New Kitten Blues????


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 6, 2023
Hi!! I am new to this site and very excited to be in a community filled with other cat lovers and cat gurus!!

I am bringing my dilemma here because I feel like my fiance thinks I am crazy and so do all of my friends! My fiance and I have a 5 year old Siberian cat named Percy who weighs in at about 18.5lbs. Percy has been the absolutely LIGHT of my life since we got him as a 2mo old kitten in 2018. He was the most fearless, social, daring and curious little kitten with the biggest personality I have ever met. Over the past 5 years it has been the 3 of us against the world. We live in an apartment, but started traveling frequently in the car with Percy as a kitten and bringing him to my parents house whenever we travel there (every 2 weeks about, give or take) and he LOVES it! He sleeps the whole car ride and he is happy as a clam in my parents big house with their screened in pool enclosure. Now, my fiance and I both have very demanding work schedules and were noticing Percy become a little lazier and more sleepy/bored, but he was still the sweet gentle silly giant that loved to be with his momma.

Enter... FISH. I have been asking my fiance for YEARS for a new kitten to keep Percy company, especially seeing how social and playful he is. Finally, this past February, my fiance agreed it was time. I spent a lot of time looking for the perfect kitten (one that was social and playful to match Percy). Finally, the universe's cat distribution system dropped a sweet 4mo old tan tabby in our laps.. and his name is Fish! Fish stumbled into someone's pool as a young kitten and required resuscitation. Luckily for him, other than a little water in his belly, he was completely fine! We decided to take a chance on him and bring him home.

We brought him home on Sunday evening, and by bedtime that night, Fish was out of his hiding spot in the bathroom and ready to snuggle us. We were SO surprised and touched by this little guy's heart. HE IS TRULY SO SWEET. Now after a few days of interacting under the door and swapping each others toys many times... we let them interact face to face. Percy really only every hissed at Fish maybe 3 times total? And only growled ONCE. Fish was honestly the one doing all the hissing! But since then, the boys have been out unrestricted really. Percy and Fish rough play a lot (no growling, no hissing, no arched backs) but sometimes I feel like Percy is being very rough with Fish as I will sometimes hear Fish let a little whine or cry out. But he will get up and trot away but doesnt hide or act too afraid of Percy. Fish is still battling food insecurity - he is NOT agrgessive when he eats, he is just a GARBAGE DISPOSAL and will FIEND for all food possible (even our food!!!) His foster mom did tell me he was having some GI issues (we think sensitive stomach as all the vet tests came back negative) which is something I have been battling with ALL week. I have him on special GI food currently and got new probiotics last night. He is such a gassy little guy as well. BUT this whole situation has disrupted Percy's normal feeding routine as he was used to just being able to graze from his automatic feeder whenever he felt, but due to the sensitive stomach ANNNND his ravenous food insecurity, I have had to get them on a strict feeding schedule.

Percy has been acting differently towards ME (this is where my fiance comes in and thinks I am crazy). Percy has been almost giving me a cold shoulder. He doesn't purr as much, play with his toys really, doesn't come to the door to greet me or snuggle me. Mind you, it has been only a week +1 day... but I feel like this kitten has been causing me so much stress over my relationship with Percy!! Everyone keeps telling me to have more patience and that they have already made incredible progress, but I am just feeling a little beaten down and almost SAD. I want to bond with our new kitty, but I feel like my fear over losing my close bond with Percy is causing me to hold back and not enjoy him nearly as much.

I guess I am just posting this for advice, reassurance, a shoulder to lean on and tell me I am not crazy... or maybe I am crazy! I have just been feeling very down and like I made a massive mistake. I am growing attached to Fish and would never give him up, but I am just feeling so sad and so anxious over the change in relationship with Percy, and Fish's sensitive stomach and his food insecurity. I was expecting this to be a happier transition and was not expecting to be feeling this sad/anxious...


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
It sounds like Percy is doing wonderfully with the new kitten and just like a kid with a new toy, he is probably a bit distracted and more interested in the kitten than hanging with mom. It pretty normal and once the novelty wears off he should be back to his cuddly self.

As far as food, at 18 pounds Percy is a big boy and giving up free feeding is probably actually good for him. He may not particularly agree with that but he will adjust. If you can add in more wet food and less dry both your guys will benefit by getting more protein and feeling fuller longer.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 6, 2023
Thank you so much! I have been wanting to transition from free feeding kibble for a long while but Percy has been SO resistant to it in the past... luckily, this situation is forcing me to tackle the problem now!


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Apr 29, 2022
One week is a very short time. It's not fun to hear to give it time but you must 🐱

For the play: he does the squeek and the other cat backs off. Perfect! That's what you want. Percy is reading the kitten's language correctly and then the kitten is happy by him stopping and usually stays close by sometimes needs some space, which Percy gives. Good job Fish and Percy! Let them know they are good boys when this happens.

Food schedule is good for them, and good for you because you can better understand their habits and know when something's wrong.

Are you doing any wet food? It's easier to digest. It's very healthy for all cats, but it's especially good for cats with GI issues. I had Magnus on Purina EN Chicken and Rice for a bit. Turned out it was a food allergy to beef and beef by-products that caused his GI issues. The chicken and rice really was easy for him to eat, made him feel good and helped sort his belly issues out so we could figure out what was going on. Now he eats a small variety of wet food and we keep their dry food fairly consistent.

Cat McCannon

TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 28, 2021
Things are going great and you're stressed out? Yep. You're crazy!

All kidding aside, you dodged the bullet and things are going great! The potential for disaster from introducing the cats too quickly and the age disparity, was high. Count your blessings! Relax. Seriously, relax because your cat is an expert at reading your body language. If you're anxious, your cat will pick up on that and take it as a signal he should be anxious about as well. When you're relaxed and confident, that tells your cat all is well with the world.

Free feeding is a good way to minimize your influence on your cat's behavior. Your cat will think "I don't have to pay attention to you. I have a Bottomless Bowl-A-Rama of Food".


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
You've gotten great advice. Just want to clarify one point: you can't overfeed a kitten, so dont worry about him being a little garbage disposal. In fact, its good that he have access to as much as he wants, as that sets him up to not have food insecurity when you do need to restrict him later in life. You can do a private feeding or even two of the little guy if the big one is eating too much. Not sure how many meals you are feeding, but kittens do better with more meals since they have small bellies relative to their huge appetites.

Protest noises are to be expected with a kitten playing with an 18 pounder, or any active adult for that matter. Some occasional discomfort, perhaps on the order of a head noogie. As long as the kitten is not bothered generally, except when its happening, its all good.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
Give Percy extra TLC, 1-8 hours away from the kitten, daily 1 on 1 play with the kitten locked out, Percy is king and does not get locked out of your bedroom (his throne), finally feed Percy first..... because Percy is king & Fish is a prince. In a month or a couple of weeks maybe try clicker training them to give them something fun/positive together.

A little catnip with silvervine in it while Percy is getting some alone time doesn’t hurt. If both Percy & Fish are happy drunks/catnip stoners than they can have catnip together.

All things considered things are going great!