Oh, For Crying Out Loud


Cinnamon's roll
Adult Cat
Jun 7, 2017
Western Pennsylvania
I just grabbed a box of cereal upside down..

It came open and spilled Honey Nut Cheerios all over the floor, and you bet Cinnamon was there to investigate. :lol:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 8, 2016
Phoenix, AZ
I made a pitcher of iced coffee instead of my usual iced tea, and put it in the fridge. Later when I had my first glass, ugggh..... it was so bitter I couldn't drink it. I looked closer at the pitcher. I had put nice, fresh lemon slices in it like I always do with iced tea! :doh:


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
A friend and I were going somewhere and met where we would leave one car and go together in the other. I asked her to drive my car since she knew how to get there better than I did. When we finished our shopping and got back to where we had met, she drove around to find the car. I told her in a very concerned voice, " I don't see my car anywhere! " She chuckled and said, " Debbie, we're in your car. ".
I did something similar as a teenager. I went to a nearby mall and took my brother's car because it was parked behind mine in the driveway and I was too lazy to pull it out. A while after I got home he called to tell me my car had been stolen from the mall parking lot and the police needed some more details.

Yep, I'd come out, gotten in my car and driven home.

Mother Dragon

Cat slave
Top Cat
Oct 17, 2006
Suburban Houston, TX
My husband had two identical style pairs of shoes, one pair black and one pair brown. Sure enough, he went to work with one shoe of each color. He's done that with socks, too.

I wore a blouse inside out most of the day until someone gently pointed it out.

We have Medeco locks on the house. They're super pick-, bump-, and kick-proof. It would take a battering ram operated by a whole brigade of firefighters to break in our door. The security is great, but if you lose a key, you have to go back to the place where you bought the lock and pray it's still in business. I think the new key is about $100 and they only make it after verifying who you are. So, lose one of them and you don't get in at all.

We were going to order a couple of extra keys for our 2017 Expedition. It has just about everything in the key. Price? A mere $350-$400 each! I told my husband it we lose a key, we better go with it.

Mother Dragon

Cat slave
Top Cat
Oct 17, 2006
Suburban Houston, TX
I swear Harrigan is home for the holidays. I usually plan our weekends. I have event guides, online guides, a list of festivals, and all manner of other information. Earlier this week I looked at my event guide and saw a few things I wanted to do. The weather was going to be great, so it was going to be a perfect weekend.

The first event was a WorldFest on November 18 up at College station, about 75 miles from here. Texas A&M students from everywhere take part. It celebrates diversity in every form from ethnic to country to religion to gender. Everyone has a booth and usually there are foods to go along with them. Biryani, anyone? Baba ganoush? Rehydrated earthworms in creole sauce? Hold a conversation in Finnish. Ride a camel.

The event was on Saturday, November 18 and we were going to get there bright and early. However, Harrigan brought his friend Montezuma to visit. Old Monte took a liking to me and we spent most of the day together. He finally took the hint to leave after I drank a quart of Immodium. We finally did some needed shopping late in the day.

There was still the Home For the Holidays Gift Market planned for Sunday, November 19. The place it was to be held was in Katy, Texas, which is built on old rice fields. Needless to say, Harvey tried to return it to rice paddies. Consequently, I wasn't sure whether the event was going to be held or not. The website talked about the 2015 show. Alarm bells went off. I checked several other sites, which confirmed the show would be held November 17-19, 2017.

Sunday morning I dragged myself out of bed and with prodding and poking from my other half, finally made it to the car about 45 minutes past our planned departure time. We got on the road. "I'm hungry. Let's stop for a burger. It won't take more than five minutes" my husband said. Harrigan had a fried apple pie. Twenty minutes later we were back on the road.

I was still concerned about getting there and finding an empty parking lot because the trip, although only about 55 miles, was going to be a bit expensive because we were going to take the toll road. My husband assured me it was a lot faster and would only cost a couple of dollars. We flew through the first toll sensor (no booths at all) at 70+ and I only saw a glimpse of the toll, $2.02. Huh? The next one was $3.17. And the third was $2.94. I've never seen rates like those and this little cruise was costing $8, plus gasoline. Admission was $6. My mental calculator was toting up the cost. Oh, well, we were almost there. I'm sure I heard a snicker from the back seat.

We arrived and found the parking lot was empty. Not only that, but there were construction signs everywhere. Harrigan was kicking the seat and slapping his knee. I was bent six ways from Sunday. We'd come all this way for nothing! Boy, were they ever going to get a piece of my mind!

Robert was trying to soothe me while Harrigan escaped his seat belt and was rolling around in the back of the SUV, guffawing. It was then that I glanced at the car's nav screen, which has the day, date, and time on the display. I stepped on the brakes so hard Harrigan was thrown back into his seat. I sat there, beating my head on the steering wheel. My husband thought I'd lost it and was having a major meltdown. Finally, I looked at him and asked him what the date was. "November 12," he replied.

"The event is on November 17-19," I whispered. We both sat there in silence while Harrigan crept out of the car, still grinning.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 26, 2016
Midwest USA
I'm working in the kitchen. And I lost my iPod. I was walking all over the house, looking for that thing. And then I started to panic (I'm known for washing iPods; it's not pretty).

I bet I spent 30 minutes looking everywhere for that damn iPod. I was all over the kitchen, I was in the bathroom, going through laundry, I was in the bedroom looking around, I was back here in this room going through stuff. And the whole time? I was singing along to music. From my iPod. That was connected to the stereo in the living room. :doh::doh: :paperbag: I swear I am losing my mind.

I told Rick about it at lunch and he said he was really glad I "found" it.

It was a brain fart. (I refuse to call it a senior moment!)

I can totally relate to that. The other day I was looking for my earbuds. After ripping apart my bedroom looking for them I realized they were stuck in my ears with the chord dangling in front of my shirt...LOL
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
So this morning, I was in the car, getting ready to leave for work. Couldn't find the iPod and I'm thinking, "Seriously?" The iPod? Was in my mouth. My hands were full: my tote, lunchbox, a book, and my coffee mug. I stuck the iPod in my mouth between my lips until I got into the car, so that I could plug it in. And just that quickly, forgot about it.

There's something going on between me and my iPod....I just haven't figured out what it is yet!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
So this morning, I was in the car, getting ready to leave for work. Couldn't find the iPod and I'm thinking, "Seriously?" The iPod? Was in my mouth. My hands were full: my tote, lunchbox, a book, and my coffee mug. I stuck the iPod in my mouth between my lips until I got into the car, so that I could plug it in. And just that quickly, forgot about it.

There's something going on between me and my iPod....I just haven't figured out what it is yet!
It's like The Silence on Doctor Who. In their case you can't remember them if you aren't looking at them; but the iPod is less powerful than that, so you just can't remember its location if you're not looking directly at it.



TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 17, 2017
Appleton, WI

BTDT! The other night I couldn't find my phone so I used my watch to make it ring and still couldn't find it... Until my son pointed it out... In my sweatshirt pocket. :paperbag:

And when our 3rd child was little I'd get so used to carrying her around on my hip I'd find myself looking around on the floor for her, while I was holding her. :running:


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
I outdid myself yesterday evening. The phone rang while I was cleaning up after dinner and distracted me. Afterwards I couldn't find the dishcloth I'd been using.

This morning my husband wanted to know why there was a damp dishcloth in one of the utensil drawers. :paperbag:
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Rick is an epileptic and has been on meds for years. This morning, I watched him take his pills and sort out what pills he needed for the day, then stick the container in his lunch box.

He got to work and texted me to ask if I remembered if he took his pills this morning. He was looking through his lunch box, saw the container, but couldn't remember if had taken his morning pills. If he didn't, they were still on the kitchen counter....not good when there are cats in the house. And if they were there, I would have to take them up to his work right away so that he could take them as he can't miss a dose.

I went out to the kitchen, checked the counter, checked his large container and nothing seemed amiss, so I texted him back and said I thought I'd seen him take them, but checked the kitchen out anyway and didn't see them anywhere.

He's been taking them for so long now that it's so much by rote that he doesn't even think about it anymore.