"Oh. You decided to be gone all day?"


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Oct 13, 2015
Mossy Head, FL
Is this normal kitten/cat behavior? Is it good?

Boots (about 6 to 8 weeks old)  has been with us for two weeks now. My brother and his grandson came in from Indiana last night. Boots was not as friendly with them as with my bride and I but allowed them to pet him some.

We went fishing all day today. Got home this evening. Walked in the door and said, "I'm home. Where's my puppy?" (You see, family joke, Boots is my lap dog). Soon as I said that Boots came bounding out of the sewing room and ran around the kitchen, under the table, through the living room and back into the kitchen. Then clawed at my pant leg, jumped up and down, and ran around some more.

I sat down in the office chair and after a minute Boots was in my lap pushing his head under my hand as if asking to be petted. I stroked his head and chin then he started biting my hand and finger and meowing. I was beginning to wonder what was in the Kitty Milk. He settled down some and just laid on my leg for quite a while.

Brother and grandson came in and Boots jumped down, ran into the bedroom and climbed up onto the bed. After they went into the guest room and closed the door Boots came in and climbed back up onto my leg.

My bride came in and said, "Boots has been in the sewing room with me all day. He just laid around until you came home."

I never expected a cat (kitten) to act like this. I have had a couple puppies act like this. But never expected a cat would. Then my bride says, "Well. That kitten has been in your lap or on the cat tree next to you for the past two weeks. Think maybe he thinks you are supposed stay in the house also? Sounds like you broke his routine."

Is this normal?
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 15, 2015
Dekalb, Il
Actually yeah since I got Vincent just before he turned 11 weeks he has consistently slept most of the time when I'm gone. By my families home where people are around he does this as well it's led to them saying "they [him and Sera] know who their daddy is and are happy when he's home".