Please Help! 14yr Old Kitty With Gi Lymphoma

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TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 9, 2017
I am so sorry for your loss and I will keep you in my heart and prayers. May you find the strength you need to carry you through this most difficult time and mend your broken heart. fill it with the beautiful memories of your beloved Luna. She will always be with you as her soul is now mended into yours. The eternal bond you have will fill your heart with joy upon reflection one day. Until then you are always welcome to reach out. I hope you find peace my dear cat lover.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 10, 2018
Cleveland, OH
I'm so sorry to hear this. It is a very difficult decision but in time you might accept that it was the right thing to do. It's taken me a long time to digest saying good bye to Timmer and to be at peace with it. I'm still not completely settled. It's like we have to learn how to re-live our lives without them -- they have captured our hearts completely. God bless you. We are all here for you.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I've sat down to write this many times and become so overwhelmed that I just couldn't find my words.
Luna's condition started to deteriorate on Wednesday morning and on Thursday morning we made the most unimaginably heart breaking choice to end her suffering. The euthenasia was the single most traumatic experience of my life. I can't clearly say that I regret the choice as the only other option was to let the cancer continue to consume every shred of joy in her life but, I'm so consumed with guilt that I don't know if I will ever forgive myself. Everyone at the vet's office and everyone who has attempted to console me has said the same thing, that it was the "best" and most loving choice out of our options and that I did the right thing. Maybe in time I'll grow to accept that they are right. I'm beyond devastated and struggling very much to get through the day. My house feels so very empty without her and I feel like I have an unmendable hole in my heart. She was my child, my emotional support, my best friend, my soulmate...
I'll never know why she chose me. Why I was so blessed to experience a bond so powerful that it carried me through all of our years together. One thing of which I am completely certain though, is that what we shared was incredibly special.
Thank you so much to everybody for your kind words and the information you provided. It has really meant so much to know that the TCS community was standing with us. ❤
My deepest condolences for your loss. I have been in that position many times and I know that the unknowing never ends. The one thing that has given me some measure of comfort is in knowing that I would not want to suffer irremediably if there was a way to be freed of it and if there was no other way to stop it. Always one needs to put oneself in the place of the beloved one and think about that, which I know was what you did. As a person of deep faith, I always pray that the Creator of us all will take over -- and sometimes that also involves us having a role in the care of our loved ones. I've heard it said that "Sometimes god says no" to our prayers; I don't think I feel comfortable with that, as that is not my belief; but rather, sometimes we do not understand why things are as they are, especially when they affect the most innocent, blameless, and vulnerable. We want no harm to ever come to them, and that would seem to be "right". But in a world controlled by humans, many very bad things happen, and the ripple effect is certainly real. In a perfect (or at least a better) world, so many bad things would happen less, or not at all. But this is so far from a perfect world, and many feel that a lot of unjustifiable things happen as a result.
Know you have done the most compassionate thing for your beloved Luna. That is what matters most, isn't it? Yes, the pain of loss will be with you for a long time, or always. But I hope you share my belief, based on what I know in my studies and meditations, that truly the soul is eternal, and those who pass from this earthly plane certainly watch over us until we are reunited in due time. Know that Luna watches over you, and that she is freed from pain!


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I don't think any one of us doesn't ever wonders if it was "the right time". And we're all consumed with guilt. Was it too soon, or even worse, did we wait too long? But as others have said, the last thing you would ever want is for her to suffer, so instead you gave her the greatest gift of all, and that was to let her go even as your heart was breaking in two. That is true love :hugs:. And I know it doesn't seem like it right now, but with time, the pain will decrease. You will never, ever forget her, but slowly you will start to remember the better times, not her days of sickness.

When you feel up to it, you might want to write a tribute to her in our Crossing the Bridge Forum. Many people find some peace in doing that.

Until then, my deepest sympathy.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 2, 2016
I've sat down to write this many times and become so overwhelmed that I just couldn't find my words.
Luna's condition started to deteriorate on Wednesday morning and on Thursday morning we made the most unimaginably heart breaking choice to end her suffering. The euthenasia was the single most traumatic experience of my life. I can't clearly say that I regret the choice as the only other option was to let the cancer continue to consume every shred of joy in her life but, I'm so consumed with guilt that I don't know if I will ever forgive myself. Everyone at the vet's office and everyone who has attempted to console me has said the same thing, that it was the "best" and most loving choice out of our options and that I did the right thing. Maybe in time I'll grow to accept that they are right. I'm beyond devastated and struggling very much to get through the day. My house feels so very empty without her and I feel like I have an unmendable hole in my heart. She was my child, my emotional support, my best friend, my soulmate...
I'll never know why she chose me. Why I was so blessed to experience a bond so powerful that it carried me through all of our years together. One thing of which I am completely certain though, is that what we shared was incredibly special.
Thank you so much to everybody for your kind words and the information you provided. It has really meant so much to know that the TCS community was standing with us. ❤
:( So sad to hear, but, cancer is terrible. It has consumed many of my friends, though, so far, no cats. You did the right thing, as painful as it undoubtedly was. My father had cancer, too, and the end was terrible. The chemo didn't help, and he was prepared for the end. I hated to see him die, but my family and I were all relieved that his suffering was finally over. Call it selfish, but there's only so much pain one can stand.

I have an old cat, and so far, things are good, but she won't live forever, I know that. And, neither will the younger ones. Your thread has helped me face the reality of their passing someday.

Respectfully, it sounds like you might benefit from some professional help. Don't be ashamed, just do it. No need to compound the pain. Consumer Reports is a great place to look to start, and it's in most public libraries.

We'll keep you in our prayers, and let us know how you are.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 28, 2017
Laguna Niguel,CA
I've sat down to write this many times and become so overwhelmed that I just couldn't find my words.
Luna's condition started to deteriorate on Wednesday morning and on Thursday morning we made the most unimaginably heart breaking choice to end her suffering. The euthenasia was the single most traumatic experience of my life. I can't clearly say that I regret the choice as the only other option was to let the cancer continue to consume every shred of joy in her life but, I'm so consumed with guilt that I don't know if I will ever forgive myself. Everyone at the vet's office and everyone who has attempted to console me has said the same thing, that it was the "best" and most loving choice out of our options and that I did the right thing. Maybe in time I'll grow to accept that they are right. I'm beyond devastated and struggling very much to get through the day. My house feels so very empty without her and I feel like I have an unmendable hole in my heart. She was my child, my emotional support, my best friend, my soulmate...
I'll never know why she chose me. Why I was so blessed to experience a bond so powerful that it carried me through all of our years together. One thing of which I am completely certain though, is that what we shared was incredibly special.
Thank you so much to everybody for your kind words and the information you provided. It has really meant so much to know that the TCS community was standing with us. ❤
So sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you.
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