Our Beautiful Neo


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 17, 2017
Hi, I'm so glad I found this forum,  We lost our gorgeous boy, Neo, two months ago.   We've since adopted two kittens from a rescue centre, but I still can't stop thinking about Neo.   He came to live with us at six weeks old.  I brought him home and he was asleep on the sofa when my partner, Nigel, got home from work.  Nigel sat down next to him and little Neo woke up and with no hesitation, climbed onto Nigel's lap and kept on going until he reached his shoulder, where he promptly fell asleep and stayed there for hours!  Well, after that there was no separating them, Neo loved Nigel and vice-versa.  I found it harder to bond with him as he was very aggressive with me at times.  I was afraid to walk around bare-footed as Neo would attack my ankles - and not in a playful way!  He would hiss and growl at me, and I had cuts and scratches on my feet all the time.  I remember saying to Nigel, 'If this doesn't stop, he'll have to go - I can't handle this!'  As he got bigger the attacks got less frequent but he was a lot stronger and I was actually scared of him at times, but I kind of got used to him and when he wasn't being aggressive he was a lovely, intelligent and hilarious cat with bags of personality.  The neighbours all loved him, he used to visit all of them, especially the elderly lady next door - he used to go to her house, up to the bedroom and fall asleep on her bed.  When she told me, I apologised  but she laughed and said she enjoyed his company and he was welcome any time - but she and everyone else said the same - 'He lets me stroke him three times, then he bites!'  All the men in the village talked to him and called him 'mate', like he was one of them.  Some time before Christmas, we noticed that his breathing sounded louder than usual, and he sometimes made a rasping sound, we weren't that worried and he seemed fine, but a little while later, I noticed that he'd lost his 'spark',  he seemed a little bit quieter than usual.   After Christmas we took him to the vet and he stayed in for an examination under anesthetic.  Then came the phone call that made our world fall apart......  the vet had found a growth in his throat.  All the questions..'Is it cancer?  Is it treatable?  How bad it it?'   ..... The vet said he could operate, but it was in a bad place - he started talking about blood loss, trauma, and Neo possibly dying on the operating table - and even if he got through it, the growth would almost certainly come straight back.    He put Neo on steroids to try to shrink it, but poor Neo rapidly went downhill, he was eating non-stop but losing weight, and I could see his shape changing, his stomach looked rounder and his back legs looked thinner, he was listless and coughing.     The steroids weren't working.   Our vet examined him again and told us Neo was getting weaker, the operation would probably kill him and if we did nothing, the growth would bloke his airway and choke him.    He was given another shot of fast-working steroid - if there was going to be any improvement we'd see it within 24 hours.  There wasn't.  I woke up two days later and thought Nigel was snoring, but it was the sound of Neo breathing.  He ate well that day, he went out into the garden and watched the birds, same as usual, but he wasn't washing, his movements were slow.  I made the decision that day.  Nigel couldn't do it, he couldn't  say, 'Yes, it's time'  he couldn't come with me to the vet.  I drove Neo there, talking and singing to him, I signed the papers and paid the money.  I made sure he had a sedative first.  The vet left us alone while the sedative took effect, and I cuddled Neo for the first time since we had him, without him biting me.  I told him he was the best boy ever and that we loved him.   I left his cat box at the vets - I couldn't bare to take it home empty.  I drove home, I felt ok,  Nigel's eyes were red from crying.  I went out and did the food shop, I was still ok.  We had tea, I did the washing up, I was ok, I was coping with it.  Then I went upstairs for something and next thing I knew I was on my knees on the landing, sobbing uncontrollably.   I felt like I was going to die.  Nigel came up and we both cried all night.  I hardly ever drink but I drank a whole bottle of gin that night.  In the weeks that followed I saw Neo everywhere, cried every day,  Couldn't clean the house in case I cleaned some of his fur away - I even called his name, hoping he would come running in.   We have his ashes here, we're not ready to scatter them yet - if ever.  We want him here with us.  Maybe when the summer comes and the days are warm, and when the garden is full of flowers, maybe we'll scatter his ashes near his favourite scratching post between our two apple trees.  Maybe. 



TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 8, 2014
That is one gorgeous cat.  He looks very powerful and majestic.  I'm so sorry for your loss.  I don't have much else to offer, except I hope you're not beating yourself up with guilt or what-ifs.  I've been there (sometimes I'm still there), and it just makes everything so much worse.  Keep reminding yourself that YOU WERE THERE with Neo at the very end, and he will never, ever forget that.  

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
Your story brought me to tears; today I grieve with you. Neo was such a handsome masculine boy. I am so sorry he passed. RIP handsome boy your family will forever love you 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 15, 2015
Orange County New York
I am in tears reading your story of Neo.I just lost my kitty Omelette. You can read her story here.I am going through the same things you are.I cry every day,I imagine I see her,and I call out her name throughout the day.I know how much you loved Neo.He also knows how much he was loved. He will live on in your hearts forever.Hugs to both of you.Thank you for sharing this heartbreaking story of your beloved Neo. He was beautiful.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
I'm so sorry the read this story of handsome Neo.

He has an expression of that of a wise man who knows all the secrets life has to offer.

I can't begin to express how heavy my heart is knowing you are going through this loss.  Like many others here, I lost my two babies last year, and while I know they are no longer in pain, I can't help but miss them terribly.

All I can say is don't deny yourself tears.  Grieving is important.  Take good care of yourself.

Rest in peace sweet boy

Thinking of you, best always, xoxohope


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
Lynne180, your post moved me to tears.
You and Neo had kind of a rough relationship but you loved each other so much.
I'm so sorry for your loss and what you and Neo went through. I know how much you suffered during Neo's illness, I'm experiencing a very troubled moment myself.
Hope you will find some relief soon, your Neo will never leave your heart though a bit of your heart has gone with him.
Take care of yourself.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
There comes a time when there is no choice but to put an end to the inevitable pain and suffering that has no cure and cannot be made better. You found the strength to end that pain, and you took it on as your own. You did what you could, and did more than most, so don't ever feel bad about sparing him a future full of pain, Neo himself would never condemn you, he loves you too much for that.  You gave Neo a wonderful home and a lifetime of love, that is all he ever wanted. The bond you have formed is spiritual and therefore eternal,  he will follow behind you both on whatever path life takes you, until it crosses once more in the distant future. Please don't dwell on the end, and all those should haves, could haves, they bring nothing but heartache, and do nothing to change anything because it is now a part of your past. Try to concentrate on what a wonderful life you shared with that boy and what joy he brought into your home. The love he brought you is priceless and unique, it will never be duplicated, but like a mother with many children you can love many in a different way. Use those two new little loves in your life to distract you from your grief until you can once more open your heart to their own love that they will bring you. Pass on that legacy of love that Neo left you, do good things to memorialize his memory, like donating time or food to a local shelter, it will bring honor to his life here on earth.

My heart goes out to you, I know how much this hurts.  Time is the only thing that helps with something like this, never to forget but to learn to live with our loss. Neo would never want you to be so sad, he would only want happiness for those he loved so much, just as you would want for him if you were the first to go. I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers, take care and allow yourself to grieve, for that special boy deserves it, but also allow happiness to enter your life once more, because that would make Neo happy too. ....... RIP sweet Neo, your pure light will shine down on those who miss you so dearly, please bring comfort and peace to the hearts that will always hold you close. Sleep tight little Prince!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Mar 17, 2017
Thank you so much, all of you who replied.  It was hard to write it all down but I'm glad I did, I needed to get it out and it's good to know that you all understand.  Not everyone understands - just days after we said goodbye to Neo, people were asking 'Are you going to get another one?'  They didn't realise that there isn't 'another one'  there will never be another Neo.  I guess to some people , cats are just cats, they don't see that they are family members.  I'm so sorry for all of you who are going through the same thing.  I still have 'down' days but I know that Neo had a happy life and yes, I did feel guilt an I asked myself if I made that decision too soon, should I have kept him here for another day?  Two days?  Another week?  But the fact is, he was getting weaker by the day, his breathing was getting more difficult.  He could have choked in the night while we were asleep in bed, and there was no way I was going to let happen.  He went peacefully without pain or worry and I know it was the right thing to do.  I'd do the same thing again if I had to.

Thank you so much again, and  to  all of you who have gone through this or are going through it now, I send my love and please don't feel guilty, we take care of them and do what's right for them all of their lives, right to the very end. 

We  are starting again now, with the two rescue kittens.  They both have very different personalities - jasper, the boy, is a bundle of energy who can't keep still for a minute and is very affectionate,  leaping on us in the mornings, wanting cuddles and kisses.  Zula, his little sister is pretty traumatised by being the smallest of the litter and not getting enough food and having to hide from her bigger siblings, and it's going to take time before she feels safe enough to join in, but there's no rush, we've got all the time in the world  :)   xxxxx


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
Very sorry to read of his passing, he sounds like he was a character! He surely had a good full life, and gave a lot of pleasure to people, but it was his time to go but it is so hard to say solong, they certainly weave their way into our hearts...

I hope that you can come to terms with things, and each day your heart heals a bit. God Bless....


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 1, 2017
I'm so sorry for your loss. It's difficult, my reaction was similiar to yours, I refused to acknowledge it and then it overwhelmed me for days. Allow yourself to grieve for Neo. He was loved by you both.