now she's a BULLY!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Feb 3, 2014
hello again everyone!

i've previously posted about my trials with my 2yr old female cat, Baby Cat & her troubles with bladder stones..and thankfully a small stone that was discovered after i was a big dumb idiot & fed her dry food has completely dissolved! she has been on a constant diet of her Royal Canin Urinary SO wet food (3/4 can daily) & peeing like a CHAMP! i've gotten her groomed (lion cut) and now she's back to being her dopey self..

i do, however, have another cat by the name of Adam West (or Adam Wee-woo) who is a 3yr old male, and Baby Cat's, "uncle," cat. he's always been kind of a push-over baby, and when my old roommate lived in my house with her cat, i would have generally considered him the alpha of the house. since this roommate left with her cat in mid-june, the dynamics have certainly changed--especially with baby cat's urgent health issues.

since baby cat's recovery, i cannot feed the two of them in view of each other, nor can i leave before they are done eating because baby cat will seek out adam west and push him out of the way to get at his food. she's definitely showing a lot of dominance, and will get into fights with adam west, chase him out of my room at night, push him off of the top of the cat tree...etc. it's gotten to the point that i'm pretty concerned because adam west has definitely been losing weight (not sure if putting him on the urinary so has contributed to this also).

my new roommate & are now keeping a constant watch to make sure adam west finishes his food completely so he can hopefully gain some weight back.. but should i be adding something else to this mix to diffuse the aggression? my roommate and i also play with both cats daily (baby cat likes to play EXTREME FETCH and adam west likes the feather-toy we have) to try and wear them out during the evening.

i feel like i've created a monster here! baby cat is so absolutely aggressive and possessive that i'm not sure what else i can do :( 

please help!

p3 and the king

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2012
Branson, Missouri (USA)
Well, females are more prone to be domineering and "alphas."  Usually males are push overs and don't care and let them have the spot.  Most of this seems like her asserting her dominance and just being an "alpha" although a bit of a jerk of an alpha.   This is not uncommon.  Adam's sweet nature has painted a target on his back.  She sees him as prey now.  I would recommend putting the calming collar on him.  And feeding them separately if possible.  There isn't much you can do to stop Baby Cat.  But, you really need to build Adams confidence back up.  I recommend time outs for both cats.  Don't think of it as a punishment.  Whenever she is "bullying" him, just calmly separate the two.  Don't berate her or tell her she's "Bad."  Just say nothing and separate them for awhile.  Then, once you feels she has calmed down, end the time out.  This can be good because the time outs can establish special places each cat can call it's own.  Which will help Adam feel more secure again.  Pretty soon, Adam will realize that you are actually helping him balance out her domineering ways.  He'll be more confident and will see that she can't get away with it anymore so he can be more assertive, as well. 