New Cat Mean To Resident Cat


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 2, 2017
i still say go for it. two months is really not a long time, and while it is stressful for the owners, they will get through this. like I said previously I am at about seven months now, and there is still some hissing and swatting. if there is no fighting they will get used to each other, and maybe even become friends. btw I tried the calming treats but my cats hated them. they are expensive so if you try them don't buy too many at once til you see if your cats will even eat them.


Life isn’t perfect, and it’s lovely that way. ❤️
Alpha Cat
Feb 17, 2018
New Hampshire
I’m so sorry you are going through this, really. Your home is your safe place, and it seems all three of you don’t really feel safe and secure right now. It sounds you are a super positive person who is working hard to make it work, but being that way myself, sometimes I’ve had to realize I’m trying to force happiness on a situation or (people or pets) that just don’t want it. It may (only may) be that she is meant for a different home, one she would be happier in (for whatever reason who knows you’ve done nothing wrong!) maybe your boy will be happier, maybe another cat is meant to be there too. I do believe things work out even when it’s not our plan, and just try to close your eyes and don’t force it and see what happens. She will be okay either way, and so will you! I know one way or another you’ll have a wonderful cat in your home, either her or another who’s meant to be. Much love and hope. <3

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Geez, 400.00 for a tooth extraction?! You guys all need to find a small town vet, I just had Casper done last month and it was 150.00 for the extraction and a cleaning. Spaying and neutering are a little more because we don't have the clinics, 165.00 with vaccinations, but they are always under two hundred for abscess, exploration, and most surgeries.
As for your little females personality, you stated she freaked out when you picked her up and tried to give the flea treatment, that indicates she is still not completely comfortable with her surroundings. Many cats take many months to settle down and have there personalities calm. She is acting like most older females, a matriarch and manners teacher anyway, they are usually hissy and swat a lot. I have always said the best cat family is two males to be buddies and a female to watch over them! If you want friendship it would most likely be a male. Your cats are having a perfectly normal female/male relationship. That doesn't mean she hates him or that they really aren't getting along. THEY understand the hisses and 'meanness', and really I think that in a year they will have a good relationship once she settles down and he understands his standing in the new family dynamics. My little female was exactly like this, and she ended up being my soul mate, so just learn to accept her for what she is and give her the time to love your boy. Just like all families they may not like each other at times, but love is always there.She desperately needs someone to love her,she is scared and so torn by all the change in her life. Cats HATE CHANGE and she has been through a lot. We are here to hopefully help you, I think you will be blessed for giving her a home. i will pray for you all and hope this all works out, you are being very patient and kind!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2017
yeah give it more time, they are not fighting, so a good sign.
They just need to get used to each other!