Peeing And Pooping On Living Room Rug- Ugh!


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 20, 2014
Hi! I know this is a common problem. I'm asking for advice because I think I've done EVERYTHING I can think 10 year-old healthy, spayed female has suddenly taken to the rug. I've made sure the litter boxes are clean, I've also placed a brand-new litter box in the area where she keeps going on the rug, I've tried neutralizing the smell in the area where she keeps going. Nothing has helped. I'm constantly cleaning up pee and poop. I douse the area where she goes with Nature's Miracle. I've tried other products. What else can I do?


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Have you taken the cat to the vet to rule out any medical issue?

Is your cat able to get into the litter box? Sometimes arthritis can make it difficult to climb into a litter box. Add a 'step" with old phone books or garden bricks or somethng sturdy.

Has anything changed in the house recently? Guests, new furniture, rearranged furiture, stray outside cat, etc?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
Cats go outside of the box because of medical reasons (pain, infection) or behavioral (terrritorial insecurity, stress, etc). So we have to be a detective and work on eliminating things.

Are the stools normal? Any change in firmness or color? Is she going more often or less often? Any sign of straining or discomfort?

Do you have other animals? Is it possible another animal got into the house or walls or attic?

Has she been eating differently? Acting differently? Hiding? Avoiding areas? Walking around differently? Tail position, body position (normal or lower to the ground)

LTS3 brings up the best 1st option. A vet visit. To try to rule out any medical issue. It could be internal, it could be a paw issue or as LTS3 brings up an arthritis issue. There could be an issue that is causing a negative association with the litter box.

Did you change litters recently? Or the location of the litter box (before you added the other one)?

Has anything happened in the area she is now going? Anything negative? New animal, visitors or work people, any change in that area.

We then consider behavioral. Stress is a big cause of these types of issues if medical is not the cause. Has there been an increase in stress in the house? Cats take on our emotions so it is important to be as calm and confident around them as possible. When they go (and I know how frustrating it is) just calmly clean it up and act like nothing has happened. Cats don't want to go outside of the litter box, their instinct is to cover their scent, so acting like nothing happened can at least not add stress.

I also step up play if there isn't something health wise that would bother a cat. So I like to play with a cat near where she is going. And after play feeding either treats or a meal. I also like to get more warm and comfy bedding and have it near and add a scratching post near the area and add a cat tree if possible. And finally, just give her love, let her know she is loved, give treats, hang out with her and help her de-stress, etc.

MamanyT1953 gave these links on another thread which I thought could be helpful

You, Your Cat And Stress
Six Surefire Strategies To Reduce Stress In Cats
Potential Stressors In Cats - The Ultimate Checklist
Is Your Cat Stressed Out?

Don't worry, we will try to help you through this. The more information you can share the more helpful it could be and please ask anything anytime.