New Kitten In Home, Change In Behavior Of Resident Cat


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 13, 2018
Hi guys.

I have a 9 month old guy named Bandit who is very social and loves all new people and animals he's met. He likes to interact so much that he was starting to get really hard to handle needing constant interaction and attention. He would scold me for a couple of hours every time I came home from work and would wake me up at 5 AM nearly every morning to be played with.

Anyway, long story short I got a rescue kitten from the SPCA on Saturday so he'd have a buddy to hang out with when I am out or busy. He is so social and tolerant of new people that I decided to skip most of the steps for introducing a new cat. There was some growling on the first day and then some wrestling to establish to the new kitten who the boss is, but for the most part they seem to have worked it out. They have no problem sleeping with one another already and Bandit has been caught grooming the new kitten a few times. Sometimes Bandit still likes to assert himself but sometimes he lets the new kitten chase him a little.

The reason for this thread is that I have noticed some behavioral changes in Bandit since Saturday. He used to purr a lot when I came home and when I scratched his ears or chin. He isn't the cuddliest cat on earth but he used to at least tolerate it and start purring when I'd pick him up and lavish affection on him, now he squirms out right away. He used to play obsessively with a feather wand toy I have but now he can't even be bothered with it, or any of his other toys. He will just watch the kitten play but even when the kitten isn't around he can't be tempted to play.

It's a bit too early to tell but I think he might be sleeping more in the last couple of days, but there has not really been any change in his diet or litter box habits.

Do you think I'm just being overly worried and he's just adjusting to the new addition? Admittedly I am spending more time with the kitten because he is always jumping up on me, but I am making sure that I regularly interact with my Bandit, feed him treats and pet him and try to play with him.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Hello and welcome to TCS. It's not unusual for an older cat's behaviour to change when a new cat/kitten is brought into the home.

Here's an excerpt from How To Introduce A Kitten To An Older Cat

"In fact, some owners report that the cats are taking to one another to the extent that they require less attention from the humans. If you're used to your older cat being clingy, this may come as a surprise. It's not a bad thing, of course. It just means your cats have become good friends."

So it could be that he's just adjusting to his new sibling. Do ensure you spend lots of time with him, ensuring him he's not being replaced.

Good luck with the 2 kittens. Remember to take lots of pictures, as they grow up too quickly. :camera: