"New" Cats Not Getting Along with Resident Cats


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 16, 2010
I have to be kind of vague about this for privacy reasons.

A few years ago some elderly relatives moved twice and couldn't take all their cats with them due to pet limit rules. I volunteered to hold onto three cats until they could buy a house. They agreed to pay for cat food, litter, etc. Unfortunately, they could never buy a house and are still renting, but with other family members now.

Let's skip ahead. I gave them one cat back about six months ago after one that was living with them died. About two weeks ago, their household agreed they could take the other two back after another cat died. The problem is that the other family members (who don't own the cats) did not follow the cat introduction rules and now these two cats aren't getting along with the resident cats. Now these other family members want to get rid of these two cats.

I am absolutely angry as hell. They didn't want the cats there to begin with, then they didn't follow the introduction rules and just essentially threw the cats in together, and now they want to get rid of them because they don't get along!? It sounds like this was set up to purposely fail. Either that or they're incredibly stupid or lazy people.

I don't want them to get rid of the cats. It's not right and it's not fair. Following their logic, they should also get rid of their teenage son.

I spent five years taking care of these cats and I love them, I don't want them to be sent away. But I'm not sure I can also take them back. They were a burden to begin with (because I have my own cats that are a handful) and they would be an even bigger burden now (I may have an elderly relative coming to live with me soon). The original agreement was that they would take back the cats after a couple of months, thinking they would be able to buy a house. I've had the cats five years. If the relative is still going to pay for them and promises to take them back after the one resident cat dies, then I could possibly take them back. The alternative would be to see if their family friend would want the cats permanently. Even that upsets me because I would never see them again. Honestly, it would be less heartbreaking if the cats died of an illness or natural causes.

I thought about contacting the vet to see if she has some suggestions for helping all the cats to get along. I don't think pheromones like Feliway are going to help, they might but I doubt it. I'm not sure temporarily giving anti-anxiety meds to the aggressive, jealous cat would be a bad thing or not. It may only be that cat who is really causing the problems. I was there almost all day this past Monday and I didn't notice any problems. So I'm not sure if things are exaggerated or not. I'd like to see the one "problem" cat interact with the one resident cat. This particular resident cat spends most of it's time outside but has a nighttime curfew, the other three cats are inside only. I don't know why they couldn't lock up the "problem" cat in a room at night. I don't think they want to be bothered.

Any suggestions? I feel that I may be too close to the situation to do the right thing. I'm too mad and upset to know what the right thing is anymore. I just know that my heart is breaking.


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
Two weeks is still early days in 'introducing cats' time, but if they're not going to do it properly, it's a problem, as you appreciate.

My feeling is that you seem very attached to these cats..  Could you take them back under the original conditions?  That they cover expenses?

I don't know what else to suggest as they seem unwilling to go through a correct procedure for introductions.  Would it help to give them our article on the subject? It's really comprehensive:   [article="32680"]How To Successfully Introduce Cats The Ultimate Guide​[/article]  
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 16, 2010
Thanks. I didn't think two weeks was long enough either. I'd be willing to take the cats back under the original agreement, but I'm not happy about it. I never fully integrated those cats with my cats and I expect to have fights between certain cats no matter what. My young cats drive me crazy (literally) as it is (more on that later). I'd at least be willing to give things a try.

I just wish I knew the right thing to do. Is it better to just let the family friend take the cats? I'm worried I'm taking on too much with so many cats. Plus, I'm worried about all the cats being happy and having their own space. Some cats don't like to be alone and some like to be alone for a while. Then there's the fact that there's not enough of me to go around. Some cats want more attention from me and I'm not always able to give it to them. But some want way too much. I guess I can't be expected to please them all.

If any of the family says anything more about the cat issues, I will print out the introduction rules and give it to them.


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
Do you think the family friend will be a good place for them to go?  For the cats' sake?