New Years Resolutions


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 10, 2018
I don't normally make resolutions, new years or not, but due to some unbelievable BS I had to deal with recently (still am, actually) I think I'll make an exception this year. I resolve to not go out of my way to try to be nice or friendly with people and just be myself. That is, an introverted antisocial jerk. It's like I always say.....when life gives you lemons, kick life in the teeth and say "Screw you! I hate lemons."


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I don't normally make resolutions, new years or not, but due to some unbelievable BS I had to deal with recently (still am, actually) I think I'll make an exception this year. I resolve to not go out of my way to try to be nice or friendly with people and just be myself. That is, an introverted antisocial jerk. It's like I always say.....when life gives you lemons, kick life in the teeth and say "Screw you! I hate lemons."
You can give them to me. I love lemonade. :lolup:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 28, 2017
London, England
Mine are:

- To start steps to recovering from dermatillomania
- To get a job (in the process of applying right now, so that one will hopefully be finished already soon!)
- To learn Korean (I tried to learn Korean last year though didn't get to learn it properly, though I'd like to be able to learn how to read and write in Korean this year since I've always been very interested in the culture and would like to do a tour of China, Japan and South Korea at some point in the future)
- To spend less time on the internet and social media
- To exercise more and have a more balanced diet
- To learn how to manage my money more (this is something I'm terrible at, lol)
- To stop being so nice :lol: In all seriousness, I've found that trying to be kind to people who haven't done the same back to me hasn't lead to the results I've hoped for. I've learnt over time that sometimes, you have to be somewhat mean, even if it's not your strong suit (which for me it certainly isn't!)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 10, 2018
You can give them to me. I love lemonade. :lolup:
I don't think you'd want these particular lemons, they have very thin skins that are almost transparent with this odd little bit on one end that vaguely resembles an outie bellybutton. They are also soft to the point that they can be squeezed yet they bounce back to their original shape, but if you lay them on a flat surface they sorta start to flatten out. If you poke them with something sharp they explode and anything the juice gets on will smell of urine.

.....Now that I think about it, I'm not entirely sure these are even lemons at all. Leave it to life to ruin even that much.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I don't think you'd want these particular lemons, they have very thin skins that are almost transparent with this odd little bit on one end that vaguely resembles an outie bellybutton. They are also soft to the point that they can be squeezed yet they bounce back to their original shape, but if you lay them on a flat surface they sorta start to flatten out. If you poke them with something sharp they explode and anything the juice gets on will smell of urine.

.....Now that I think about it, I'm not entirely sure these are even lemons at all. Leave it to life to ruin even that much.
Hmmm. Not so good!
I'd just go snorgle my CATS and leave those alone.


Warrior of SandClan
Super Cat
Oct 22, 2017
Planet Earth
Im 2019, I want to focus on music (piano, violin and guitar) and my education. I'm self-teaching myself guitar, and it is a delight to work on! Hopefully this year I can take my violin and guitar exams.

The past two years, I've earned the highest overall average award in my school, and I am working to get it three years in a row. That would be the cat's pajamas!

I also resolve to pursue French with more vigour, and to perfect my Bulgarian. If there's time, I'll do some Spanish as well!

I'm in the process of writing a "novel" (strongly stated), and I want to rough out 30-50 pages this year. If I accomplish that, I might go for 100!

Once the snow melts, I'll start training for my 1.5 km run. My goal is to get down to 4 minutes. Right now I sit between 5-6 minutes.

That's enough out of me! I'll be quiet now.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Im 2019, I want to focus on music (piano, violin and guitar) and my education. I'm self-teaching myself guitar, and it is a delight to work on! Hopefully this year I can take my violin and guitar exams.

The past two years, I've earned the highest overall average award in my school, and I am working to get it three years in a row. That would be the cat's pajamas!

I also resolve to pursue French with more vigour, and to perfect my Bulgarian. If there's time, I'll do some Spanish as well!

I'm in the process of writing a "novel" (strongly stated), and I want to rough out 30-50 pages this year. If I accomplish that, I might go for 100!

Once the snow melts, I'll start training for my 1.5 km run. My goal is to get down to 4 minutes. Right now I sit between 5-6 minutes.

That's enough out of me! I'll be quiet now.
Lofty goals, and it sounds like you'll ace them all! :yess:


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
I'm not going to but any more drinks that come in PET bottles.

I've been doing some volunteer rubbish/litter/trash picking and I was shocked by the huge amount of waste plastic we found.

Not that I'm the kind of person who would ever discard an empty drink bottle, but I figure buying things in PET bottles is 50% of the problem, so from now on I'm going to make sure I always take my reusable drink bottle with me and fill it up at home.

Save money that way too.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I'm not going to but any more drinks that come in PET bottles.

I've been doing some volunteer rubbish/litter/trash picking and I was shocked by the huge amount of waste plastic we found.

Not that I'm the kind of person who would ever discard an empty drink bottle, but I figure buying things in PET bottles is 50% of the problem, so from now on I'm going to make sure I always take my reusable drink bottle with me and fill it up at home.

Save money that way too.
Such a good resolution and one that everyone can make, Norachan Norachan ! A lot of the water that's sold is just treated tap water anyway. Tap water in many parts of the world is very safe to drink. I always drink it. People can buy all kinds of water bottles made from different materials, in various price ranges, too. Places like apply part of each sale to help animals, too! ;):yess:


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 1, 2017
I love New Years because it is a brand new start and gives the motivation/incentive we need to change something we are not happy with. Even if we fail, it is moving forward to even think about something we need to change or get done.
This year, once again, I plan to lose some weight. I weigh 140 and want to get down to the weight I felt and looked the best at, 125. It's going to be a lot harder now, menopause is to blame since I was fine before that. 60's is an age of lower exercise and love of food and is hard to change. I have joined an exercise class three days a week, so far it has just shown me how far out of shape I am!
I weigh 160 and need to be at 125 and I am also 60+. I can understand.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
The new year should start at the end of winter like around March 15. That's when most people (unless they live in warm climates like I do right now) start to think about planting a new garden. I think the ancients used to do that which is why December was called the 10th month (hence its name). It certainly would make more sense instead of that arbitrary Jan 1.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
The new year should start at the end of winter like around March 15. That's when most people (unless they live in warm climates like I do right now) start to think about planting a new garden. I think the ancients used to do that which is why December was called the 10th month (hence its name). It certainly would make more sense instead of that arbitrary Jan 1.
Actually you are wise, segelkatt segelkatt ! In much of the rest of the world, the New Year is celebrated on or around 21 March. I've always loved this, as I was born just a few days after that, and Spring is the time of renewal! I read that Julius Caesar was the guy who decided to make it in December. Can't think of anything offhand to say good about him.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 1, 2017
I was recently diagnosed as pre-diabetic. That means I am .3 of a point away from a serious disease (that is the blood sugar number if you don't know). So my resolution is to change my diet and reverse it. I did it about 4 years ago, but recent stress in my life caused my diet to go south.

I also want to continue to de-clutter. I could easily be a hoarder if I had more room. I have been going through things and giving them away for several months now. I keep finding more things that I say "why am I storing this?" My cat shelter has 3 thrift stores so I donate to them which makes it a little easier.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I was recently diagnosed as pre-diabetic. That means I am .3 of a point away from a serious disease (that is the blood sugar number if you don't know). So my resolution is to change my diet and reverse it. I did it about 4 years ago, but recent stress in my life caused my diet to go south.

I also want to continue to de-clutter. I could easily be a hoarder if I had more room. I have been going through things and giving them away for several months now. I keep finding more things that I say "why am I storing this?" My cat shelter has 3 thrift stores so I donate to them which makes it a little easier.
Excellent, R rgwanner ! on both counts. If you did it once, you can do it again. And de-cluttering your environment helps de-stress you, which will undoubtedly help you make those good choices. Donating things to cat shelter thift stores is the best!!! If I could, I'd do the same in a heartbeat. :yess:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Losing weight will also bring your blood sugar down. They found quite a few years ago that the people who were pre-diabetic who had the stomach reducing surgery IMMEDIATELY had a reduction in blood sugar and had no idea why that happened. They were actually looking to see if that was a cure for diabetes (don't know what happened to that study).
De-cluttering should be done at least once a year. Whatever you have not used/worn for at least a year needs to go. That of course does not work for things like knicknacks/books or seasonal things such as Christmas decorations but even those can be weeded out.
Of course, since I will be moving next August I have a real reason to get rid of "stuff" that I don't really need and have been doing so on a continuing basis since September, even some furniture is going to go. However, I am now going to keep things I had planned on donating because I found just how cold it gets in Reno where I am moving to and my warm jackets and sweaters will come in real handy next winter. I will even start haunting the thrift stores next week for warm pants and thick sweatshirts that the snowbirds who have moved here are getting rid of. I will actually need two different wardrobes, one for summer and one for winter, which I have not needed for many years.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Losing weight will also bring your blood sugar down. They found quite a few years ago that the people who were pre-diabetic who had the stomach reducing surgery IMMEDIATELY had a reduction in blood sugar and had no idea why that happened. They were actually looking to see if that was a cure for diabetes (don't know what happened to that study).
De-cluttering should be done at least once a year. Whatever you have not used/worn for at least a year needs to go. That of course does not work for things like knicknacks/books or seasonal things such as Christmas decorations but even those can be weeded out.
Of course, since I will be moving next August I have a real reason to get rid of "stuff" that I don't really need and have been doing so on a continuing basis since September, even some furniture is going to go. However, I am now going to keep things I had planned on donating because I found just how cold it gets in Reno where I am moving to and my warm jackets and sweaters will come in real handy next winter. I will even start haunting the thrift stores next week for warm pants and thick sweatshirts that the snowbirds who have moved here are getting rid of. I will actually need two different wardrobes, one for summer and one for winter, which I have not needed for many years.
You're so right, segelkatt segelkatt ! Give what you don't need and WON'T need, but think about it carefully before just giving up everything you haven't needed in awhile. When I moved down here from the Mojave, I kept stuff like my gumboots (useful in rain on muddy ground on just wet grass), long underwear sets (layering with these in cold weather makes just as much sense here as it did there!), ski jacket, gloves, etc. It's always been my dream to move back there, but even if I can't, I have these things and don't have to replace them "if and when". Those things don't change in style that much, and if they're useful, KEEP THEM! is my advice. Why have to buy things again and again? Actually I've got clothes I've had for -- well, a LONG time by current standards -- because they're still good, I like them, and I don't want to go out and buy similar twice! I gave up a lot of things when I moved, and gave up a lot of things that had belonged to my folks, that I wish I had back. So it pays to give it a good think before letting things go. That's not hoarding -- it's just useful.