Ode to Psycho - the cat who came back to cross the bridge

Molly and Abby

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Feb 22, 2018
"Psycho" showed up on my patio about two weeks ago. I hadn't seen him in three years - ever since my new neighbors moved in and their indoor/outdoor cats ran him off. But those neighbors moved a few weeks ago. And I guess Psycho felt my patio was safe place again for a meal and a bed.

I first saw Psycho back in 2014. He was a healthy, brown male tabby - as big as my own indoor cat Milton (12 - 15 lbs) and I would estimate about the same age (3 - 5 years old). I was doing TNR for the neighborhood ferals at that time, but Psycho had his right-ear already notched.

Psycho would follow the other TNR ferals to my patio. Boy, he was so feral! He'd hiss at me whenever he saw me for about a year. But over time, the hissing turned into meowing at my backdoor. He had a warm, heated cat house during the winter to sleep in, flea control and a meal twice a day.

Psycho was a regular until 2019 & I was so surprised to see him a couple of weeks ago. I didn't see anything wrong with him at the time. But he looked thinner. I fed him and gave him water & he ate some. But not like his usual, hearty appetite.

After a few days, he ate less and less frequently. I bought him some high-calorie canned food and kitten replacement milk but he just ate a few bites & he shunned the milk.

At a loss on what to do, I contacted my local animal control advise line for advise sick or injured animals, who advised me to take him to the local emergency vet. As a resident, I wouldn't be charged and the emergency vet would treat Psycho and release him back to a feral colony. (I used this emergency vet for my own cats in the past; they are ethical & competent).

I got Psycho into a cat carrier (he didn't put up much resistance, he was so weak) and took him to the vet. Unfortunately, Psycho had a huge stomach tumor & had to be euthanized.

It wasn't how I wanted the story to turn out but I know Psycho isn't suffering anymore. It's tough being a feral cat & I am honored he came into my life.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
This is a lovely story about your bond with Psycho. He understood your kindness and knew that you would always help him.

There is something about these ferals, even the more distant ones, and their acceptance of certain people. A month ago, one of my outdoor ferals who had been gone for a while came back in terrible condition. Clearly medical, not fight wounds. He was accompanied by his little feral female friend who seemed to have helped him get back, in some odd way. I did let him go that day, but the story of his return will always stay with me.

I am sorry for your loss of Psycho. You definitely helped him to live as good a life as he could as a feral.

Kristin_Happy Texan

TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 20, 2022
Cats are intelligent. I think deep down he knew you would help him. You did what you could. You tried helping him with nutrition, but that just wasn't enough. You took him to a vet, which he clearly needed. You took all the appropriate, humane steps and he's no longer suffering now. That's all because of you.

You did well, and "Psycho" agrees. I know it!