Oh. No.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2017
Sorry about your Dad Alphagirl, I hear you about him not getting the best of care if he had bedsores 1 week after hip surgery they did something wrong, they are suppose to get them up immediately after hip surgery, so they can walk again.
same thing happened to my mom, but we didn't know any better, she is still battling to walk and physical therapy.
Your right it's not right, what they do, they leave them in bed, totally wrong.

Hang in there with your kitties, get help!!!
I am struggling with 1 Feral, and a stray, and parents too!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
Condolences on losing your dad. My dad died at home, in the yard, surrounded by his cats and wolf-dog. It was in 2011 and I still miss him In so many ways.
I have a friend who does cat rescue in southern GA and know the challenges you face. I think that only Indiana is worse with their terrible anti-cat laws.
Prayers and vibes that you are given better circumstances soon :vibes::vibes::vibes:
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #83


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Aug 8, 2014
I really appreciate all the replies, even though I don’t respond back. I’m trying to deal with so much crap that I still just don’t have time to do things I WANT to do. So this is a short update.

I am happy to report that 4 out of the 5 kitties have new homes. They all went to nice young women who seemed to love animals as much as I do. I could be wrong, but I hope the kitties have found their forever homes. I wish I didn’t have to get rid of them, but there’s no way I could keep all these cats. I still have Maximum inside, and I need to post an update on him soon. I just lost one of my outside cats, so that group is down from 6 to 4.

I have one male kitten left out of the latest litter, and he’s trying very hard to convince me that I need to keep him around. He and Max get along great when I let him inside. Of course, he has to be the most playful and the most adorable of all the babies. If you know of anyone in south Georgia who just has to have an awesome new kitty, let me know!

Even though I love them very much, I wish I could find new homes for all the outside cats. My housing situation is still up in the air because my landlord is a total idiot, to put it nicely. That’s all I’m gonna say about that.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
Hey! I am so sorry about you losing a kitty. :( You have done a fantastic job with the little ones. I hope you can find another good home for Maximus. Finding homes yourself is often difficult. I work on that myself a lot. I don’t know if the kitties are spayed/neutered but there are grant programs in some states that either pay for that or help. Georgia gets some very good grant programs at certain times of the year. Grant money does get used up quickly so timing is crucial. There are also some national programs that help. If you need any tips on that please feel free to PM me. I had to track down all that info myself and it was hard the first time. Thanks for being a South Georgia kitty rescuer! Georgia needs all the helpers possible.:rock:
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #87


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Aug 8, 2014
Well, just when you think things can't possibly get any worse....they always do. I've been under so much stress for about 3 years, and these past few months are. absolutely. killing. me. !!!

I've spent about every minute of the past 3 months looking for somewhere else to live. My landlord refused to accept any offer I made on this property and gave me "official" notice to vacate....once via email, and then again with a mailed letter....with a freakin' HEART stamp on it. :angryfire: He gave me till December 1, which is more than I ever expected, and honestly, I'm glad he gave ME notice so I don't have to tell him MY plans.

I found a house that I'm not crazy about in a location that I'm not crazy about, but I'm running out of time and can't find anything decent for rent in my price range. So I'm buying a house. The good news is it's really close to my son. He got a great deal on his house about 3 years ago, and he really made a good investment. The OK news is it's not a bad house, really. The bad news is....I didn't want to buy a house in the first place.

If all goes well (and I keep waiting for the rug to be pulled out from under me again), I should close next Thursday, which is my granddaughter's 8th birthday. My kids will help me move, and I hope we can get it all done in one day. The new place is only about 10 minutes from here, and it's not like I have a lot of furniture and stuff anyway. The plan is to get the F outta Dodge before asslord knows I'm gone. I will send him a letter with two weeks rent for October and say oh, by the way, go ahead and sell your stupid property because I. DON'T. LIVE. THERE. ANYMORE!!!

I'm still freaking out about the cats though. I still haven't found anyone to take little baby kitty, even though my heart breaks every time I think about him, and all of them, really. He's so adorable, but I cannot keep him. I will have Maximus (my inside boy), and I've decided to take Lil Bad Ass with me. He loves me SO much and he's the only one I've let in and out consistently. I think he'll be a good inside boy too. I would never be able to handle all of them inside.

I've talked to my neighbor, and she said she'll try to keep the others fed, even though she can't let them in to live with her. She's older than me and doesn't get around that great, so I don't think she could handle multiple cats, even if they suddenly decided they WANTED to be inside cats too. For the next week, I'm just going to try to start taking their food pan closer to her house each time. I hope it won't take them long to realize they need to go over there if they want to get fed. It's not like it's a strange yard, because if they're not at my house, they're usually over there.

I know this is not even close to a possibly acceptable solution, but I don't know what else to do, so please don't lecture me about abandoning cats that have come to depend on me. I've been hating myself for weeks. At this point, if I knew someone three states away who would take in Kitty Mama, Stripey, and Baby Girl, I think I'd drive through the night and then pay them too when I got there.

When I'm not crying about having to move, I'm crying about cats. I don't know what I'm going to do if things don't somehow "settle down" soon. I'm just so tired of everything and everybody. I hope things are better for all of you!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
so please don't lecture me about abandoning cats that have come to depend on me.
Of course no lectures, only prayers sent up for you. We know you are doing your best. The house sounds nice, and you're bringing 2 cats with you. You have a neighbor that is willing to feed the rest. Things might turn out okay. Glass half full? :)


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Awww, I'm so sorry to hear you've been through such a rough time.


I know you didn't want to buy a house but believe me, the relief of not having to answer to anyone after years of renting will make it all worth while.

It's great that you can take 2 cats with you. I TNR'd over 30 cats at my last address, but when we moved here I could only trap around 23 of them to move with me. I felt bad about the ones I left behind, but it worked out OK. Other people in the neighbourhood put out food for them and they still had the barns and storehouses to shelter in. They were fine.

I know it's a long shot, but what city and state are you in? We have a lot of people who do rescue on TCS, maybe someone in your area could take in another cat.

Good luck with the move. hope it goes well.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
Okay. For some reason I have not been getting your updates even though I have your thread in my watch. I might have some information to help you but since I have not seen every post I have a couple of questions. You have three that need help? Please give me all the details on them. Age, sex, Spay or neuter, are they healthy as far as you know? There is one place that I know that might be able to help but you probably need to PM me and give me a few details. We seem to have much in common so hang in there. You have been holding up under great stress. You are strong and have done a lot for these kitties. If your neighbor can take the kitties that’s great but if not then there may still be an answer.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #92


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Aug 8, 2014
JCATBIRD: I just sent you a message. At least I think I did.


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Well, just when you think things can't possibly get any worse....they always do. I've been under so much stress for about 3 years, and these past few months are. absolutely. killing. me. !!!

I've spent about every minute of the past 3 months looking for somewhere else to live. My landlord refused to accept any offer I made on this property and gave me "official" notice to vacate....once via email, and then again with a mailed letter....with a freakin' HEART stamp on it. :angryfire: He gave me till December 1, which is more than I ever expected, and honestly, I'm glad he gave ME notice so I don't have to tell him MY plans.

I found a house that I'm not crazy about in a location that I'm not crazy about, but I'm running out of time and can't find anything decent for rent in my price range. So I'm buying a house. The good news is it's really close to my son. He got a great deal on his house about 3 years ago, and he really made a good investment. The OK news is it's not a bad house, really. The bad news is....I didn't want to buy a house in the first place.

If all goes well (and I keep waiting for the rug to be pulled out from under me again), I should close next Thursday, which is my granddaughter's 8th birthday. My kids will help me move, and I hope we can get it all done in one day. The new place is only about 10 minutes from here, and it's not like I have a lot of furniture and stuff anyway. The plan is to get the F outta Dodge before asslord knows I'm gone. I will send him a letter with two weeks rent for October and say oh, by the way, go ahead and sell your stupid property because I. DON'T. LIVE. THERE. ANYMORE!!!

I'm still freaking out about the cats though. I still haven't found anyone to take little baby kitty, even though my heart breaks every time I think about him, and all of them, really. He's so adorable, but I cannot keep him. I will have Maximus (my inside boy), and I've decided to take Lil Bad Ass with me. He loves me SO much and he's the only one I've let in and out consistently. I think he'll be a good inside boy too. I would never be able to handle all of them inside.

I've talked to my neighbor, and she said she'll try to keep the others fed, even though she can't let them in to live with her. She's older than me and doesn't get around that great, so I don't think she could handle multiple cats, even if they suddenly decided they WANTED to be inside cats too. For the next week, I'm just going to try to start taking their food pan closer to her house each time. I hope it won't take them long to realize they need to go over there if they want to get fed. It's not like it's a strange yard, because if they're not at my house, they're usually over there.

I know this is not even close to a possibly acceptable solution, but I don't know what else to do, so please don't lecture me about abandoning cats that have come to depend on me. I've been hating myself for weeks. At this point, if I knew someone three states away who would take in Kitty Mama, Stripey, and Baby Girl, I think I'd drive through the night and then pay them too when I got there.

When I'm not crying about having to move, I'm crying about cats. I don't know what I'm going to do if things don't somehow "settle down" soon. I'm just so tired of everything and everybody. I hope things are better for all of you!
:grouphug::hearthrob: :redheartpump::grouphug2: :vibes::vibes::crossfingers:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
It looks like there is a time crunch here. If anyone can take any of these kitties right now, Please , please step in here in a hurry! I am working to help but this person needs immediate action. If anyone has room, please adopt! I am going to post this ID everywhere I can tonight and I ask that everyone else do the same in order to save the last of these kitties. They are beautiful! Photos again please alphagrrl alphagrrl !
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #97


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Aug 8, 2014
Thank you all so much for trying to help. I know I shouldn't have waited till the last minute to ask for assistance, but I was really hoping I would be able to stay here.

I just took these pictures a few minutes ago.








Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
It looks like there is a time crunch here. If anyone can take any of these kitties right now, Please , please step in here in a hurry! I am working to help but this person needs immediate action. If anyone has room, please adopt! I am going to post this ID everywhere I can tonight and I ask that everyone else do the same in order to save the last of these kitties. They are beautiful! Photos again please alphagrrl alphagrrl !


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
:confused2: Could I get a little clarification, please? Kitty Mama and Kitty Girl are spayed & with rabies shots, if I read correctly. Stripey, however, is intact (or did she get spayed, meanwhile?).
And is there also a kitten who needed placement or did you find a home for him? I didn't see his picture in the latest post.
I can reach out to a couple of people in your area but I need details first. I don't want to get too hopeful as Tift shelter is overflowing and they are going to have to euthanize some cats with litters unless they get pledged. That said, it may help yours because they are already spayed. You can also PM me, if you prefer. Meanwhile, I am still praying :vibes::vibes::vibes::heartshape: