New Kittens, One Has Behavior Problems, Possibly Health.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 2, 2018
Hello, Im new here and could really use some advice. It's been several years since we had a cat prior to this. We adopted two kittens, a littermate male and female pair, November 1st. They are now 6 months old. They’re both very sweet with us but the boy is causing so many problems we’re contemplating returning him to the shelter, which we feel bad about. I’ve had cats in the past but never more than one at a time. I specifically wanted littermates because I read that they would have an aamzing bond but that hasnt been the case.

The girl is truly a sweetheart and has never caused one problem, ever. She’s also the smaller of the two, by far. The boy bullies her to the point that we cant show her affection if he is around. He’s very jealous and constantly butts her out of the way. So we started separating them and giving her affection in a different room for an hour or so a day.

But it’s with food too. They have separate food bowls placed across the room from each other but if the boy sees her eating he charges her and pushes her out of the way, same with drinking water. I dont know what to do about that other than separate them. But then whats the point of having two cats? He also pounces on her when she’s trying to sleep and she never wants to play with him. She ends up hissing and swiping at him before retreating under the bed. So basically, she lives under the bed and he guards all resources from her.

So, that’s the first of our two big issues. The second is that the boy has litterbox/poop problems. He also doesnt clean himself. He poops in the litterbox, then immediately will go and jump on our bed and sit on it, leaving a brown stain and a ridiculous amount of litter. Its almost like he prefers to do this to rid himself of litter and wipe his bottom instead of licking his bum like most cats do.

I change the sheets and wash the duvet every day. Yesterday morning I found poop and litter on my pillow. This cant go on. I have a toddler and he touches everything. Im paranoid about poop spots on the floor (we have dark wood floors) or in various places I can’t readily see them. If I shut him out of the bedroom then he sits on the carpet or couch. He doesnt scoot, and they just got all their vaccines and everything so I wouldnt think its worms. We have to try to catch him after he uses the litter box and wipe his bottom. But he usually goes at night after we’re in bed or during the day when we arent home, then jumps up on the bed. He’s also recently started treading his back paw in it so there are now poopy paw prints all over floors and bed. I cannot live like this. My whole house feels disgusting to me.

I’ve scheduled a vet visit for later in the week, but honestly I feel exasperated that one cat is causing this many problems. I’ve always had clean cats so this is strange to me. The bullying behavior is my main concern because I feel like my female kitten is miserable around him. Shes so much happier and more playful when they are in separate rooms. Its affecting our bonding with both of them. Her because we have such limited access to her, and him because we are frustrated with his behavior. We do give them both equal affection though as best we can.

Any advice or suggestions? Are we horrible for thinking about returning him to the shelter? I am taking him to the vet first obviously, but Im worried this is behavioral. I thought kittens at this age would be able to properly clean themselves.

*Also, they are on TOTW dry food and Blue Buffalo Wilderness canned. They get an 1/8th of the (big) canned each twice a day.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Well, returning him to the shelter is always the option of last resort, and to be utterly honest, it is sometimes a death sentence, so let's see if we can't figure something else out here! There are a lot of solutions for behavioral issues in cats now, whereas for years there wasn't much one could do. Mention the possiblility of medication to your vet. Your kitten might, if this is behavioral, do well on Prozac or something like it, at least for a while. Many cats who take it can eventually be weaned off of it successfully. But even before that, you might try him on chamomile tea as a calming agent. 1-3 teaspoonsful, chilled, up to 3 times a day. Be sure to use commercial tea bags, as they are all German chamomile, rather than English chamomile, which is useless, and, in fact, toxic to cats. English is what is commonly grown in gardens here. Not sure what to do about him not cleaning himself, but that might be part and parcel of an anxiety issue. If it is, then calming him may take care of it. If can try to catch him as he comes out of the box, and wipe his kitty bum with a baby wipe. Beats random poop spots!
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TCS Member
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Jan 2, 2018
I took them to the vet the other day. He started him on antibiotics to see if that cures the poop issue. I have been wiping his bum everytime I catch him but sometimes we aren't home or are asleep and he always jumps directly on the bed. Spreading litter and leaving poo stains everywhere he sits. Its really become a problem.

The vet told me to separate them while eating to make sure the female gets enough to eat but he said to not interfere other than that and the behavior is normal?

The poop issue is my main concern at this point because its simply not something we can deal with long term. The vets office called this morning asking for an update on how hes doing on the meds but unfortunately things haven't changed at all. They said we might start trying a new diet and to put him on a grain free food. To which I said he is already on a grain free food. So then they said to bring him in again and the vet will try to figure something else out whatever that means?

Is it possible that hes just a dirty kitty and nothing is medically wrong with him? He doesnt like to clean or lick his bum ever. But it does seem abnormal that he has a liquidy sometimes mushy residue on his anus. I had high hopes that the antibiotics would work.
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TCS Member
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Jan 2, 2018
Also, its a small rescue a lady does out of her home, its not an actual shelter. I dont want to give him back but we are TTC and its simply not healthy to be living among poop stains and never knowing where there is one on dark surfaces. We also have a toddler who will eat off the floor if he drops something despite our efforts to stop him.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Also, its a small rescue a lady does out of her home, its not an actual shelter.
Well, that's a huge relief if worse comes to worse, and you are can't deal with it forever, especially with a very young child in the mix.

Actually, charging the food dish isn't that unusual. Especially with a really high-energy kitten who is hungry 24/7 anyway, but the residue on the anus is troubling, a bit. It isn't a "usual" kind of thing. I'm wondering about food allergies other than grain sensitivity. Try to find foods with very few ingredients, so that you can (hopefully) figure out what he might be having a problem with and eliminate it. Your vet should be able to advise you. If he doesn't have a satisfactory answer, I'd try posting the issue here on TCS in the Nutrition forum. I have some very basic knowledge, but the guys over there ROCK!