New kitty was loveable


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 22, 2016
When first bringing new cat home she was liveable.. my other cat that I've had for 2 years has always been a don't bother me unless I want you to type of cat.. well the hissing at her all the time went into they now will chase eachother around the house.. but old cat will still hiss at her if gets to close.. I noticed about a week after getting new cat she don't wanna be picked up or nothing unless she comes to you she will meow and try to run if you grab her.. I also notice she's never too far laying down from the other cat as well.. just find it odd that she went from loving to barely wanting messed with..


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
Cats are cats.

I would do a couple of things. I would let the cat initiate any interaction and contact. Let the new cat touch you rather than reaching out to the new cat. After the trust is built then you will be able to touch the new cat.

I would use food to help build trust. Feed the cat and sit there in a calm and confident way. This associates you with good things (food). Sometimes cats do not like to be looked at so if she acts a little skittish when you look at her just look away.

Also, you can give eye kisses. This is when you close your eyes to the cat for a few seconds.Talk to the cat softly and calmly and confidently. Cats take on our emotions so if we are calm and confident then they will be more so.

Then let the cat rub on you, then maybe head butt you before you reach out to touch the cat. Then at some point you can start trying to pet her.

It is just about building trust. Sometimes it takes time. I deal with feral cats and it can take a while sometimes. But cats know when they are loved and they can begin to trust. Food really builds trust.

Just take it slowly. I'll be here to help you during this and answer any questions you may have.