New Kittens and Bad reactions


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 6, 2012
Well, I recently posted in the Nutrition forums about how I'm a new cat owner with a very cuddly 4 month old male kitten named Archie. Also in the house is somebody else's cat, an 11 week old female. Stunted growth from her extremely bad feral conditions. So bad that we actually lost her littermate...the whole reason we got Archie in the first place. Archie and Angel have always gotten along great. They do play extremely rough though.

However, this morning a surprise...well, TWO surprises walked through my door. Two 7 week old kittens. After picking my jaw from the floor I realized what this meant. More work for me. A LOT of work now. The person who brought them in won't take responsibility for them, so I have to do it all. These two kittens are a male and a female. The male is a cream-colored striped with white stomach/face/paws/etc. Really cute. The female is a calico. Both have the brightest blue eyes. Which, does make me wonder. When do kittens change their eye color? We got Angel at 8 weeks and she was a mix of green/blue so will they change during this week? They show no signs whatsoever.

Anyway...on topic. I planned to separate them, as they both had fleas. Plus, they were feral kittens. Apparently the mother was friendly towards humans and had her babies under a house near my uncle's farm. The people who were 'taking care of them' (and I use this term loosely, at the state of these poor guys.) didn't have the money/resources/etc and were giving them away. I believe they were taken from their mother too soon. I went to the person's house to talk to the woman, but she is partly mentally challenged and couldn't hear unless you yelled so it was really hard to get any important information out of her. The best I got was that they had Friskies Canned and had gotten on it...I suppose recently? So, anyway, I did plan to separate them, but the person who owns Angel is one of those types of people that think they know everything about cats, even if they're completely wrong with everything that comes out of their mouth. So, of course, he plopped Angel right in the box when my back was turned. Yay. So Angel has fleas. So Archie has fleas. So now the dogs have fleas....just....
To top it off there is no way to put them in their own little room now, since they started remodeling the kitchen and the rooms are /filled/ with boxes. It's a mess. We have a hall to move. That is it. So, they're in the dining room which is attached to the living room. In a dog cage the size for a medium dog. They're in there for their own protection as they get used to the dogs, the dogs get used to them, and the other two kittens start being nosy.

To get to the behavior part....sorry, I ramble.

The kittens are feral...but not at the same time. They will tolerate you near them, but even think about moving your hand near them to pet/touch and you get a hiss. The calico is more skittish than the cream. She won't come near a hand to sniff, at all. The cream will at least sniff. One of my biggest problems with her is that when you pick her up, she scream/meows. Over and over again like you're trying to kill her. Does anybody know what can be done to stop her from screaming? Even getting close to my hand would help. Angel was a feral when we got her, but she was never so bad. It makes me wonder if that family was hitting them. If they were, and they are afraid, is there anything I can do to get them trusting me?

Now, to my cat. Angel is fine with them, by the way. However, Archie is acting hostile. He hissed at them when he first saw them. Later on, they were all out playing (Well, the two new were playing with a cheese chase ball track, which was getting them out of their shell. Then, of course, the other two came running to investigate) Archie would hit the ball back at them and play a little. He even sat there watching them play it. No signs of aggression. I thought he was fine until they got closer and he started to whack them. With his paw. One hiss was all I heard. Rest was whacking. He even had the nerve to jump off the couch to ambush them and whack them again! At first I thought it would be the little male, but he is whacking the little female too! I don't want him to scare them back into the shell I'm trying to get them out of. Is there anything I can do to stop this behavior? (I saw him whack Angel once as well, which I've never seen, but then they got back to playing as normal)

I must also say...even though I wish I didn't have to...that this will be a long uphill battle. Not only because of the personalities and feral background, but because everything I do with these kittens will be squandered by the person I talked of earlier, who owns Angel. He doesn't care if the cat is not his own. He will do what he pleases, and he will not take no for an answer. Tell him to not let the kittens out? Turn your back, out they are. Tell him not to give them mass amounts of dry when they're eating wet fine? Turn your back, it's in the cage/bowl/etc. There is nothing I can do to stop him. I've had a number of arguments with him already.
He plays with his hands roughly as well, which he says "Does nothing to them". Sure. Mr. Galaxy and the whole world says otherwise, but you guys understand that one person.
I'll try to do my best with them and get them to trust hands again, but with him reaching in and acting like they're normal kittens, it's gonna be tough.

Sorry for how long this post is! I like to give all the information I can.
I'll also posts pics up when I have the chance.

p3 and the king

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2012
Branson, Missouri (USA)
Is this person your roomate or what?  Well, I would simply tell him that if he wishes the kittens to stay and for your help that he needs to come to a compromise with you.  That is really not only irresponsible but completely disrespectful of him to bring home 2 kittens without asking you if you are OK with it.  I would mention that to him.  There isn't a whole lot you can do, even if you are taking responsibility for them.  I would say try to have a calm and adult conversation with this person.  If not, then look for another place to live. 

Oh and the other cats and dogs would have eventually had fleas anyway as the eggs and larvae fall out from the coat when scratched to the floor... So, you need to treat all of them. 

Best of luck!!  Wish I had more to say but with no control over the situation, there isn't a lot you can do but try to reason with him.  Not argue, reason!
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TCS Member
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Aug 6, 2012
As it stands I cannot move out, and even if I do approach him reasonably he starts to argue. He doesn't care about my opinion or anything else I try to talk to him about. There is an age difference between us, so that is the main reason why he won't listen to me. I caught him today feeding the one kitten dry food, and I just saw her scream and rush towards the litter box with diarrhea trailing from her. It really makes me angry. I can't stay inside and watch him 24/7. And I'm sorry if I wasn't completely clear on this, but the kittens aren't his. They're my other roommates. (And yes, both are roomates of mine) Which is the main reason why I don't understand him even touching them in the first place.

To the fleas, maybe, but maybe not. The kittens were in a box when we brought them in, and they went straight down to a different floor (that the other two cats never go on). No contact would have been made with the other floors at all.

The kittens both have persistent diarrhea right now. We have them on medication to help stop it, but it seems to be getting worse and worse. Since I caught him feeding one dry today, I'm starting to suspect that is the reason we can't get rid of it. I can't be here 24/7, after all. I'm not sure what to do with them. I feed them, then they have diarrhea, and now they're losing weight from it as well. I feel helpless, to put it bluntly. They're both very vocal kittens, so hearing them cry just breaks my heart. The little runts wormed there way in there somehow.

To update on the behavior, Archie has improved with them bunches. I've seen both of them snuggled up to him sleeping already. I about died from cuteness overload.

The calico kitten is still extremely weary of hands, and she still cries horribly when I try to touch her. =/ I don't know what to do with her.

p3 and the king

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2012
Branson, Missouri (USA)
I am sorry I misunderstood which roomates they are.  Well, have you tried talking to the roomate that brought them into the fold?  Maybe you can reason with them.  Maybe not.  But these people sound very immature and disrespectful.  I feel for you.  But there isn't a whole lot you can do if you can't take charge and get through to them.  They are adults and technically they can do as they please.  I hope for the best for you in the future and for the kittens.  I would take on the responsibility of feeding them yourself and when you see him give them something, just toss it.  Don't make a big deal about it.  Just toss it or pick up the kittens and take them to your room.  Getting worked up yourself doesn't help.  I know it's easier said than done.  But a lot can be said without words and just gestures. 

If it's your place, I would look into tossing them out and getting new roomates.  But that is just me.  However that could become more of a headache for you to deal with as well.  Renters have rights. 
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 6, 2012
I have tried talking to her, but she listens to him. He wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for her. She was listening to me, and we were going to upgrade their food and everything today. However, this morning they got even sicker, and he got to her first. Now, she is completely disregarding everything the vet said and is listening to him. She won't listen to me anymore either, saying that wet food is crap and they shouldn't be on it at all. She is now putting them on dry food, which I fear will only make their condition worsen. They're not very old. I'm afraid this sudden change they'll force on them will kill them. They'll never mix the food. They'll just give it. With their current dehydration from their condition putting them on dry is extremely risky.

I wouldn't care if they did as they pleased if it only affected themselves. However, when they put the lives of tiny kittens in their way I won't stand quietly by. I'm working on 4 hours of sleep just so I can go with her to the store and try to get her into something that will help them. I'm hoping that she will listen to me, but I have a feeling my efforts are wasted.