new cat in home hiding.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Aug 12, 2014
Hello one and all. I have 2 cats. Cat 1 i got about 3 weeks ago. A coworker couldn't keep him so i took him. He is 7 months old. Last week we work together and her other cat went missing. The long and the short of it is that she was moving and the movers let him out. They move away and a local woman was able to trap him. My friend can't take him right now because they don't allow pets. So in i step. I'm going to bring this cat into my home. He is now here and hiding. I'm keeping the 2 cats apart for now. They did come from the same household and cat 1 use to follow cat 2 around. Like i said cat 1 is 7 months old a liitle over 9 lbs.and has settled in very quickly. Cat 2 is 3.5 years old is 15 lbs. And at present is scared to death.

Let me add a few important facts. Both cats went inside and outside. It seems cat 2 spent most of his time outside because he had tons of fleas, has tapeworms and a urinarytrac infection. All of which are being dealt with. He was let out for about 4 days and nights, trapped brought to another household and then to a vet for a check up( thank god for this). After this it was brought to another home for 2 more days before i could pick him up. It is now hiding in everysmall place it can find. Amazing how small a space a 15 lb. Cat can fit in. I came home today and he hadn't eaten any food i left for him. I gave him someting different so i tried something else tonight and just checked on him and he ate the whole can. He did't drink any water (i think) so i filled up a large measuring cup to see how much he drinks ( if any). He did drink something when i brought him in because he has used the litter box, but i got home today and he hadn't.

I realise that this is going to take some time. I'm keeping them separated at the present time. I also know i put a lot of info in this e-mail but i thought it important to get the whole picture.

Thank you for any help you can.



TCS Member
Oct 24, 2014
I have a rescue cat and she hid under the spare room bed for a week when I first got her. I gave her space but I also sat on the floor next to the bed and just chatted to her, speaking quietly and in a reassuring tone. It was actually during one of these 'chats' that she came out from under the bed and started purring. And from then on she started spending more time out from underneath the bed. Now she hardly goes there!

I bought a Feliway diffuser when the fireworks were going off in November and was so surprised at how relaxed she became. The year before if one little firework went off she would sprint under my bed and be under there for hours. However, got the Feliway plug in and the first time fireworks went off she woke up from sleeping on her radiator bed and listened for a while before falling back to sleep. No hiding under the bed. She's a lot more chilled out with other noises that would freak her out like the hoover. So I think this plug in has really helped. Maybe try that?

Is there any reason why you're keeping the two cats apart? He might find that unsettling if he can smell the other cat but can't be with him when they're used to being together?

It will take time for him to adjust. Sounds like he's had a tough time and will probably feel very scared and unsettled.

Good for you taking them in though. That's kind of you.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 1, 2014
It is normal for cats in new environments to be skittish for a few days.  Are you keeping them in enclosed rooms?  They will adjust better if you limit the amount of space that they have access to at first.  These will become their safe rooms.  When they're more confident, you can let them explore more and more of your house.  

Since they have been through so much in such a short amount of time, I think all they need is a little time and space to calm down.  Just make sure that they are eating, drinking, and using the litter box okay.  You can spend time in their rooms with them, but don't force yourself on them or expect them to be super cuddly right away.  Patience is key.  

I don't think it would hurt to let the two kitties meet if they are already acquainted with each other and are both healthy.  The well-adjusted cat might calm down the scared cat.  If kitty doesn't eat, you can always try the food that he was eating at his old place.  

Yes to Feliway. 

Thanks for taking in these little guys.  Good luck!