Older cat is still distant after a month of introducing new kitten?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 22, 2012
Hello! I've come here before for help with my eldest cat, Freya, since I was a brand new cat mommy when I got her. With my new kitten, Mimi, I haven't had as much trouble and had more experience taking care of her since I've had Freya.

Anyhow, we've had Freya with us for a year and... almost three months?? We brought her in when she was eight or nine weeks~ My mother was very upset by the idea of me taking Freya with me when I was ready to move out and decided she wanted her own kitten, which I was ecstatic about because I had noticed Freya had gotten very listless lately and heard that another cat might perk her up. Plus, whenever we would bring her to visit my grandparent's cat, she would have a ball playing with him. So, after a few months of thought and planning, we decided to take a leap and get another. Fortunately, Freya's sister had been rehomed to my friend's parents and she became pregnant before they could fix her, so as we helped rehome the kittens, I took one of them in.

Mimi fit in perfectly! She had no trouble integrating with a new cat, but, boy, Freya did. I expected this, since this was another cat coming into Freya's territory, and tried to make the meetings gradual and not so sudden because I didn't want to frighten Freya. After about a week of keeping Mimi in my room and brief visits between the two, I finally let her out and well... let's just say, Freya is getting along much better with her now than before. Still, Freya will hiss and growl at times at Mimi. She even growls at me! She's only hissed once or twice at me, but I always back off before it gets to that point.

She is very distant with both me and my mother still, but I'm very careful to show that I still love her. I'll always stop and pet her and talk to her if I see her and I'll call for her if I see her standing near my door to my room. But, where she used to come for lovins and cuddles nearly all the time, she has stopped almost altogether. She only comes once a night, if I'm lucky, and if she sees Mimi in the room, she'll immediately jump up and run off. If I pick her up anywhere near Mimi, she whines and growls at me and will not let me love on her if Mimi is anywhere near unless Freya is sleepy.

My question is, what do I do? :( I know it can take cats a long time to adjust, but I'm afraid Freya will be like this forever since I brought in Mimi. Both the girls are very attached to me, preferring to come to me rather than my mom, so I feel like Freya might be mad or jealous when she sees Mimi cuddling up with me? It's very silly, but Freya is my baby girl! I love both the girls equally, but since Freya came into my life when I needed her the most, I'm very attached to her. My mom said Freya likes her more than me now and that hurt my feelings, as silly as that is! But, where Freya won't let me cuddle or love on her anymore, I can do that with Mimi with no problem. She's a sweet girl who I love to bits.

Anyhow, I'm very sorry for how long this is, I just wanted to get the explanation out of the way. Freya is fixed and a year and five months old, while Mimi is not yet fixed and is only.... I believe three months old?

Also, my mother was wondering: even though cats are spayed, can they still go into "heat", perse? Like phantom heat, I guess? I told her I don't think it's possible, but she was curious, haha.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 11, 2013
south africa
hi.I don't really have any advice to give you but I had the same problem with my Chloe.Iv tried everything but 2 months down the line she's still pretty

distant.however in the past week she seems to be warming up a bit.She now comes to me for a quick cuddle at least once a  day.Im just gratefull that she is not going to be permanently depressed.patience seems to be the big thing and letting them know that they are still king or queen ,that seems to be helping me.Wish  you all the best.Good luck


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Have you tried Feliway diffusers?  They put out calming pheromones that might help her relax.  They can be pricey; but you might find some deals online.  Have you tried some fun, interactive toys with both kitties around?  Something like a wand toy, da bird or a laser pointer?  I would try to think of things to make it a positive experience when they are with each other.  That should help things move along and get her back more like her old self.  It is normal for it to take a while for everyone to settle in fully; even a few months.  

I hope that helps! 
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 22, 2012
Thank you, Mooch, I did what you suggested. :D I played with them both using a laser and a few wand toys. Now, while Freya (the older cat) still hisses at Mimi (the kitten) when she gets to aggressive or annoying, they play with each other, sleep with each other, and are even starting to groom each other. My mom is going nuts because they're tearing the house apart, but I'm soooo happy Freya is getting a long better with Mimi -- Freya even seems happier to have someone to keep her company!

And the best part of all is Freya is not very distant anymore! She has been either sleeping in my room or on my chest for the past week and lets me cuddle her and pet her all I want. Alls well that ends well I say!


TCS Member
May 5, 2012
Waldron, Arkansas
Just be sure to get Mimi spayed soon. I am not sure if spayed females can go into false heat. I guess that is a topic I need to research.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 22, 2012
Oh definitely! We're getting her spayed this month since the vet said she'll be old enough. :) We got Freya spayed as soon as she was old enough, too.


TCS Member
May 5, 2012
Waldron, Arkansas
Ok, I did some research and most of the time, phantom heat is caused by missing some of the ovarian tissue. The only sure ways of finding out are: hormone testing, exploratory surgery or perhaps an ultrasound.

Most of the people, which included some vets, recommended charting when the cat has the phantom heat and if it is a consistent cycle, then one of the above methods will need to be used.

Also, it is not unusual for the cat to have one heat cycle within the first 30 days after the spay.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 16, 2012
I was really glad to read your followup, to learn that the two cats were getting along better and connecting well with you.  Do you think it was the interactive play alone or were there other factors responsible for the behavior change?