OMG--they're back! (Rats)


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Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
Every year, we go through this nonsense. We keep our yard clean, yet they keep coming into our heating ducts.  They must get in through under/beside the heat pump outside, and get up into the ductwork.  We have plugged the hole with concrete; they still get through. We just had a new heat pump installed last August, and asked the workmen to plug up the hole, which they did; I checked when they finished.  Today, I was sitting in the living room, watching TV. I kept hearing noises coming from the electric fireplace, which is against the stairway/pantry wall. We had a mouse/rat in that interior wall last year.  It chewed a mouse hole in the wall. The year before, the same thing--and I came home to a dead rat in the foyer. (I think it was Sarah Jane's kill!)

Funny--even though several cats are near that area, none of them are hearing the noises. It's something near wires and hitting against metal--which would make sense there (the fireplace has a metal "fire" box inserted into a mantel surround). Did I mention that I'm terrified of rodents indoors?

I'm mostly afraid of my cats touching it. I don't want them to catch any germs and/or get in a fight with a rodent.

I'm ready to sell this house. I'm so sick of this every year.  I feel as if I'm living in some sort of rodential Amityville Horror house! 

P.S., dear rodents: we have ten, count 'em, TEN cats in here. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 8, 2006
Hudson Valley NY
I have 5 cats that couldn't catch a mouse if their life depended on it. I put snap traps baited with peanut butter in our basement, behind the fridge and anywhere a cat can't fit into, or my young children.
Are you sure they are rats. Rats have hairless long tails but field mice have shorter tails with a fine fur on tail. Rats are quite large and mice are smaller.
Good luck getting rid of them.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Yikes! I have mice that get in now and then, sometimes the cats catch them, sometimes they just run on by. But they're field mice so I don't think they live in here. They don't do much damage, just chew on the cat food bag if I leave it out. I once had a rat in my garage, and it was destructive! I would hate to have more than one. The dogs got it eventually. I don't think I could put out traps or anything; I'm just too soft-hearted. Maybe a live trap and take it a few miles away.

Cats prefer not to kill rats---they're big, and mean! What you need is a small terrier dog, that would take care of those rats!
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Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
Yikes! I have mice that get in now and then, sometimes the cats catch them, sometimes they just run on by. But they're field mice so I don't think they live in here. They don't do much damage, just chew on the cat food bag if I leave it out. I once had a rat in my garage, and it was destructive! I would hate to have more than one. The dogs got it eventually. I don't think I could put out traps or anything; I'm just too soft-hearted. Maybe a live trap and take it a few miles away.

Cats prefer not to kill rats---they're big, and mean! What you need is a small terrier dog, that would take care of those rats!
Well, having a terrier could provide hours of free entertainment if we have rats! LOL

Someone asked if the one I found dead was a rat. Yes, it was a rat. Trust me!

We moved the fireplace, but found no evidence of animals back there. I know I heard sounds yesterday. I'm thinking they were coming from the outside wall, not the fireplace wall--or maybe the wind was brushing tree branches against the house in a weird manner.

Things sure have gone downhill since our next-door neighbors moved--their cat was quite a mouser!
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TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
Have you had an exterminator that also does rodents come in?  He may be able to figure out how they are getting in.  It may be a way that you hadn't thought of.  Rats scare me.  They, more precisely the fleas on them, carry disease.  I have also heard of them getting so used to people that people, usually children, have been bitten.