Playing Or Just Annoyed? (video)


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Feb 1, 2018
Hi all! Just looking for any feedback on this interaction between Chilli (4yrs) and Clove (4 months) today. Overall they've been getting on perfectly well and Chilli even grooms the kitten sometimes, so I'm not worried about any real aggression or fights. Chilli smacks her and occasionally grumbles if she's annoyed as one would expect, and Clove generally gets the hint and plays by herself most of the time.

The reason I ask is that Chilli has been feeling under the weather for the past week--you can hear her sneeze in the video--so I'm trying to distract/remove Clove when she gets too annoying, for Chilli's sake. Don't want to stress out my little sick girl. But if Chilli is enjoying it then of course I don't mind letting it happen.

They were playing (?) like this for a good 20 minutes. I let it happen until Chilli started to verbally grumble and then I distracted Clove with a toy and gave them both some treats. 5 minutes later they were back at it again for another 10 or so minutes. There was also some gentle wrestling that I don't think I caught on video but which seemed quite lazy and friendly, and the kitten kept coming back for more so whatever biting was going on clearly wasn't very hard. I figure if Chilli is really annoyed then she will hiss/growl/grumble or just leave, right? Any thoughts?

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Definitely playing. Chilli's ears are up, she backs off quick, and the kitten comes back for more. Clove is a typical kitten, gets annoying after a while and Chilli is just doing what all females do, puts her in her place and is teaching her limits. Swats, growls, and pinning the kitten to the ground are all normal. If it was serious, Chilli would be hiding away from the kitten, and there would be serious screeching and deep bites that bring blood. A real attack cannot be broken up without physical removal/separation, they are dead serious.


“What greater gift than the love of a cat.”
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Dec 13, 2017
Pacific NW
Here’s a good article on the topic: Are My Cats Fighting Or Playing?

Chilli looks like she’s enjoying herself. She’ll be a good cat mom surrogate for Clove. And Clove will provide some (a lot of) stimulation for her, too!

You’re so lucky. Chilli was very good with Chai and now with Clove. I can’t wait to see a pic of them curled up together. :)

I had to break up a cat fight between two adult males in the FIV+ room at the shelter a few weeks ago. Tufts of fur flying, ear-splitting shrieks of rage, clenched together with back feet pedaling. Scary stuff.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
Everyone is correct of course. The only thing I can add is that just because the older one is willing to play in this context, doesn't necessarily mean she is OK being pounced randomly around the house. There tends to be more tolerance to it if the less enthusiastic cat has elevation, is behind a door (playing the through the crack game) or maybe also is in a hidey-box. My cat Rocky used to enjoy defending herself while sitting on a chair, even though she normally had considerable distaste for being bothered by the youngster. So keep an eye out. This is certainly encouraging and very cute though!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
Playing that old tried and true mom and kitten game chase the tail. It's possible Chilli was grumbling at her own sniffling. Many people, no one I know of course, swear a bit when they've had the sniffles for a couple of days.

I'm with the if Chilli doesn't enjoy it, she'll explain that to Clove.

I'm so glad Chili is happy again.
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TCS Member
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Feb 1, 2018
The only thing I can add is that just because the older one is willing to play in this context, doesn't necessarily mean she is OK being pounced randomly around the house. There tends to be more tolerance to it if the less enthusiastic cat has elevation, is behind a door (playing the through the crack game) or maybe also is in a hidey-box.
Yeah, this is definitely true for Chilli. And her mood can change from "ok, playing!" to "yeah, that's enough playing" pretty quick when she's done. Sometimes Clove takes the hint right away and sometimes not so fast, lol!

Last night at 1am I felt so sorry for my neighbors as they sounded like a stampeding herd of water buffaloes chasing and wrestling each other through the house. They were having tons of fun, but towards the end of it Clove misjudged a jump and now is limping slightly. :eek: Hopefully it's minor and improves on its own! My vet is not going to even believe me!

Anyway, thank you so much for the feedback, everyone. I'm really so relieved that they're getting along and that Chilli doesn't seem to hate her new kitten friend too much. I was told that in her previous home with a kitten, she tolerated him but hissed at him nonstop even after living together for months. But she's really very patient with Clove so far. I wonder if maybe they didn't do a proper introduction, since he was an extremely mellow Ragdoll kitten and Clove is an annoying rambunctious hooligan!... either way, I'm relieved it's working out over here.

Here's a bonus video from yesterday. Clove says, this is a comfy bed!



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
It looks like happy play. Sometimes I give my grumpy senior cat a break from the kittens or distract the kittens with a toy when they are bugging him (they snuggle up to him and he grooms them sometimes.... he just doesn't want to play with them most of the time.)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
I'm so happy for Chili!!!! oh, yeah, and lucky little Clove to have a new parent cat. It's better that way than her teaching herself. Kitten minds are wondrous things, best they walk with another older cat.