Odd cat behavior/Lyme disease ?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 9, 2020
Hello, I have a young male cat ( almost 2 years old ) I caught him as a very wild, and tiny feral kitten at my work, I had him neutered really young because although he tamed way down, ( with me, not with other ppl ) he was a very hyper, cocky, precocious little boy, so I wanted the hormones cut off asap, he has an odd personality, but is usually very affectionate/clingy, playful, he has some odd behaviors, he often will wring/furiously whip his tail , when resting in his favorite spots, like he is uncomfortable, or agitated, sometimes if i am nearby on my phone talking in a normal tone and he is resting nearby he will start making these strange , crying type noises, and will whip his tail, and then take off into another room, very rarely he will give me a short hiss, if he is say in bed , comfortable, and I go to get in bed too, like he is annoyed, but he will alternate these behaviors with very loving affectionate behavior, the only time he got "crazy bad" was probably 7 or 8 months ago I took in a stray female, that was upsetting him to the point of not eating, and hiding all the time, ( his generally odd behaviors were prior to female coming in ) but the stress of her being there ( I finally rehomed her ) he lost weight, and became ill, his illness was a mystery , but manifested one night when I found him in my bed, but when i went to get in bed he hissed, swatted, growled if I got close, and when he tried to stand up his hind end would fall over, or he would limp bad, and hiss as he walked, or tried to move, I stayed up with him all night, crying , thinking he was injured, and would have to be put down, I was waiting on my vet to get in that morning , I had to use a newer vet to my area, a younger man, as my main vet was much farther drive, and my car was not in good shape, because of Covid I could not go into clinic with him, they had trouble handling him, I guess he went kinda wild, but said he had over 104 fever, and his body lameness, was probably due to the fever/illness he was fighting, he gave him an antibiotic injection, and said if he was not better within 2 or 3 days to bring him back for further testing, he did improve with a couple minor setbacks, I had read about lyme disease, and thought his symptoms seemed similar ( I live on 300 acres of woods, on a creek, so I find an occasional tick ) after that he has still shown some of the above mentioned odd behaviors , but more, or less is a good boy, but early this morning he was in bed snuggling, "kissing" me, nibbling on my fingers, and I got up to get ready for work, and was doing my complete normal routine, and I walked from one room, to another, past him who was sitting kinda in door way, and he hissed at me, I spoke to him, and he gave me very odd look, and hissed again, and did a swat at me, then I opened door, and he slipped out making a short hiss, when i got home this evening he was almost normal, but my older cat was giving him a wide berth, and watching him like he was nervous, so i suspect my young boy had acted aggressive to him while i was at work, but my younger boy ate well, played with a new toy i bought him, and gave me a short hiss, but mostly positive interactions, and is resting near me now, his illness was at least 6 months ago, so I know it is not that, my boyfriend said he thinks he is maturing, and trying to "take over" and be top cat ( with me, and my other cats , as my older male is dominant ) my younger male does sometimes appear to challenge my older male, but I think it is more aggressive play , I do not know if my younger male has some kind of neurological issue, or pain coming from somewhere, I plan on taking him in to my # 1 most trusted older vet soon, although it is a longer trip, but with Christmas, and having been out of work some with Covid shutdowns it has been tough, if you have read this far thank you, and any ideas until I can take him in would be great !!!


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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
The thread that Furballsmom Furballsmom linked has most of what I was thinking on it. I did some googling, and while it could be Lyme's, there are many other more probable causes. Do get to see your trusted vet as soon as you can. Keep the cats under supervision as much as you can, and I'll be lighting a candle for you...ALL of you!