Panic Attack?

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TCS Member
Nov 1, 2011
This is deeply disturbing. But I don't think that putting her down is the best way to go. Maybe if you look around for a new home, some owners that will be able to afford the treatment, and give her the love and care that she needs?
Poor kitty..


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Game over for me. I was willing to give her a chance, but the second she went for my face, it was over. Shes going to the vet today, and im not bringing her back. They can do what they want with her, maybe she will find a home, but i have a strong suspicion that the only place shes going is 6ft under. I know shes not human and cant comprehend things like we do, but ive given her a home, fed her, loved her, etc. And her only response is to destroy my home, and quite litterally bite the hand that feeds her, not only can i not afford to pay for the extensive treatment that she will need, i do not have the time (im a full time college student, and work full time at home). There are millions of cats in the world, and maybe an older one at the pound will more appreciate the home i have to offer.
I realize you're angry, upset, and frustrated. Apart from the fact that you portray your attitude as being completely heartless, which naturally offends us here at THE CAT SITE (though many of us have experienced threatening, dangerous, and frustrating experiences ourselves), your cat did NOT freak out because she does not appreciate you or your home. Your cat was in distress. Whether medical or otherwise, her response was not out of "lack of * appreciation. I do hope that if you adopt another cat, it will never experience any health problems that you have no desire to help her through.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 28, 2009
Derbyshire UK.
OMG I have read this and I'm disgusted.Last year I got attacked by a cat who I adopted and I required hospital treatment.I wanted to still keep him as I loved him but I knew it wasn't the right thing to do,I rung around and and found a rescue centre that re-homed him for me on a farm.They had the vet check him over first.I could never of had him PTS ever.There could be something underlying and she could be ill,people suffer from mental illness and so can cats,do we just put down every human that suffers from mental illness?I hope that you can live with yourself if you have her put to sleep and please never consider getting another cat again!
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  • #24


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 21, 2011
I realize you're angry, upset, and frustrated. Apart from the fact that you portray your attitude as being completely heartless, which naturally offends us here at THE CAT SITE (though many of us have experienced threatening, dangerous, and frustrating experiences ourselves), your cat did NOT freak out because she does not appreciate you or your home. Your cat was in distress. Whether medical or otherwise, her response was not out of "lack of * appreciation. I do hope that if you adopt another cat, it will never experience any health problems that you have no desire to help her through.
Again, this is not my frirst cat. Ive had two myself (both adopted at a fairly young age), and grew up with plenty more in the family. My first cat was asthmatic, and the second was hit by a car around the age of five, requiring her left rear leg be amputated. I gladly paid the bills because i loved the cats, and because i knew that the cats were not money pits. The asthmatic cat died at 11 years old, and the amputee died at 13, only two years ago.

  This case however is obviously a mental disorder, even the vet has told me that her actions are very unnatural and that the only documented cases with similar situations were of sever neurological disorders that have no know cause or solution. I can throw money into bloodwork, cat-scans, etc all day long, with no promise of a solution to the problem. Im not made of money, and even though i love her, i still have to make logical decisions.
I really am in tears right now. For this cat....
I seriously still think handling her the way you did that first episode, scruffing her, throwing her in a dog cage, the hosing outside on the patio with her in the crate, just tears me up inside. That is animal cruelty. I am just sick to read that you did that to the cat. That only led her to become more emotionally unstable, even if it was something gone wrong in her brain, that was just cruel to hose her. I am really sorry for this cat.
1. I didnt throw her in the dog cage, i have never handled the cat with anything other than loving care. Scruffing a cat is not a voilent nor agressive manuver, it is how mothers deal with their children, and how any professional disarms a cat without causing it pain or panic.

2. I didnt just hose her with water, is spent alot of time doing my best to calm her down, i offered her treats, toys, etc to try to get her attention, but she was ignoring me and going berserk. Out of concern for her own safety, i used a water bottle to spritz her with water with no results.

3. Finally after she showed no signs of stopping her self-destructive  actions, i carried her outside, and turned the hose on her. I didnt blast her with a nozzle, or anything, i turned the water on lightly, and let it drizzle into the cage.  It was only then that she was shocked out of her frenzie.

4. So yes, im a cruel asshole for being concered about the safety of myself, my belongings, and the well-being of my cat. It matters not that i did everything within my power to calm her down, it matters not that she likely has some nerological disorder. You are right, im just an abusive asshole. Get over yourself.

Im sorry i signed up at this site, it seems to me that most of you seem to think that im some sort of cat killer who enjoys abusing animals, and frankly, im insulted. i really truthfully would have loved to see just exactly how you would have dealt with the situation, when your own cat, whom you love and cherish is turned savage for no apparent reason and begins to attack you, your home, and even his/her own body, and refuses to stop for anything. Then have people tell you that its your fault.

For those of you who have been helpful, thankyou. The rest of you, get off your damn high horse and learn some social skills.
OMG I have read this and I'm disgusted.Last year I got attacked by a cat who I adopted and I required hospital treatment.I wanted to still keep him as I loved him but I knew it wasn't the right thing to do,I rung around and and found a rescue centre that re-homed him for me on a farm.They had the vet check him over first.I could never of had him PTS ever.There could be something underlying and she could be ill,people suffer from mental illness and so can cats,do we just put down every human that suffers from mental illness?I hope that you can live with yourself if you have her put to sleep and please never consider getting another cat again!

Fantastic quality of life the cat will have in her straight jacket and 3x3x5' cube. Finally, i have made every effort to find her another home. But the vet, and the local shelter have very strict rules about handling unstable and aggressive cats.  Yes, you are right, we dont kill every mentally challenged person on the planet, but we do kill those who are mentally challenged enough to attack and kill. Take a good look at death row if you have any questions about that.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 28, 2009
Derbyshire UK.
Again, this is not my frirst cat. Ive had two myself (both adopted at a fairly young age), and grew up with plenty more in the family. My first cat was asthmatic, and the second was hit by a car around the age of five, requiring her left rear leg be amputated. I gladly paid the bills because i loved the cats, and because i knew that the cats were not money pits. The asthmatic cat died at 11 years old, and the amputee died at 13, only two years ago.

  This case however is obviously a mental disorder, even the vet has told me that her actions are very unnatural and that the only documented cases with similar situations were of sever neurological disorders that have no know cause or solution. I can throw money into bloodwork, cat-scans, etc all day long, with no promise of a solution to the problem. Im not made of money, and even though i love her, i still have to make logical decisions.

1. I didnt throw her in the dog cage, i have never handled the cat with anything other than loving care. Scruffing a cat is not a voilent nor agressive manuver, it is how mothers deal with their children, and how any professional disarms a cat without causing it pain or panic.

2. I didnt just hose her with water, is spent alot of time doing my best to calm her down, i offered her treats, toys, etc to try to get her attention, but she was ignoring me and going berserk. Out of concern for her own safety, i used a water bottle to spritz her with water with no results.

3. Finally after she showed no signs of stopping her self-destructive  actions, i carried her outside, and turned the hose on her. I didnt blast her with a nozzle, or anything, i turned the water on lightly, and let it drizzle into the cage.  It was only then that she was shocked out of her frenzie.

4. So yes, im a cruel asshole for being concered about the safety of myself, my belongings, and the well-being of my cat. It matters not that i did everything within my power to calm her down, it matters not that she likely has some nerological disorder. You are right, im just an abusive asshole. Get over yourself.

Im sorry i signed up at this site, it seems to me that most of you seem to think that im some sort of cat killer who enjoys abusing animals, and frankly, im insulted. i really truthfully would have loved to see just exactly how you would have dealt with the situation, when your own cat, whom you love and cherish is turned savage for no apparent reason and begins to attack you, your home, and even his/her own body, and refuses to stop for anything. Then have people tell you that its your fault.

For those of you who have been helpful, thankyou. The rest of you, get off your damn high horse and learn some social skills.

Fantastic quality of life the cat will have in her straight jacket and 3x3x5' cube. Finally, i have made every effort to find her another home. But the vet, and the local shelter have very strict rules about handling unstable and aggressive cats.  Yes, you are right, we dont kill every mentally challenged person on the planet, but we do kill those who are mentally challenged enough to attack and kill. Take a good look at death row if you have any questions about that.

We don't have death row here.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 5, 2011
Ridgewood, Queens

I think it was just the way you presented the initial post... and continue to be, at least in text, aggressive and nonchalant. And hard as it is (see my temper flare after even the first response), we do hang around here to help. I hate to see anyone seeing this obviously AWESOME community in a negative light. 

I can see that working a traumatized animal -- however the initial incident happened, and no matter what may have immediately followed -- might not be something the OP wants to participate in. But I ask you to please, please, please actually take her back to the veterinarian you adopted her from or looking into a rescue/shelter situation rather than immediate euthanasia. It may seem like a humane decision, when in actuality, it is a convenient decision. If you don't feel like taking it on yourself, seek someone who will. I know there are many people out there in the world who would be willing to help. 
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  • #27


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 21, 2011

I think it was just the way you presented the initial post... and continue to be, at least in text, aggressive and nonchalant. And hard as it is (see my temper flare after even the first response), we do hang around here to help. I hate to see anyone seeing this obviously AWESOME community in a negative light. 

I can see that working a traumatized animal -- however the initial incident happened, and no matter what may have immediately followed -- might not be something the OP wants to participate in. But I ask you to please, please, please actually take her back to the veterinarian you adopted her from or looking into a rescue/shelter situation rather than immediate euthanasia. It may seem like a humane decision, when in actuality, it is a convenient decision. If you don't feel like taking it on yourself, seek someone who will. I know there are many people out there in the world who would be willing to help. 
She is at the vets office now, they are monitoring their behavior and have contacted a specialist. Euthanasia is not my first choice, and i would like more than anything to have my cute cuddly kitten back. But  i have to face facts of what i can and cant do. Taking care of a cat with the issues she has is not an option for me, and thus far, my attempts to find anybody willing to take her in have been fruitless. Every place i have called as told me that aggressive animals are put down.  The veterinarians office is her last chance really, and i pray that its the chance she needs. Until then, my hands are tied.

I am sorry if i come across as nonchalant and aggressive. Death has (unfortunately) been a large part of my life since childhood, and i see the world from a very different perspective than most. I follow logic, not emotions when i speak and write and make decisions. Its hard to explain, but im not very "lovey dovey" if you get my gist. I still have feelings, and love my family/friends with all my heart, but im just more upfront about the reality of life than most. When i see a situation, i try to make the best of it, and  in this case,  putting her down is the only logical choice that i myself have.  Unless i can find her a home that will accept her, the only other option is taking her down the road, and dumping her in the gutter - not even an option for me.  Whats peaceful slumber when compared to a strange world of disease, deadly moving vehicles, and your own mental instabilities??


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
She is at the vets office now, they are monitoring their behavior and have contacted a specialist. Euthanasia is not my first choice, and i would like more than anything to have my cute cuddly kitten back. But  i have to face facts of what i can and cant do. Taking care of a cat with the issues she has is not an option for me, and thus far, my attempts to find anybody willing to take her in have been fruitless. Every place i have called as told me that aggressive animals are put down.  The veterinarians office is her last chance really, and i pray that its the chance she needs. Until then, my hands are tied.
Thank you for taking her to the vet. As CrumbandHarvey pointed out, I think most of us were reacting to your initial comment, "I love this cat, but if she so much as hisses at me again, shes going to have a short trip to euthanasia land." You were likely scared, hurt, and angry, and understandably so. But even in jest, it comes of as extremely callous, and it's hard not to react to it. This is a site where we try to help people work through their problems with their cats, and no one wants to see a human in danger either. But we also care about solving the problem and ultimately helping the cat. People reacted to how you handled the situation and how you wrote about it.

I am sorry if i come across as nonchalant and aggressive. Death has (unfortunately) been a large part of my life since childhood, and i see the world from a very different perspective than most. I follow logic, not emotions when i speak and write and make decisions. Its hard to explain, but im not very "lovey dovey" if you get my gist. I still have feelings, and love my family/friends with all my heart, but im just more upfront about the reality of life than most.
And we don't know you, didn't know that, and I'm sorry that you've had more than your fair share of pain. The one thing about forums is that we don't know the tone with which something was written and we don't know anything about the background of the person writing it. We can only base a response on what we read and how it was written.

When i see a situation, i try to make the best of it, and  in this case,  putting her down is the only logical choice that i myself have.  Unless i can find her a home that will accept her, the only other option is taking her down the road, and dumping her in the gutter - not even an option for me.  Whats peaceful slumber when compared to a strange world of disease, deadly moving vehicles, and your own mental instabilities??
I can't speak for the others, but upon reading what happened to her, I suspected a medical basis for the issue. I also suspect euthanasia may be the best or only real option for finding her peace. :rbheart: But in your situation, I'd want a vet to make that decision.

I'm glad you left her with the vet. :heart3: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2011
At my computer
Have you by chance changed any smells on you. New soap, shampoo, deodorant, laundry detergent, cologne?


TCS Member
Jan 28, 2008
I hope the vet finds her problem and can solve it, but, if not, euthanasia is better than some of the other options we've seen people take (such as abandoing the cat in the woods).

I hope, if it comes to that, that you can find another cuddler to take her place and warm your home and heart.
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  • #31


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 21, 2011
For those of you who care to know.

We (the vet and I) have found out that the three other kittens from the lot were put down for the exact same behavior. We found a specialist who took her in for about a week and ran extensive tests.

Turns out there was indeed a major malfunction somewhere. I cant even remember or spell the terminology, but in laymens terms, her chemical balance was off the charts. She was given some injections, and even had minor surgery.

Anyhow, shes back, and thus far has been as cute and cuddly as ever. So far, in the past 4 days, she hasnt had a single outburst, and the specialist says that she was a rare case where the mother cat had somehow ingested narcotics during pregnancy. According to the specialist, she should be fine now, and from what ive seen so far, i think she is too.

So, im seriously glad i dont have to put her down, but im still bummed that my couch has been  "totaled" as the upholstery shop said, and including the rest of the damages, she managed to destroy almost $2400 in my belongings not Including a family heirloom vase.

For now, until i trust her fully again, when im not around, she gets locked in my office where there isnt much she can damage.  (Dont worry haters, she has food, water, her litter box, and an awesome view of southern california coastline from  her perch next to the window.)


TCS Member
Jan 28, 2008
I'm glad you stuck with this. 

I guess we all put money into what we value.  You obviously valued both your cat and your couch.  Leather is a really bad idea with cats, generally, from what I hear.  If our cats destroyed our couch, it would be a loss of ... oh, about $100, I'd say. 

We once had a pair of cats whose problems I think were caused, at least partially, by someone using a flea spray on their mom while she was pregnant.


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
I'm glad you stuck with this. 

I guess we all put money into what we value.  You obviously valued both your cat and your couch....
Our couch would be like $20 worth of damage lol

Anyway, glad she is doing well!!
Wow, that's really interesting. I've heard of the flea spray problem, and cerebellar hypoplasia (kittens born to a mom with parvovirus), but nothing like that. How WONDERFUL you found a solution! :clap: :bigthumb: :D :heart3:

So she won't be on meds for life? Whatever treatment and surgery was given/done should take care of the problem? That's just awesome!!!!!!!
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  • #35


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 21, 2011
^^ so far that seems to be the case, which is a relief to me.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2010
Nova Scotia
Only just read this entire thread. I am sorry you went through all this but I applaud your efforts to save your cat. I love my cat like I love my family but my initial response likely would have been similar to yours. Maybe time to think it through was all you needed.

I am glad to read she's been doing good so far and I keep my fingers crossed that she's made a complete recovery and doesn't have another episode. Don't sweat keeping her confined to a single room. There are lots of cats, even owned by people here, who have their own room, even if for just a little while. Despite how your first post looked, its obvious you care for her. I wish you the best. 


TCS Member
Jan 28, 2008
Did your wounds heal OK?  My wife has ended up in the emergency room twice with cat bites that got infected.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
If you could find out the name of the disorder and post it here, I'd appreciate it. It's such an unusual situation, I'd like to read up on it. Sounds fascinating.
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  • #39


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 21, 2011
^^ im not sure if it even is a disorder. Its just a chemical imbalance caused by rogue chemicals that somehow came out of dormancy.

Im not sure what the medical lingo is for that, but they didnt have a name for the disorder, or at least they didnt tell me one.. I can ask though.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
But surgery for a chemical imbalance? I'm guessing it must have had something to do with the adrenal glands or maybe thyroid. I can't think of any other chemical imbalance that could be corrected with surgery. Usually the treatment is medication for that kind of thing.
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