Play Aggression, New Cat Wont Get Along With Other Cats.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 5, 2017
Hi! My name is Veronica, im new here, from Norway. I have some issues with a new cat, and i will try to describe my situation.

Here are some key info.
* Have two cats for four years, they get along. Very close at young age, but now good friends.
* They are fixed
* Cat door. They go in and out as they like. (When together with my new cat "Saiko" the cat door is closed, but they are good at showing thay want to go out, so i open for them, and they can get in with the cat door.)

The new cat:
* Male 5-6 months old, not fixed. Getting there in the end of this month.
*Lived with me and bf for 1 1/2 months.
* Taken away too early, maybe at 8-10 weeks.
* Came from a bad home. The owner got a cat for her kid, not caring much about it. Left it alone when she was traveling and let it outside very young. And i bet they were rough with him, the kid picked him up badly ect. They have no experience with cats.
* My sister was her neighbour and watched him till i could come get him (owner moved away..)
* Play aggression. His biting hurts, and sometimes breaks skin. Claws as well, but he holds back, but still too rough.
* I give him timeouts. When he cant behave, and chases her, or goes on the tables multipe times in a row, i put him in his room for 5 min-1 hour. He does not complain at the door wanting to get back in. He just lays at the counter in the hall, or goes to sit with his window.

He is social, very vocal, and fearless. But im struggeling with his play aggression, and that he is chasing my female cat, mounting her and biting her neck. She whines and tries to make him go away, but she is a very kind and careful cat. She hisses, and paws after him, but it doesnt seem to scare him.
Scenario: My female comes inside, Saiko goes after her immediately chasing her up her cat three, and mocks her while she hisses and paw after him. Sometimes he manage to mount her. Sometimes he goes down when i approch him and tell him down, sometimes i have to lift him away, first taking his neck-skin to paralyse him a little ( i dont lift him off the grond with the neckskin.) My female cat sits up there more than she used too now that shes being chased. Thats one of the reasons why i timeout, so she can have time with me where she can go around without beeing on watch.

He loooves playing, and does not get tired. I have toys laying around, and i use a wand toy that he loves chasing. Play sessions lasts for 10-15 min. At good days, i think i play about 30-45 mins with him totally during a day. But i should get better at playing more and longer with him.. So in progress.

* He goes on the table. I tell him no, go down, doesn't listen always, so i put him down, then he goes after my ancles multiple times as i stand there calm telling him no dont do that, and after a few times he stops cause im not giving him the reaction he wants.
* Same if i interrupt him with mocking my female, he sometimes goes after me instead.

We are both working, so he has to be alone sometimes. I put im in his part of the house. (hallway, bedrooms, bathroom so much space) He has what he needs. Food, water, litterbox, places to sleep, scratch and watch outside the window, so i cant see its something off with the enviroment there. He is max 8 hours alone. But mostly 4-6 hours. He is happy to see me and approch me when i come home, purring, rubbing against me ect. I greet him, give him some attention (same with my other cats) and open the door so they can be together with me present. I often play with him as i come home to get some of that energy down so he doesnt go after my other cats.

Im wondering now if i should let him out or not, maybe it will help his play-aggression if he could play freely outside.
He loves being outside. I have walked him on a leash, and he handles it good. Can be hard to get it on him sometimes tho. I take him for car-rides aswell, and it looks like he enjoys it. He is calm and relaxed sitting around in the car observating, there is no carrige used.

Im so unsure about letting him be inside freely with my other cats. He and my female dont get along yet. Sometimes it goes fine, he just approch her and sniffs her nose and walkes on or sit beside her but MOSTLY he chases her. I know there will be catfights if i let them together now after 1 1/2 months with seperation at night and when we're not home. I really hope fixing him will solve the issues, but do you guys have andy advice or notice something im doing wrong? If you have a multiple cat household, how long did it take before you could let them together without supervision?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 5, 2017
Have to add we also have a neighbour cat that comes in to visit sometimes. The first week we had Saiko, he escaped thru the cat door when i was at work. I found him with the neighbour cat, sitting on a fence 30 meters away. I let Saiko play with him sometimes. Its very mocky, and chasy play, but the neighbourcat doesnt get scared to easily, and doesnt hiss at him and keep coming back so i let them.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 9, 2017
It sounds like some of the issues (especially the mounting) may resolve when you get Saiko fixed. Overall, it sounds like he just has a lot of energy and may benefit from being let outside. Maybe you could let him outside separately from your other cats? Maybe he could spend even just a couple hours outside, playing by himself or with the neighbor cat and it could help him burn off some of that energy. You could also try to make car-rides and walks a daily routine.

I didn't realize how much kittens could play until I adopted two at once. They play hard (then sleep hard) 4-5 times a day for up to an hour each. Much longer than most humans could tolerate (or have time to) play with a kitten, and it's a very physical kind of play that is different from chasing a toy on a string. Saiko is probably just a little bored and needs an outlet for his energy. If he can tire himself out, he may be less of a brat to both you and your female cat.

Good luck! I hope it all works out well. It can take months for cats to start getting along, and sometimes doesn't happen until the kitten gets a little older.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 5, 2017
Good luck! I hope it all works out well. It can take months for cats to start getting along, and sometimes doesn't happen until the kitten gets a little older.
Thank you! I stopped by the vet today, and im getting him fixed on friday, so fingers crossed that the mounting will stop.
I will wait until he recover before i let him out on his own, he will also get chipped ect. He is a little calmer now, and its getting better, so i dont think i have to worry to much as long as i do my part of the job! I got him Da Bird toy, and he loves playing with it. I almost forgot how energic kittens are. Its so much fun!