New Kitten and Older Cat


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 25, 2012
Hello all,

I have a wonderful 6-year-old cat at home, and I adopted a 10-week old kitten 1 week ago.  I've tried to slow introduce them by swapping scents, and now allowing a few 1-2 hr co-mingling sessions per day.  My older cat generally tolerates the kitten, but will hiss/growl when she comes close. The kitten keeps trying to play with the older cat- usually by grabbing her tail or following her around our apartment.  This usually results in hissing/growling, and sometimes an occasional paw.  What stresses me even more is that my older cat's personality is simply not the same.  She was previously very friendly. Now she seem depressed, is hiding, has less energy, and is holding her urine and feces (yes- she is pretty constipated).  When will I get my older cat back? How long has the integration process taken for others?

p3 and the king

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2012
Branson, Missouri (USA)
Hissing and growling is normal and expect it for a few weeks at least.  Over time, it will stop.  Remember your older cat may find the kitten to be an annoying kid and not play with it but always be kind of grouchy if the kitten messes with them.  If you sense this is happening, you can reduce your older cats stress by removing the kitten and distracting them somehow yourself. 

Lots of people separate the new kitty for a week or 2.  You can keep interactions short (no more than half an hour at a time... I recommend less than that.  That way, your older kitty will not be as stressed and annoyed by the kitten bugging them) and as stress free as possible.  Praise your older kitty a lot.  And continue to praise them even after you put the kitten back in seclusion.  You can try feliway diffusers or the calming collar, many have good luck with those. 

It just takes time.  Just be patient and understanding and don't push or rush things.  Think about how you would feel in your older cats shoes.  Good luck!
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TCS Member
Jul 27, 2012
Although I'm sure some older cats do accept new kittens into the household, that has never been my experience. After I brought home my last cat, our middle cat did not adapt well to the new family member at all.  She became extremely jealous, and kept to herself significantly more than she used to.  I think it really depends on the personality of the cat.  My older cat Cookie is quite shy and fickle, so I believe she is overly sensitive and quick to become jealous.  Over time, Cookie has learned how to tolerate Sophie, but they are by no means friendly with each other. It has been five years since I brought Sophie home, so the process has been quite slow for us.  The most important thing to do is to give your older cat an excess of attention, so she won't associate the new kitten with her receiving less attention.  I hope things start to calm down between the two cats soon!


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 16, 2012
Nashville, Tennessee
In the behavior forum search for the thread: "New Kitten Won't Come Out of Carrier". It's one I started about a month ago, and there is a lot of good info in it pertaining to your exact situation.