Pet peeves- ON THE INTERNET!


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Originally Posted by Kaylacat

I forgot about flashing avatars. They drive me nuts too. It looks cool and all but they really hurt my eyes.
There aren't any rules about flashing avatars, but we're aware that they can trigger epileptic seizures (something I have personal experience with, after having had an epileptic dog, and a father who developed epilepsy following a major stroke) and sometimes migraines.

Generally, anybody who is using such an avatar is made aware of those possibilities by PM, and asked to find a gentler replacement.

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 13, 2007
Well, I'm guilty of a few of these things, at least occasionally.. I know I do reiterate my point, although often I try to rephrase it because some responses just simply do not address them, or misaddress the points, and I figure the people responding just aren't getting the point .. sometimes I also just think my previous post wasn't read.

I'm guilty of ... but.. (<--see, guilty) using ... is actually grammatically correct. It's a longer pause than a comma, or it's used to indicate a change of direction in thoughts, or a thought left unfinished (used a lot in transcription). So, I personally don't see a problem with the use of ... really, only thing with punctuation or grammar that bothers me is not capitalizing the first word in a sentence, and not putting a punctuation mark at the end. I don't really care how long a sentence is or if it runs on, as long as there's a break between sentences.

I agree with any number of the above peeves, and I know I'm guilty of some of them, but I do my best not to be guilty of all of them. I think my biggest pet peeve is people who think their think that their point of view is superior and then get *snotty* about it, and insulting to those that do not feel the same way. I think everyone basically thinks their point of view is superior, that's human nature, but there's absolutely no reason to be a snot about it. Oh, that and confusing fact with opinion, and arguing that your opinion is indeed, factual.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 15, 2007
Fayetteville, NC
Ooh! Here's another one: When a page is of every color and more of the rainbow. First of all, it's a possible health hazard to someone liable to seizures and second, it's just plain ugly and annoying! (Okay that's a third, lol.)
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Mar 19, 2007
Arizona (PM me if you are from AZ too)
Originally Posted by StacyD1987

Ooh! Here's another one: When a page is of every color and more of the rainbow. First of all, it's a possible health hazard to someone liable to seizures and second, it's just plain ugly and annoying! (Okay that's a third, lol.)
Do you mean when someone has their text in all different colors? I guess I'm not quite sure what you mean.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 15, 2007
Fayetteville, NC
Originally Posted by mybabyphx

Do you mean when someone has their text in all different colors? I guess I'm not quite sure what you mean.
Well, just about everything, page layout colors, text colors... especially if they're flashing.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 2, 2007
Eugene, Or, US
Originally Posted by Bonnie1965

We have a 16yr old young man working with us this summer. When he doesn't know something, he says "idk" for I don't know.
My little sister does the same thing.

I don't really mind a few acronyms like, idk, omg, lol, rofl or a few others like that. But the whole "r u fine?" or other sentences like that are just ridiculous. They are full words for a reason people, type it out.

Originally Posted by mybabyphx

I know.

If you saw the first sentence it said that I understand WHY people do it. I completely understand.

I just like to know a general idea of where people are. Maybe they live next door to me? Maybe they live in a state where I used to live? Maybe they live somewhere I've visited before? These are all things that are conversation starters- to make friends. Without a clue, I don't know where they are.

I guess I should just bite my tongue here. Never mind.
I totally agree. it's not like they are giving their address. And you shouldn't bite your tongue.

Chain letters are annoying.

ALL CAPS, or TyPiNg LiKe ThIs i really hate.

Smilies are ok, as long as you don't go overboard.
They are great to emphasize a point, feeling or whatever.

Spam is always annoying.

Originally Posted by StacyD1987

I hate it when people talk lyk thiz cuz they thinkz they gotz leet skillz nd gramrz, wOoT!
Makes them sound like they need to go back to elementary school and relearn their English. ARGH!
Omg. I absolutely hate that. What is even more annoying is when adults do it. By adults I mean persons older than 20. USE PROPER ENGLISH!!!! And yes, I was yelling that. Not at a specific person, just the idots that do that in general.

Pop-up adds I hate also. Fortunatly, I use Mozilla Firefox and unless stated otherwise, it doesn't like to let any windows pop up. I get a few every now and again but mostly not.

Originally Posted by gemlady

I also get peeved at my ISP which cuts me off after 3 hours!!

(NetZero - but it's only $10...)
That should be illegal, if you pay for internet, you should be able to have it anytime all the time. I'm online all the time so I am biased.

Originally Posted by jcat

There aren't any rules about flashing avatars, but we're aware that they can trigger epileptic seizures (something I have personal experience with, after having had an epileptic dog, and a father who developed epilepsy following a major stroke) and sometimes migraines. .
I don't really mind them but I see how they would bother other people.

There are a lot of other peeves that I agree with but most of my pet peeves fall under the heading of "Incorrect English, grammar and/or punctuation. Oh, and spelling.
" It is fine if the spelling is a typo, or you genuinely don't know, but if you don't know, use spell check, or get a browser like Firefox that does. Especially if it is a large word.
And words like ya'll that are just not accepted as correct spelling are an exception. And you should always go over and proofread it after you are done typing it out. Just so you can catch at least some of those typos.

P.S sorry it's so long. I tried to make it all spaced out. And put it all with correct grammar and punctuation. And I proofread it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2005
Jersey Shore
B just named one that he's experienced (and this would annoy me too).

Pop up ads that are animated that you cannot stop. Typically you can right click on most animated ads and chose "Stop" since its made with Adobe Flash.

He says there are 2 animated pop up ads out there right now that do not recognize the stop function and they continually loop. He says he just has to keep refreshing the page until the ad goes away.

Glad I'm not finding those!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2007
Portland, Oregon
Originally Posted by ILoveMyKitty

My little sister does the same thing.

I don't really mind a few acronyms like, idk, omg, lol, rofl or a few others like that. But the whole "r u fine?" or other sentences like that are just ridiculous. They are full words for a reason people, type it out.
I don't mind if they type these. Its just that this young man speaks this way. He says "I dee kay" for "idk" instead of "I don't know". I have also heard people speak "ell o ell" for LOL instead of just laughing. Weird.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 13, 2007
Heh, I have caught myself *almost* saying LOL in a regular spoken conversation and thought OH MY GOD!!!! What are you thinking???? Fortunately I've always caught myself before I said it. Phew!


TCS Member
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Aug 14, 2005
in the land of poutine and ice
Originally Posted by CatsAreBetter

Heh, I have caught myself *almost* saying LOL in a regular spoken conversation and thought OH MY GOD!!!! What are you thinking???? Fortunately I've always caught myself before I said it. Phew!
at least you thought OH MY GOD, a guy at work actually says 'Oh Em Gee'

flashing avatars really get to me, like someone said above, I find some trigger migraines, depending on the colours etc.