New Kitten hates me and I’m sad


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 24, 2021
Hello, this is my first post here! I just need some help or I think more reassurance then anything.
I just adopted two 8 week old kittens 6 days ago. One of them is so brave and curious and loving already. His sister though is extremely skittish. And she jumps at every sound and runs away from us.We have been very quiet and slow around the house to not startle her as much as possible.
The problem is, the shelter scheduled them to get spayed/neutered about two days after we got them. And again, the boy is perfectly fine. He doesn’t have a care in the world. But the girl kitten wouldn’t stop licking her stitches so basically we’ve had to traumatize her multiple times finding ways (cones, a sock sweater) for her to stop licking them. She kept getting out of everything so basically she licked the stitches enough that the vet gave us some antibiotics. And now she really hates us because we have to give it to her twice a day and the only way she will take it is if I hold her and put it in her mouth while she’s meowing. I’ve tried mixing it in wet food and she’s just too smart and will not eat it. And now she’s so scared of us. Plus she has to wear a sock sweater and she’s so uncomfortable but she can’t lick her stitches 😭. I give her space. And sometimes when she’s getting sleepy I will lay on the floor and pet her and she will purr and fall asleep. But if she’s awake, she won’t let you get near her. I’m just so worried that because her first couple weeks with us are going to consist of us scaring her so much, that she’s never going to like us. She won’t take any treats from me either. Like she refuses. I guess I just need reassurance that she will one day forgive us and not hate us or be scared because I feel so bad for her. Thank you for any advice.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Eight weeks old is so young, she absolutely is going to forgive you and forget about her scary experience. What she needs most right now is to rest and to heal. Make sure she has a warm comfy place to sleep and is eating/drinking. In a week at Most I bet you will see her coming out of her shell and being much more interested in her humans.

Tik cat's mum

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 20, 2019
susanm9006 susanm9006 is absolutely right cat's especially kitten's don't hold grudges. She'll come out of her shell in no time. She'll want to rest and heal right now, boy's recovery is faster than girls. So don't worry take it from someone who had to give her kitten antibiotics for about 8 weeks because of him getting poorly, they forgive and forget very fast.