- he isn't stressed, he just plays too violently.

Definitely try the water. Forget a spray bottle though, if you are worried he is going to attack you carry a cup of water. I mean, seriously, this cat is hurting you bad enough that you are worried about giving him away. You need to discourage him firmly and clearly. And water is not going to hurt him. Nor will it do your bond any lasting damage. Use the water and SHOUT "NO!".

If you live in a spot where it is safe, a last resort would be to make him an indoor/outdoor cat. This burns off a ton of energy before they come back in the house -- you still get the affection, just much much less play. I have used this to solve behavioral problems, and it does work.

What kind of toys do you currently have?

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Kittens learn their manners and how far they can go between the ages of 6-12 weeks. If they lose this interaction with their mama and siblings, they do not know limits and can get too aggressive. Since you have tried many interventions and none seem to work, as a last resort you'll have to be a 'mama' and teach him what he needs to know. He has learned it is fun to make you run and scream, it has turned into a game now and will take a while to break him of the habit.First, get TWO kickeroos from Amazon or a pet site, and keep one in a bag of catnip to be refreshed and interchanged with the other. Throw it towards him when he approaches you or is looking aggressive. This toy gives them a chance to get a lot of aggression out. If he is not deterred and still comes for you, you will have to grab him by the scruff if the neck (NOT the neck itself, the loose skin at the back of the neck. ) and hold him down, saying loudly and firmly. NO! several times. He will squirm and twist and try to get loose, don't let him. Many cat owners don't like this method, but sometimes it is a last resort. If he struggles too much slightly lift his front end, it should cause him to be still. Don't lift him entirely off the ground, he is too big now, and it would be too painful. This will take several times to avoid getting scratched and learning how to do it. Believe me, when mama cats do it, they are not nice at all. Hiss at him loudly too, this is a language he understands. (make sure there are not other people around! :) ) If he still struggles too much have that towel handy, you may even have to drape it around your neck for a while, and wrap him into it, deposit him in a small room and give him a 10 minute time out. No longer or he will forget what he is being punished for and will not learn. EVERYTIME! If you are not consistent and let him maul you, you will have to start all over. He may come right back at you when you are done scruffing him, that is when you do it again and give him the time out. Long time outs, and physical punishment like slapping,or maybe even spraying water, do not work with cats, it only makes them afraid and to learn new ways to get away with what they were doing. They need to have a more natural, instinctive learning experience. Since your cat has been doing this for a while, it may take a little time, but I have never had it fail if you do it every time, he is long overdue to learn some limits and manners. I wish you all teh luck, please keep us posted and let us know how it turns out.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
di and bob- I was wondering how the mama cat teaches them manners. Thanks for the explanation. My kitties never got the chance to learn manners from their mama.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Siblings teach a lot too, they fight back and hurt! I've even sen mama cats step in when things get too rough and hold one down. Their teeth must hurt too, because the baby always squeals!