Panther has a broken femer!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Thanks everyone. Oh, thats not a new avatar, thats Angel. The same one I've always had.
Im not getting notifications, so I'll have to check my phone about that, & see if I can change it.
Yes, hopefully I can get Panthers weight down a little, but he is tall & long, so its not to bad, but does need yo lose at least a lb.
He was 12lbs when he was outside.
But, being inside, & down a leg doesn't help. We have some good playtimes, but it doesn't compare to really running.
Heres some updated pictures 😊
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This was yesterday,
New video by Kelly R
Silly Honey playing
New video by Kelly R
Gorgeous pix! Phones take great pix these days. Panther looks so glossy and happy and comfortable with you! Angel is gorgeous and she looks more colorful and floofy in the full pix than she does in the avatar (which is gorgeous, too, BTW!) :redheartpump: :blackcat2::redheartpump::hearthrob::redtabby::hearthrob::goldstar:
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  • #862

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
Gorgeous pix! Phones take great pix these days. Panther looks so glossy and happy and comfortable with you! Angel is gorgeous and she looks more colorful and floofy in the full pix than she does in the avatar (which is gorgeous, too, BTW!) :redheartpump: :blackcat2::redheartpump::hearthrob::redtabby::hearthrob::goldstar:
Thanks. Yes, & its just an android too.

Lol, you have it mixed up.
Angel was my first boy, the one who original brought me here. This Feb will be 8 yrs he's been gone already (lymphoma).
Honey, is Panthers momma, outside.
Here's my best picture of her,


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Thanks. Yes, & its just an android too.

Lol, you have it mixed up.
Angel was my first boy, the one who original brought me here. This Feb will be 8 yrs he's been gone already (lymphoma).
Honey, is Panthers momma, outside.
Here's my best picture of her,
View attachment 461567
Oh, yeah. *I'm sorry for your loss of sweet Angel.* I have SO MUCH info all day every day. Of course it's Panther and Honey! Gorgeous pic of Honey against the very complimentary background!


TCS Member
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Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
Panther looks so healthy and happy! And it looks like Honey is taking after him and becoming less feral. I'm so happy this has worked out for you.
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  • #870

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
Hi guys!! Oh my gosh, Im SO sorry its been SO long!! I haven't been getting notifications. I thought I fixed that..🤔 going to have to see whats going on.
So anyway...Happy New Year!
I hope everyone had a great Christmas & new years. There's been a lot going on with me. The kitties are great. Honey is doing well. Still a feisty little girl. 🧡
Panther is doing great. He had a really good Christmas. 😸. If anyone follows "Billi speaks". On YouTube,( a pastel Tortie who is part of the talking buttons study. She's so smart. Her mom Kendra is a travel vet. ).
They have one of those toys that is a piece of fabric thats a circle w/ a wand w/ feather at the end that goes around & bk & fourth.
They call it her "zoom,zoom." So I finally got Panther one for Christmas, & he LOVES IT!!
He literally reminded me of a little kid so Happy will a new toy on Christmas. 😂
The first night, he played with it for 2 hrs!!

The nxt morning , ( he loves food, & is usually meowing at my feet while I'm fixing it), but he kept going bk & forth from me to the zoom zoom, playing. I had to turn it off so he'd eat. 😂. It's made me so happy, seeing how happy it makes him. Best $20 spent ever!

As for me, theres been some ups & downs.
There's a lot, so let me see if I can somehow sum it up, but will still be a lot....
Last Christmas an old friend I'd grown up with (Jr high, highschool, church youth group, ...) But haven't seen or talked to probably since sometime after HS, so 30+ yrs? Anyway, he was hm (lives 6hrs away in Ashville), visiting parents for Christmas. His mom contacted my sister asking if she cld have my #, so she asked me, I said yes, & he called me. We started talking & texting, so this past Christmas was a yr. (& About 6-7 months in, it took a romantic turn, & things were great, we had SO much in common) He came hm for Christmas again this yr, so we were finally going to get to see each other.
He came over on the 23rd. & Even though we'd been talking for a yr, it was still a nervous, awkward energy, because it'd been over 30 yrs! We had some wine & talked the whole time. It was nice. Then, with the craziness of the holidays & family, I didn't hear from him much that wk. I thought it was a little strange, but I could understand.
(His mom was also having knee surgery, so helping w/ they etc.. but still..) anyway, We had intended on spending New yrs together, & hopefully the night before as well (sat & sun). But he text me Sat morning saying that he had to cancel plans, that he was going to spend time w/ his family, help his dad w/ him mom.... I was very disappointed..& hurt.
He had said he had a nice time when we got together, so 🤷. I just felt like cancelling New yrs eve was a bit much. So, not a lot of communication after that. Then he had to go bk hm for a dental appt, & didn't come bk.
(I was excited, because he had intended on staying for a month or 2..& look at some properties as well! Since he wrks from hm, he cld do that). We finally talked a wk later, & I was honest w/ my feelings about it all, & that I understood, but that he really needed to wrk on his communication. He apologized, & things got better for a few wks. Then he wasn't responding as much again, then a wk later, this past Sat, he sends me a text saying that "this relationship wasn't working for him, that I was a great person, I had a lot tp offer someone, but just wasn't a fit for him."
I was like...😯 WHAT??!! I call BS, because we Both had thought we had SO much in common, which we do, so 🤷. We had talked about future plans, etc... already & because we had already known each other, had that similar foundation, it really didn't feel to quick. It actually felt right. I really had felt that God brought us bk together.
So needless to say, I was really, really hurt. It was so unexpected, & knowing the heart I know he has, (& having 2 grown daughters, one just graduated from college lst yr, & one just started), I was very hurt that he text me that, & didn't call me! I even asked him to call me, that I at least deserved that, deserved an explanation, but he hasn't.
I was so hurt, I cried for a cpl hrs after that.
A lot of you know I write poetry. I haven't written in probably 7-8 yrs, but have written 5 in the last 3 months!! So that says something!!
Sorry that was so long.
Thanks for reading ♥

oh, & it was also really nice because he loved Panther too!
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  • #871

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
Here's one of the videos of Panther playing with the zoom zoom.

New video by Kelly R

Here's the link for it. 😊

Potaroma Cat Toys Chargeable, 3in1 Hide and Seek Kitten Wand Toy, Interactive Automatic Cats Toy, Fluttering Butterfly, Moving Feather, Indoor Exercise Kicker 22.8 Inches Cover for All Breeds


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Nov 25, 2013
Glad things are good with the kitties. Sorry though that buddy broke your heart. Hugs...


TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Thank you. Me too. Just so unexpected & disappointed. Especially still single at 54!
I thought it was finally my turn. 😕
Really happy to see sweet Panther playing with and enjoying his new toy so much! and so glad to hear Honey is well.
As to the rest, of course, I'm sorry it has gone the way it has. People are very different now from how they used to be, in terms of being reluctant/scared/slow to commit or even to feel okay to have relationships. I know I am, and I've called a halt to anything in that vein because people can't be trusted. That's not paranoia, it's fact. Maybe it's different for others. That's just me.
No one except your friend knows what his reasons are. But actually, in retrospect, I hope you can eventually feel that it's good it didn't progress to a deeper level before ending like this. Life is/can be lonely/incomplete without a mate. We're meant to have mates, after all. But modern life and modern problems are in many ways unprecedented, and personally, I always look for all the "bright side" that I can in any given situation. You have a nice home and two beautiful loved ones. Those are huge plusses many people dont/never have. No one knows what the future will bring, but counting one's blessings is crucial IMHO.
SNORGLES on Panther (and from afar, on Honey, too!)
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  • #878

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 , Thank you so much. You are right. I do believe everything happens for a reason, but just so hard to understand why it even started, to just end before it really begun. ...


TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
This is the one I wrote this past weekend.
Actually, I'd count that as a blessing, that it didn't go any deeper than it did. Better to get over a lesser level of hurt, than a greater one, right?
I hope that in time, you will be able to just let it go, chalk it up to an experience that was some positive, and go on. You're a great person. You deserve someone great. It's more and more difficult to find someone like that. If you look around at all the famoous people breaking up, (not even mentioning personal friends/relatives/acquaintances, if there are those as well), and you'll know that. The "trend" toward remaining unattached is more and more prevalent, not because people don't long for good, healthy relationships, but because they just can't be found. Sorry to be a negative nellie on the subject, but just telling it like it is.
Among my many friends and relatives in my life, almost all are apart/broken up. My oldest friend is married, still, to one of two suitors she had. IDK how "happy" they are, as they don't talk about that, but they're together and they seem to be content. They're very much in the minority! I could write a book about my past relationships, but let's just say it wouldn't be a happy read, for the most part, and it's about the past, which I prefer to let lie, with all of those sleeping dogs ;)
Bruised hearts take time to mend. Take the time, write it out, and be good to yourself. You deserve it.
Here's a poem that my mom treasured. I found it among her effects and it's up on my file cabinet right next to my computer. It might have meaning for you, too:

After a while – Veronica A. Shoffstall