Old Tom Is Having Issues Walking,sleeping, Hiding


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 17, 2017
Became a member this morning as I’m trying to find some answers to what the heck is wrong with Pico. He is an almost 15 year old half Siamese long haired boy who was the previous king of our inner city back yard, a hunter, inside/outside dweller.
About 6 months prior I noticed he was no longer jumping up on the leather sofa to join me in the evening. He still had his spot on another fabric sofa where he now was spending much of his time. He also started to use his indoor litter box which previously was a rarity as he preferred to ask to relieve himself outside. HE began to urinate outside the box and one day I found he had feces caked to his behind. I bathed him and got him to a vet who without any blood work or X-rays diagnosed old age and arthritis. I thought odd because these symptoms came on so suddenly. As it was nearing the heat of summer I had him shaved, kept him indoors and got him a larger litter box.
His ailments progressed to where he could no longer jump up on anything so I took him to vet #2 who made the same old age diagnosis without any testing.
His appetite had not changed, drinks same amount of water, normal stool and urination, minimal vomiting (actually less since he was shaved). He mainly sleeps all the time, moves slowly and now only eats when no ones around.
Now time for vet #3 who diagnosed a heart murmur and an amazingly expensive amount of testing. Her diagnosis was that yes he does have a heart murmur, no arthritis or other afflictions and that she had never seen an old tom in such amazing shape. She prescribed atenolol for the murmur which he’s been taking for a month now with no improvement.
He now spends most of his time under my bed which he has never done before. He still comes out to eat while I’m off at work and again in the evening when he asks to be lifted to the sofa with me but only stays for 30 minutes or less. If I’m not attentive to when he wants to get down he will fall off the side and flop on the floor.
I have been noticing his ears twitching a bit and when I rub him about his ears he seems to be confused about whether he enjoys it or not. Am I wrong to suspect a possible inner ear problem?
Poor old boy. Such a good cat and I’m at a loss for how to help him. Any feedback will be much appreciated!
Thank you.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
Unfortunately i don't have any suggestions about his health. However im sure he knows he is loved, sounds like you are doing everything correct. Love him and keep him as comfortable and happy as possible. i know older cats have a harder time jumping, and they do sleep a lot. maybe check with the vet on his ears?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 17, 2017
Unfortunately i don't have any suggestions about his health. However im sure he knows he is loved, sounds like you are doing everything correct. Love him and keep him as comfortable and happy as possible. i know older cats have a harder time jumping, and they do sleep a lot. maybe check with the vet on his ears?
Thanks for ur reply duckpond. It’s just so unusual that he would go from perfectly healthy to pretty decrepit in such a short period of time.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 4, 2017
Xrays and blood work don't diagnose nerve and tissue damage. What have your vets done as far as imaging? This sounds so much like a cat in pain from a possible back injury. I would get copies of his records from all the previous vets and then go to another one.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 17, 2017
Xrays and blood work don't diagnose nerve and tissue damage. What have your vets done as far as imaging? This sounds so much like a cat in pain from a possible back injury. I would get copies of his records from all the previous vets and then go to another one.
True and I suppose that would b my next step tho simply can’t afford it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
Thanks for ur reply duckpond. It’s just so unusual that he would go from perfectly healthy to pretty decrepit in such a short period of time.
hi. it is a bit odd. but just like us, as we get older health can change seemingly overnight. i don't know, but i hope he feels better very soon.